In the first place, we don’t WANT undead Night Elves.
And in the second and more important place, they’re going back to the Alliance. You’ll get undead NEs to lead you into Shadowlands, and possibly as player customization as well, with none of the guilt of raising them yourselves. Blizzard just made the Horde the bad guy to give you something cool.
Oh right the forsaken lost a random waifu who’s nothing but a brat since day one to every thing which attempts to live. Oh same person blight bombed their home after carefully making sure all civilians were out of danger.
And the Night Elves just lost their home, their ancestral home since 10,000 years and a large percentage of INNOCENT people.
But yeah let’s pander to the tantrum child instead of looking at proper things.
Sometimes I wonder if people think about the lore before they post.
How can you not see the Forsaken losses as at least equal? Time spent aside (because no Forsaken is gonna be centuries old in the current timeline) both races lost their respective homelands (Teldrassil, Lordaeron). Meanwhile, Nelves lost a large amount of unnamed civilians (a tragedy, obviously, but not much meaning in a story where genocides happen all the time and Hero characters move the plots forward) and two named characters (one world quest giver, one made literally at that moment just to be lost ) while Forsaken have lost one of their best new characters yet (Zelling, like the latter Nelf loss but with more characterization than the race usually ever sees) and now the character that has lead and defined them since Vanilla.
Sylv being made a mustache twirling villain apparently starting in Cata aside, this is a very clearly a deep loss for Forsaken mains, and they’re not supposed to feel bad about that because… It’s not as bad as Nelves, somehow? It’s not being a “tantrum child” when they rightfully complain about being clearly screwed over on many fronts with no promise of rebuilding, just like the Nelf mains are doing, the Nelf players are just louder and way more common.
I should say that despite supporting the right of Forsaken fans to have their losses recognized in the story and by the fanbase, I don’t support trying to quantify and rank the damage done to the various factions. It never leads anywhere productive.
I think a big part of this (and why it is so strongly argued by each side) is that it’s nearly always framed as “X obviously lost more than Y, and you’re stupid if you don’t agree”.
The world is already increasingly polarized in other topics, and most people are trained to respond to insults against them or the group they identify with by doubling down on that allegiance. So as soon as a topic is framed as an “us vs them”, only-one-may-win argument, people tend to abandon the middle ground and argue for their faction to be the ‘winner’, even if both sides would otherwise agree that somewhere in the middle ground is the correct response.
Plus, the loud, annoying, insulting people/responses on this forum stick in memory a lot more easily than the reasonable people/arguments, so most readers will feel the debate is more argumentative than it probably is. I still remember a handful of Horde posters gloating over the Burning and lauding the amount of night elf civilians killed, much more strongly than I remember the Horde posters who were aghast at the situation, even though the latter was the majority. Many of those aghast Horde posters probably don’t remember those gloating Horde players as strongly as they remember all the Alliance players baying for Horde blood, despite all the other more reasonable Alliance posters’ calls for a middle ground. It’s human nature, as flawed as it is, and it just makes these arguments worse than they really should be.
No. One side Lost EVERYTHING. Their Home. Their Families. Their Heritage. Their Future.
The other GAVE UP their City willingly, with almost no Innocent Casualties, most loses from the result of the actions of their OWN LEADER, then said leader ABANDONED THEM when they started to realize that she was the cause of their losses.
No, Friend. It’s not “Equal”. Not even Close.
You knew what she was capable of, unless you were completely oblivious (or didn’t invest much in her lore). The whole Foresaken race seams to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. All the signs were there of her slowly becoming unhinged. You just chose to Love her regardless.
you cannot compare two events that are purposely framed as different.
The civillians of teldrassil died to the other faction.
The civillians of lordaeron evacuated safely and their city was destroyed by themselves.
apples and oranges.
i don’t deny that forsakens lost a lot, only that the nelfs lossed a far more lot. they also lost their dignity. the true problem with all of this.
i will believe it when it happens.
and i am not even sure that i want them after tyrande, even in her rage tried to bring them back with opens arms and she was spit on.
It’s literally the same.
Abandoning something is not Losing it.
The Populous left long before the Siege commenced.
Not staying to defend it means they sacrificed it.
Sylvannas had already planned to Sacrifice it from the start.
NE can repopulate and the tree can grow back. That is not true for the forsaken, with sylvanas gone. I do not think the forsaken have a way to repopulate, maybe ebon blade could join in or something.
with the few night elves left in the world I don’t think they have any future, especially with how little children they usually have. Also, the forsaken don’t have almost their entire former population in the maw forever.
but Sylvanas is not dead, she will be right back to the horde after her redemption and there are more than enough forsaken now with the helm of domination broken.
How is losing 1 city more than losing everything? And that’s after the forsaken got a massive victory with the whole war of thorns and Teldrassil.
Ya’ll are literally getting an entire zone in SL. Ardenweald screams Night Elf. Pretty sure you’ve a future.
As for the Forsaken - shut up about suggesting we didn’t lose any civilians. Really? Because every single one of those citizens is just bland ole’ Forsaken Refugee NPC. Every unique Undercity NPC, all the named ones save for the Quartermaster, Heirloom Vendor, Bat Handler and Cockroach salesmen are gone. Their unique scripts and dialogue are gone. I do not care if Blizz said you lost more. Because from what I’m being shown the Forsaken and Kaldorei are both bumming around campfires in an allied city.
The greater losses of the Kaldorei are entirely imaginary and in supplemental lore. In terms of the game - ya know the thing we’re here for - it looks about equal.
I didn’t say it was fine, or anything remotely close to it. Stop derailing the conversation.
The dragons are making a come back, I wouldn’t be surprise if someone took over for Ysera. As you say ofcouse they will find a replacement they are a playable race.