The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

I feel like near everything in BFA leads back to War of Thorns and the burning of Teldrassil. So it’s not like nelf players are a community of egomaniacs, constantly talking about themselves… I think that’s just an unrealistic thing to assume. Rather that it is a very real and fair criticism of BfA, that the night elves were made scapegoats for a story they would otherwise play no role in.

I think you are drawing an inaccurate conclusion from an unreliable sample size that is filtered by your own bias, all of which are an easy yet dangerous way of thinking.


I don’t get your point but you rarely have any.


Losing Sylvanas is probably one of the best things to ever happen to the Forsaken.


if you’re gonna be condescending, do it right


Too bad. Means you still couldn’t understand it.

No, you just joined in on the chorus of Forsaken Cries, complaining about how “Blizzard super-hates them and they’ll never get anything good.”

Your Addendum about Nightelves wasn’t what your post was about. And you trying to pretend that it is shows your dishonesty and inability to handle being proven wrong.

Your statement disqualifies itself.

Failed again, Tew


Back to a topic that actually matters: But do you guys know that Blizzard has mistreated the night elves more than any other race?

…what is this I don’t even…
Akiyass please tell you only did that as a deliberate trolling attempt.


I think the Night Elves won it in cloth and mail though.

Mounts too.

Yep. although I think the gothic plauge bat is pretty cool.

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It’s okay. I hate how it’s a reskin of those demon mount things.

The Teldrassil mount is essentially anothe hyppogryph reskin. I still like it though especially since it matches the armor.

Yeah, but with the warfront we got abunch of basically new saber mounts. I wish they had given us more skeletal or ghastly horses to go with the sabers.


I’m just going to repeat this, because it’s the most relevant response to this whole argument on the forums and also the best way to phrase it.

And we as players are humans. (Unless you’re a troll, I guess?) We’re going to feel a story about our favorite group more strongly than we feel the story for a group we don’t care about - so nothing’s going to be equal, because each act means something different to the receiving playerbase than it does to the acting playerbase.

Many Horde players didn’t want to be part of the Burning or didn’t care about conquering night elf lands for ~reasons. Many Alliance players felt that the strike at Dazar’alor was misplaced, not enough, or not warranted. But the people these things happened to definitely felt it strongly.


Night Elves are just mutant trolls. In the end they will always return to their heritage.

My favorite analogy I’ve heard for the WoW fanbase is that a Horde and Alliance player go to a restaurant. They order, but when the waiter comes back, he hands the Horde player a giant pile of feces and the Alliance player an empty plate with some dead flies on it.

Instead of getting mad at the waiter, the Horde and Alliance player spend the next hour bickering over which one of them the waiter hates more and why the other should actually be happy with what they’ve been given.


Tewdee complains a lot. Remember when he said Horde faction pride is over? Kek.


Are you saying it’s not?


Yes. Horde pride is a cult in WoW. You should know this.

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So, are you a “cultist”?

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