The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

But it was our rat infested sewer. And those weren’t just any rats. They were canabalistic, mutant, undead rats that survived by gnawing on the fel infused corpses of the minor fiends we fed to them. Eventually we would have bred a strain that was immune to the blight and then we were going to loose them in Stormwind and wipe out the humans with the ensuing epidemic.

Edit: I just now saw Bryssa’s response.


Those weren’t just Sylvanas fans making those threads. Likewise, not all Sylvanas fans are Forsaken players.

And the story in BFA was trash, Horde or Alliance doesn’t play into it.


You’re just ignoring the fact that you’re literally posting in a thread crying about how the Forsaken lost more…


Is OP a Forsaken?

I feel it’s worth emphasizing that it isn’t all Night Elf fans, it isn’t even a lot of them. It’s a very vocal minority.


It does when someone makes an outright delusional claim. Like, it certainly factored into his claimed bro. He specifically acted like only one side is crying lmao. It’s blatantly untrue.

Basically this.


Agreed, and I’ll add the Council of Six in Dalaran. None of these councils are a powerhouse of exciting story about clashing individual agendas.


And we need that because…?

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I don’t think he was saying only the Alliance was ‘crying’ though. He was saying between Night Elf players and Forsaken players specifically that, anecdotally, Night Elf players are comparatively much more vocally complaining.

And he’s sort of right. Most threads on these forums get detailed by Night Elf posters complaining about what happened to the Night Elves. There isn’t even close to the same time or energy put into complaining about what happened to the Forsaken.

In fact, posters like you tend to exalt in how screwed over the Forsaken are, where as the ‘edgy’ posters you mentioned earlier who enjoyed the burning of Teldrassil are comparatively few and far between.


I don’t know about need it, but the reason people ask for councils is because they imagine they’ll be getting a government with representation of multiple voices and multiple points of view. Which so far doesn’t happen in WoW.

I also remember Alliance players, in the pre-High King days, complaining that too many decisions were made without showing the council discussing them.


Well, we’re talking politics here. By it’s very nature, it’s going to be boring.

Sure, we can have one person calling all the shots for the faction, which at least makes it easy to follow.

But then you get people complaining about “Blue Warchiefs” and “High-Kings”


No, he specifically said one side does it out of the two.

If we are honest, its like 3 people that I have seen who do this consistently.

It depends.

There are less now than there were a year ago, sure, but they are there none the less, and I intended to factor that in to why perhaps “forsaken players have also complained less” in my original reply to OP. Perhaps there is less complaining (if there is) because there is a segment of the forsaken player base who enjoyed the burning of teldrassil and the edgy aspects of their characters race which BfA emphasized.


I understand reading comprehension isn’t the strong suit of many of you but what you’ve quoted has nothing to do with such threads existing.

If you’re going to be condescending, at least do it right.


Between Forsaken and Night Elves, not Horde and Alliance.

The Story forums specifically maybe. Spend some time in General.

That’s just your speculation though, and a rather unkind assumption, not necessarily the reason why Forsaken posters aren’t as vocally upset as Night Elf posters.


It’s funny when people on the forums try to say “X fans are always complaining.”

… This is the forums. No one would be here if they didn’t have something to complain about.


Right… Because Players crying about Forsaken losing more has nothing to do with Forsaken Crying about losing more…

Maybe you should first understand you OWN argument before commenting on another’s.


except they don’t just complain on the forums


People complain. This isn’t some revelation.


I’ll explain it so even an infant can get it.

I said Night Elves invade other threads on the forums and make it about them.

This thread existing doesn’t disqualify my statement.

Now I’m waiting with bated breath on how your lack of reading comprehension will misunderstand what I said.


I’m glad you brought that up!

I assume you spent a fair time in General during the War of Thorns?


Oh our noble, genuine posters!