The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

Oh please, we all know it’s coming. Some are drooling in anticipation and others are dreading the falling of the other shoe, but it’s coming.

To your list, let me add “I am not okay with them retconning Forsaken society into being an Orwellian police state.” I was never even a Forsaken fan pre-BfA and have never played a Forsaken toon, but that is just beyond the limit. And if they can merrily rewrite an entire race’s history like that, then no one is safe.


As soon as the night elf fairy godmother in the worgen intro turned up and waved her magic wand, I feel they killed off a lot of potential for the worgen story telling.


I do not know it’s coming.

Well until people start to remember dragon fire does a really good job of clearing out the blight. Since it didn’t take centuries for the Wrathgate to be cleansed.

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That’s because that was never the intention. Gilneas was supposed to be the next Alteraac Valley-scale Battleground. based on street to street house t o house urban fighting. But they never got to work in testing.


Please explain how enabling the Human form. (which is all that she did, killed your storytelling.


I really don’t know how helpful trying to have a disappointment dick measuring contest really is.

But the Forsaken certainly are in a state right now. Our only semi relevant character right now is Voss - who I have and will defend as a rare example of an undead character being written well. But she very recently joined the Forsaken in official capacity so having her be some sort of spokesperson or representative is odd.

As for Calia - might as well not even be in this game. We’ve a brief interaction scheduled where of course we don’t talk about the future of the Forsaken. So, can’t really say she’s being forced on us. I’ve no earthly idea what she’s doing here other than getting people worked up about hypotheticals.

We’re getting more model customization options though which I’m quite happy about. I am worried where the story goes from here though. At this point I might prefer them just leaving us in a weird limbo because BtS onward has been bewildering.

Forsaken society evidently being a stalinist dystopia was jarring. Certainly never got that vibe. I always figured you could just leave whenever you wanted. Voss does and there’s no shortage of former Forsaken in the Argent Dawn so - news to me you’ll be murdered on the spot for even seeing that life outside Windy’s yolk is possible.

So who knows. Personally I’d like them to bring in some forgotten Forsaken NPCs - Master Apothecary Lydon, Helcular, Calder Gray - and beef up their roles in SL. Throw in some new Forsaken characters as well. Form up a new Desolate Council with them. And work on remaking more of the north in our image. Maybe we rebuild Capitol City, maybe we don’t- Stratholme, Alterac City, Strahnbad, and Caer Darrow are just sitting there as well. Or, revisit those Forsaken colonies in Northrend. Maybe Venomspite or New Agamand grew into bustling necropoli in the meanwhile.

There’s plenty of stuff you can do with what we already have. My worry is though Blizz seems to want to invent new stuff out of whole cloth - cough Naaru Necromancy cough - that we don’t want or need.


Is this what we’re going to do today?



That and we haven’t been given much spotlight for our tragedy, and Blizzard has made sure to mute it. I was a Forsaken fan before BFA. I LOVE Undercity, it is the only city I truly enjoy, and it should have been portrayed as more tragic a loss. All we hear, however, is that all of the civilians made it out.


You can’t be serious, there’s a huge difference between a world living tree and a rat infested sewer. Plus the night elves lost outposts at ashenvale and darkshore. Not even counting them losing gifted leaders like Delaryn and Sira.


It was OUR rat infested sewer. It was what we had left after the Scourge and Alliance had taken everything else.


Okay, serious, non-joke reply here. The Forsaken did not lose as much as night elves did, but that’s not to say they didn’t get a few hearty whacks with the bludgeon that is the writer’s attempt at ‘morally grey’.

  • The Forsaken lost Undercity, but at the same time, it was framed as a trap all along. Also, it was only abandoned because of Blight, which I’m willing to bet has a cure Macguffin already waiting on the wings. All of their territory, barring Brill, is intact until we’re told otherwise, ergo Tirisfal, Silverpine, and Hillsbrad, as the Alliance was apparently pushed back to Arathi, and came by sea anyway. So the total loss is… Brill, really.

  • In contrast, the Horde tore through Ashenvale, and Darkshore, and torched Teldrassil. The Night Elves regained… Darkshore, but everything else is still in limbo. Meaning the Kaldorei now have a single zone that’s theirs, until we’re told otherwise.

  • Sylvanas leaving is a blow, but there’s apparently a leadership in place for the Undead, the Desolate Council (which is a badass name, honestly…). They’re not exactly running around like chickens with their heads cut off now that she’s gone.

Granted, I firmly believe Blizzard shouldn’t do stuff like this anyway, especially in the name of a faction war.



Admittedly, all the /waggling soothed the butt-hurt of even most of the lore nerds reasonably quickly.


Thank you for this, Ben, I’m stealing this. I’ve been saying since BFA, comparing scars is growing old and tiresome. Everybody’s suffering, and none of it’s more valid than the other’s.


Forsaken got dismantled narratively. All their themes got dismantled and Blizzard told every Forsaken player with BtS/BfA that their character they might’ve played since vanilla never “got” what being Forsaken is about. Forsaken players were forced to dismantle everything around their race and now they’re forced to work alongside the other races and characters that Blizzard spent the entire expansion showing you shouldn’t like.

Night Elves lost a gameplay zone and a bunch of faceless NPCs as the narratively constantly yells out how massive this tragedy is and how they’ll never forget. They even got a permanent customization update that most of them choose to use which serves as a reminder of Teldrrassil, in addition to their faction leader using it and hating the peace between factions.

Of the two, one side cries constantly and invades every thread on the forums with posts about how Blizzard super-hates them and they’ll never get anything good.

Note: It’s not the Forsaken.


But if I’m not suffering the most I won’t win useless online arguments that mean nothing to anyone, especially Blizzard!


I can’t tell you how many times this past year I’ve written out some big long heated reply about something or the other, before I just sit back and realize “I’m wasting all of this precious aggravation to argue with strangers online about a video game,” before I delete it all.


I think a lot of people overlook how damaging losing Teldrassil actually is.

It is not just the destruction of the nelf capital, it is not just the genocide of nelf people, but it is also the destruction of every nelf achievement since Classic. From Classic to Cata, the entire Nelf story was about the purification of nelf land in the aftermath of the Burning Legion’s invasion. Another reason why it is bollocks to say the invasion during Legion was the largest demon invasion ever, because the environmental impact is not even remotely as devastating as Warcraft 3.

Back on topic, Teldrassil was symbolic. Lacking the blessings of the Dragonflights, the Night Elves struggled with the new world tree, which was corrupted by Xavius. But through their faith and perseverance, and staying true to their age-old convictions, learned from for mistakes of their bloody history, the Kaldorei purified the tree with the end of this questchain being “Vengeance of Elune” (Sound familiar).

Impressed that Teldrassil can prosper without the influence of the Dragon’s blessings, Alexstraza and Ysera blessed Teldrassil, once again returning strength, vitality and a connection to the Emerald Dream. This marked the dawn of a new and more prosperous age of the Kaldorei… Until BFA.

In a blaze the likes of which Azeroth never seen before, all of that is now gone. It is unclear if the Aspect’s blessing remains or not, but assuming that as incinerated by the flames of the Horde, the plight of the Kaldorei becomes more than just this single tragedy. A vulnerability to disease and a severed connection from the Emerald Dream.

Teldrassil was everything. Everything the Kaldorei had done or ever will do. Everything the Kaldorei player has ever done since classic died with Teldrassil.


Lmao. The other half of the threads that aren’t night elf cry threads throughout BfA were Sylvanas fan threads crying about how bad the Horde story is.


I see a lot of people clamoring for a new Desolate Council and it truly baffles me.

Look at the Council of Three Hammers. Neglected.

Horde is now run by a council. We’ll see how that goes.

Now you want the Forsaken to be run by a council, while being under the Horde council?

Ya’ll have more faith in Blizz than I do.