The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

Did you think I wouldn’t notice it was you, Rivendel?

Because Blizzard decided the Fourth War is over now.

Can’t have the Night Elves continuing the war or our new Allied Race and Pandaren Death Knights can’t be Veterans of the Fourth War.


Let them all focus on Sylvanas next expansion, bring her to justice. Maybe after that…who knows? Let an unsatisfied Tyrande start her own private little war, inflict some damage on the Horde, commit an atrocity or two, and drag the Alliance into a new 5th war. Perhaps even let some of the other prominent Alliance heads to go along with her plan leaving Anduin outvoted.

All to fail the same way Horde war initiatives fail in the end, obviously, as peace wins out in the end. At least with this though Horde players can get the feeling of what it’s like to get punched in the junk and not be allowed to get payback, and allow the Alliance to know what it feels like to get smashed in the face with the villain bat.

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Nah. Pretty sure we’re getting Val’sharah 2.0 and Tyrande will get help from the Horde player and move on from her hatred. Especially if helping free the victims of Teldrassil from the Maw will de-power Sylvanas and make Sylvanas more easily taken out.

I’m still trying to figure out why Sylvannas bothers to contact the Loyalist PC after making that major “I quit!” moment at Orgrimmar.

"If you are a Sylvanas loyalist, the things she said to you at Windrunner Spire were meant to wrap up that specific storyline. She’s basically saying “You were with me, you made these choices, you were on the right side of it. Those choices can’t save you from what’s to come.” So it was meant to wrap up that arc because it was not something we wanted to carry forward. "


Everyone who commented in this thread is wrong, the correct answer on who lost the most in BfA was the Goblins who lost Gallywix, a man who’s net worth is more then Teldrassil and Undercity combined.


With her chewing me out the whole way again? Greeeeeeeat.


I’d rather not. Tyrande’s not one of my favorites and I don’t like allying with her. I’m kind of hoping she threatens Horde players from afar and maybe even try to kill us once or twice. That’d be fun.

I guess it’s up to Blizzard on what they choose to have us do though.

To be fair, this could have been my response to your first post I responded to here, too.

…ok. That wouldn’t have hurt my feelings if that’s the idea you’re getting.

And I still don’t want to team up with Tyrande again.

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It could be worse. You might wind up teaming up with Malfurion the Butcher.

Malfurion I could handle. He was always one of my favorite characters from WC3. Tyrande just grates on my nerves though.

I am kind of curious how Malfurion will respond to this whole situation concerning the Night Warrior and the newly found armistice between the Horde and Alliance. Is he in lockstep with Tyrande on whatever she decides to do or would he be more welcome to give peace a chance?

I don’t know why you would think I would think that would hurt your feelings.

I’d rather Tyrande not attack the Horde.

Depends if they add him to the Heroic Darkshore Warfront in 8.3. They already had his voice lines recorded for it, but they never implemented him.

3:56 particularly for your question.

On one hand, I hope she does because I would love to see Alliance start the fight for a change. Just for Blizzard to prove they can still have Alliance aggression.

On the other hand, maybe war between the factions as story needs to die.


Hopefully when Ion retires the next game director will finally move away from this “pillar” of the game.


If he wants to give me a ride to my next quest objective, again, I am fine with it.

I can be pragmatic.

Sounds like duty and accountability. I can dig it.

We didnt lose Sylvanas yet.

/y Bow down before the Dark Lady, the Goddess of Death!
/y For the Forsaken!
/y Death to the living!


Deal with it hordie

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Deal with what? Nothing’s been determined yet. If we do have to do team with Tyrande, oh well, it’s not a huge issue. I’ll suck it up, get through the questing as fast as I can, and move on to more fun stuff.

Would seem kind of dumb considering how pissed she is, but…whatever.

What happens if I turn out to be right and Tyrande goes full on Daenerys Targeryan Final Season Crazy? Are you going to deal with that?