The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

He buries an orc alive…


Well calia won’t do much for the Night Elves. Something that could help is giving us some things back they have taken from us

What I’m trying to say is: Hope is pretty much gone for everything Night Elf related, so Sylvanas/Blizzard succeeded.

Terran Gregory explains at :

    Terrifying. Yeah, no, this was kind of- this was the core utilitarian shot of this movie, and it's because if you come into a pitch called "Terror of Darkshore" that literally means that it just can't be- we're too familiar with players they just fight and one ones. That's not terrifying. We've seen it all day long. So what could we do that actually would unnerve you? Right? And what better than for a Druid use the Entangling Roots that we're all familiar with- but usually they usually just grab your feet, right, like? Well what about The Archdruid version of that, right? Were he literally just swallows him, right? And, of course, yeah, the terror he [the Orc] expresses you then feel. And now we've succeeded in making like "Oh!" And not only that. but the Druids, they’re here to win it, right? They’re not necessarily all about the rules of engagement right here. They’re about “We’re here to win.”

Like giving the Undead Night Elves back to the Night Elves, like Calia might help with? As we’ve already discussed a number of times already, I would not be surprised if Undead Night Elf is one of the new character customization options for Night Elves, since they’ve forgone more Allied Races for now in place of their character customization project.


He crushes and smothers him pretty quickly…compared to what the Night Elves did to the Forsaken in thier slow protracted deaths… he got off easy.

I think that 8.1 already confirmed for us that the undead night elves are to stay with the horde.

I just want something like Ashenvale back and maybe Elune bringing the deads back to life instead of giving Ashenvale to the Horde and leaving the night elves in the maw to rot. If something like that happened, then you could say that Sylvanas didn’t succeed to kill hope and then it would make sense that Saurfang says that she cannot kill hope.

As of right now, she succeeded though.

8.3 confirms that Sylvanas abandoned the Undead Night Elves, who were then handed to Calia, who is unlikely to join the Horde.

Delaryn’s hope was broken, yes. But that doesn’t mean that all Night Elves had their hope broken, which was what Sylvanas wanted. It was what Sylvanas wanted again by raising Delaryn from the dead. And the Night Elves still didn’t have their hope broken, even if Delaryn’s was.

If your hope is broken, then sure, Blizzard succeeded in breaking your hope. But you are also not all Night Elf fans.

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Unlikely, but still very possible.

The problem is that Blizzard just takes away and never gives us something. Ashenvale finally ours after MoP? Give it to the Horde. Teldrassil finally cleansed? Burn it down along with its inhabitants. Tyrande and Malfurion finally looking badass? Nope, ruin it in the same patch by making them look like weaklings.

Sylvanas and the Horde drove the Night Elves to a state of hopelessness that even their leader was so desperate that she commited a very risky and deadly ritual that could’ve easily backfired.

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It is not the case that Blizzard never gives us something. We have gotten plenty. They just do take away just as often, though.

I cannot disagree with you on this assessment. But it also shows that we did get things for a time. Though getting it taken away after does make it feel worse.

I can only hope Blizzard finally gives something without any strings attached this time.

But it didn’t so far, and at least we got intentionally positive character customization in getting to side with Tyrande out of it.


That would actually be fun to watch. I hope they do it.

Not in the case of Dalaeryn and Sira. and at least six others that one can see from the Horde side. And if you listen to Tyrande’s invocation, she also had gotten to the “Put up or Shut up” stage with Elune herself.

Already covered above:

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I’m sure it will be appreciated and enjoyed by all. :skull_and_crossbones:


And Sira, and at least six others that the Horde player claims as their quest goal. And you did not address my point about Tyrande herself. Tyrande herself was on the gliave’s edge of giving it up herself. One might argue that her very decision to bank it all or nothing on the Night Warrior ritual would mean that she no longer had faith in Elune’s looking out for the Kaldorei.

Who are still not the rest of the Night Elves who didn’t stop fighting on behalf of the Darnassian Night Elves.

Tyrande is also not all Night Elves.

High Priestess Dejahna’s soul was broken by the Legion in the Tomb of Sargeras as well. Doesn’t mean the Legion broke the Night Elves, either.


In a way she is… She is the quintessential Night Elf Female, powerful, steeped in the magic of the Moon. even skilled with a bow.

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But she is also not literally all the Night Elves broken, which is what Sylvanas wanted.


No she isn’t. But if she had failed at the ritual… if she had been destroyed by it… that may have very well have dealt a fatal blow to the night elve’s collective psyche.

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Very true. But she didn’t fail. So that didn’t happen.

And ironically, even with Tyrande questioning Elune, the Night Elves still trust in the Night Warrior:

    Night Elf Sentinel: All this talk of the war winding down… Sylvanas is still out there. Have they all forgotten what she did?
    Night Elf Sentinel: Not Tyrande. She is still out there, too. Hunting Sylvanas and Nathanos like the dogs they are.
    Night Elf Sentinel: May the might of the Night Warrior lay waste to those walking corpses.

But how did the cause of all of the Night Elves suffering get boiled down to Sylvanas? It’s like even the Night Elves are drinking Anduin’s Kool-Aid.