The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

There were both. And fan art of Horde characters protecting NEs instead of killing them. Like I said, you have a short memory.

Doesn’t change they where ok with killing nelves up too the burning if azshara or nzoth burned teld does it change the fact that the horde attacked the nelves so they couldn’t defend themselves it really doesn’t

Unfortunately never saw this. The official art Blizz put out was pretty messed up though.

How do you know? Have you gone back and read the posts, as I suggested? If so, please quote the portions that give you this idea.

I think I remember seeing some on Reddit.

I saw plenty of horde making fun of the art in fact story forum discord horde did it all the time a lot of horde players framed if you where upset with the burning you wherent true horde

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There were all kinds of reactions happening at the same time, is my point. You’re trying to say all Horde or most Horde players only cared about being punished, and I’m saying you’re forgetting all the ones who had sympathy for you. I don’t think it’s possible to say who was the majority. The first couple of weeks after the WoT dropped were nuts on the forums.

Seriously, I’m not kidding–go back and read those August 2018 threads. They might actually make you feel better.



Horde side, was all about setting up the internal faction dispute. Sylvanas was portrayed as openly antagonistic against ‘the horde’ way of doing things and condescending to Saurfang who she depended on for the expedition. It made very little sense for a character of her calibre or experience (ranger General). It included not performing petty and pointless acts of cruelty against Sylvanas orders. There was a wisp wall which was somehow invincible. Oh and mandatory culling of Furbolg.

This thread was apparently so good that it has created 3 other threads meant to rebut/mock it.

By posters who apparently don’t know about the existence of the “reply” button.

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Justice for the Shatterspear!

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Honestly people arguing about the semantics of what happened is so pointless.
The thing is that Horde/Alliance losses are FINE. The real issue is that the storytelling is atrocious. I’d be a lot more okay with what happened with the burning of Teldrassil if there was actual military strategy, sacrifices, development for new characters etc

Instead we got “lol Night Elf army is away, and a world tree got destroyed by a bunch of catapults, gg”

There was nothing meaningful about it, everyone got screwed over, and it was honestly just done for the “flash” instead of having substance.


i agree completely, i am not mad at losing things here and there or losing cities, that is better than a boring story, the real tragedy is that they don’t really do much with the plotpoints they created, others take years to advance, literal 7-11 years is the media until something is done with these new plotpoints, and often these don’t are really satisfying at all.

like the night warrior stuff


Exactly. If you think about it, the burning of Teldrassil would’ve been an entire 10 chapter campaign by itself back in WC3. I’d even say maybe 2 to include Sylvanas and the Horde’s perspective.

I’m just imagining a scenario where Tyrande is holding a war council and realizes they’re screwed, so she plans for some Elune-powered mass teleport but then Elune fails to answer her call. That would’ve made the tragedy of what happened all the more tragic because we actually get to experience how Elune abandoned the Night Elves and how Tyrande failed her people, making her Night Warrior transition all the more profound. Although I’d think her turning to Elune was also a mistake. It would’ve been interesting if a new deity was introduced (exploring new aspects of Night Elf culture), and maybe even throw in some memories of Illidan where she finally understands why he had to do the things he did (character development for Tyrande).

Instead we get angry vengeful woman :confused:


That kind of thing works a lot better in a single-player game, IMO.

It depends on if they are being written as generic villains for the Alliance, a playable race, or sad suicidal victims (by Golden).


looks at Sira, Delaryn, and all the other undead night elves

Lost more, huh?

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Please don’t imply that the “deaths” of knockoff Maiev and discount Feathermoon are some great loss. They’re not. One was a dime-a-dozen Warden who only gained notoriety due to being a WC giver. The other was a character created and killed in a single short story to hammer home the Sylvie/Arthas parallels. That is why they “died”, because Sylvie’s “story” demanded it.

TBH, both “died” because Blizz didn’t want to actually kill their “real” versions. When I say that the single most important character the ENTIRE Alliance lost in all of BfA was Blademaster Telaamon 
 I’m being very literal. And considering he can completely and accurately be described with the words “Sword Draenei”, even he was not that big of a loss. As for SIra and Summermon, they aren’t even dead 
 and their undead fate hasn’t even been hinted at yet. Hell, for all we know they might wander their way back to the Kaldorei some point soon here.


Given how much of a mess those two characters are, one could even argue that the Forsaken “gaining” them was also a net loss for the Forsaken in and of itself.


Kisin posted something that I believe applies to a lot of going ons around here:


I actually liked delayrn, and was sad to see her die.