Forsaken preference

It really comes down to the same two or three specific users being extremely loud, argumentative, and dismissive of the pains of other parts of the fanbase that has painted “nelf fans” the way they have been.

Most people agree night elves got it real bad and have every right to be upset. The issue is the few users who:

  1. Try to make Horde players feel bad for what the game made them do.
  2. Dismiss other fan groups and their own issues as inferior to night elf issues.
  3. Insist other parts of the fandom deserve to have everything they enjoy destroyed.

Basically? Nobody likes to be told the things that made them upset aren’t worth discussing just because someone else got hurt more. Some users take that a step further and say Forsaken lost nothing or that they actually deserved to lose what they did because they chose to play the “obvious villains”.