The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

This was my point, yes.

And my point is I’ve no earthly idea now any Forsaken feel about any of this. Are they accepting of it or resentful? I don’t know. The only Forsaken character still on the pay roll due for any screen time just joined the political entity at the start of the expansion.

Maybe they’re mindless followers. Maybe the reason they were so willing to accept her abandonment is because to a man they’d all begun to suspect the worse and her ‘the Horde is nothing’ finally confirmed it for them.

I’ve no in game experience to suggest either option is more or less plausible.


This is my point as well.

My point also merely extends to Sylvanas’ expansionism in Cataclysm being because it was in Sylvanas’ interests, and I doubt we will be seeing any expansionism from the Forsaken again without her.


They actually got back Darkshore, and I’m pretty sure Ashenvale too, off-screen like the usual blizzard fashion mind you.

Amadis has posted the pop up book that states the evacuation was a success, so again, off-screen blizzard fashion.

When the Forsaken’s whole story is written around her and most of their named NPCs are either war criminals, dead, or have no development to speak of I would say yea, they have lost not only her, but a good part of their racial Identity


Still waiting on confirmation on Ashenvale, but that would be nice, yes.

It was from the collector’s edition of Elegy, not the pop up book, but yes.


I admit I was wrong. I shouldn’t have put in 10,000 years.


I’m bothered by Brill being deleted from the game without a whisper. It was the first city I reached in game, and I remember enjoying it in 2004 and thinking of it as home. But in BFA it’s just gone. No mention of what happened, the NPCs never show up anywhere.

But I guess I don’t DESERVE to care, because Blizz has decided my race are trash and should be hated by everyone including ourselves.


I don’t read it that way. I read it as having mad on vengeance against Elune and Tyrande and the Horde are the available vehicle to that end. We probably won’t even see them outside of the Darkshore Warfront any more.

So far on the 8.3 PTR they show up at Tirisfal Glades with Calia and Derek.


Losing Sylvanas is the best thing to ever happen to the Forsaken.

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 remains to be seen. Blizz did a piss poor job building up replacements for her when she left, which means what the Forsaken are going forward 
 and who they are led by 
 will need a lot of TLC. Voss is preferable to Calia, but she’s far from making sense as their current Council Rep. Tattersail, Faranell, and Velanora are all bare bones characters at best. Belmont is 
 but there may be a use for a “chainsaw” like him from time to time. Chadwick Paxton’s squad and Tehd Shoemaker are fun as hell 
 but they’re meme characters at best atm.

In terms of characters, the Forsaken are in a terrible spot. In terms of territories, the Forsaken remain in a very ambiguous and questionable spot. In terms of maintaining elements of their current racial fantasy, things are very tentative 
 and even concerning. Losing Sylvanas has thus far only amounted to extreme net negatives for the Forsaken PC race 
 and for anything positive to come out of it 
 its going to take a hell of a ton of work. Opportunity does exist in the wreckage left by BfA 
 but like all potential, its only valuable if its achieved.


The book really said this?

It was Elegy, not the pop up book, but the collector’s edition also has the following pictures:

And the accompanying text about just how many Night Elves ended up in Stormwind and Elwynn Forest:

    The Stormwind night was alive with controlled chaos. Even in an evacuation, when the night elves could be forgiven for being terrified and out of control, there was no screaming, no violence, no crush of bodies crowding one another in a stampede to safety.

    The cathedral could hold no more refugees, not even in the darkest corners of its extensive catacombs. The inns had ten to fifteen in each room. Even certain areas of the keep were filled with silent, stoic kaldorei. The flood spread to seemingly every surface of the city, continued down through the Valley of Heroes, and spilled out most of the way to Goldshire.


I don’t care.

Your leader genocided Night Elves for no good reason, you lost your own capital due to rationalizing it instead of immediately questioning how initiating total war was in your people’s best interests much less the Horde’s, and you lost your leaders due to similarly blind loyalty when it was blatantly obvious she was going off the deep end.

So no, I have no sympathy for the Forsaken or their playerbase. You were only too happy to gleefully rationalize Teldrassil and everything that came after and only became outraged when your actions and hers finally resulted in tangibly negative consequences to you.


^ Get a load of this :clown_face: :laughing:

WETers and GDers need not post.


Imagine getting mad at players for decisions they have no say in. You’re literally just as responsible for the burning of Teldrassil as any Forsaken player. Because only the writers are lol


i think that he is referring to the edgelords, sure, there are some “rational” forsaken players as you, that doesn’t mean that people are going to forget those who tried as hard as possible to justify teldrassil or mocked about it.
They had a good laugh at teldrassil?
Who is laughing now?.


Love how you included quotes around the word rational. As if Forsaken players can’t be really rational. Doesn’t make you stand out as an outlandish ar$ehole. Not at all.


no, i have seen rational forsakens and i have seen edgelords.
i have seen more edgelords than rationals.


I don’t think edgelords who play the undead because ‘lol zombie’ care much about the story one way or another. Indeed a good amount of the playerbase does not in general.

Also generally speaking painting any group of people with a brush dipped in their lowest common denominator is just bad praxis.