The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA


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Doesn’t mean they can’t still hold those responsible for their NEAR-extinction and take them to task at every opportunity.

The Forsaken claiming to have had lost more is like if the Alliance complained to the Bloodelves for losing morewhen Arthas went all Sylvannas on them.

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Let’s be real though like every playable race has been on the verge of extinction now or again.

Blizz plays pretty fast and loose with the pop numbers. Like I was surprised to see Org and Storm only had like populations in the few hundred thousand. Even in the medieval European era major city’s having close to a million wasnt unheard of. Granted recorded documentation is screwy there so hard to pin down fine numbers.

But WoW has transportation that rivals ours and magic that dwarfs our medicine. I just kinda figured given that potential quality of life the capitols would be at least as populated as Omaha, Nebraska.


So there’s these two different fruits called apples and oranges. I just thought I’d let you know since you seem to be comparing them.


Glad you grasp the concept.
Now take a took back at your argument of the Forsaken and the Night elves.

See the irony of the statement?


Nope. Because the Horde already apologized. We had a whole rebellion about it. One of the most iconic Horde characters of all time died to prove Windrunner a false prophet and end the war.

Last I checked Kel’Thuzad didn’t do that to Arthas. Nor would that have been possible. And again the Scourge is a force of nature villain. They don’t think or feel, that’s their point.

Any vengance against the Horde would be delivered against a thinking, feeling populace long after the orchestrator of Nelf misfortune has left. So you’re just murdering pig farmers and blacksmiths tangentially related to the big bad who already left on an evil fart cloud.

Besides the architect of your annoyance is the same as mine. Blizz’s inept writing. It’s kinda concerning you can’t seem to register that.


its wrong in wow too lol

I think his point was that being near extinction doesn’t matter much when there’s no discernable story or gameplay effect.


why it is wrong in wow?
they are literal genocidal invaders from another world.

Technically, the Horde never apologized. They showed remorse, which is a good first step but no formal apology yet.

And So long as the Forsaken continue to revere Sylvannas as their “Dark Lady”, they are still complicit in her crimes.

Last, until they Give that apology and agree to help the Night Elves take down Sylvannas AND deliver her to them, they will not be off the hook.

First comes Remorse. Then comes the Apology. And then comes Recompense for those crimes.
And only THEN the Kaldorei can grant the Forsaken forgiveness.
They don’t need the Forsaken to beg and grovel or offer their territory or their heads for that Forgiveness (not that the Night Elves aren’t owed it) but nothing short of making amends for their crimes would absolve them.


Alright well that sounds like a neat fan fiction you should go expand on it in the proper forum.


Yeah tauren, trolls, belves, goblins are all from another world right

No you did.

I think we are really missing the important thing here

 The only thing that matters less than the Forsaken are the people who play them.


I don’t claim the Forsaken lost as much nor more than the Night Elves. That’s a meta discussion about Sylvanas that I’m not interested in.

I am arguing against the idea that the Night Elves are near extinction. They are not.

Well atleast the Blood Elves weren’t written to forgive and make peace with arthas and the scourge after all that happened. They eventually got atleast a little bit of justice.

There could still be 2 more in 8.3.5.


This is pretty slimy, even for you.


The Blood Elves are allied with the Forsaken and the Orcs right now. Hell, Saurfang was Doomhammer’s liutenant in command of the rearguard when the Orcs marched on Quel’Thalas.

This seems unlikely with the character customization project happening.


Are there not players who think the same about night elf fans?


Oblitering expections as always.

Also this

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