Not according to blizz.
BfA has taught the horde that commiting genocide benefits them and that they’ll be spoken free of their crimes almost immediately.
Not according to blizz.
BfA has taught the horde that commiting genocide benefits them and that they’ll be spoken free of their crimes almost immediately.
That’s quite literally better than being given the spotlight by the current team.
And I was arguing that “Loss” meant something that was ACTUALLY TAKEN and not “Given up.” The Forsaken had a Choice that the Night Elves were denied.
Actually, your analogy was flawed enough that that I didn’t need to elaborate, but if you insist. For your analogy to make sense, the Alliance would need to have been the Aggressor. A “Loss” from someone taking something from you vs a “Loss” went you offer something up to be taken is no where near comparable.
Getting to chose how you lose something doesn’t make it not a loss, even if you consider that a better way to lose something. Because a loss is still something forced, taken, unwilling removed from your possession somehow.
Not how discussion works, but thank you for ceding to my request.
No they wouldn’t. A belligerent nation can still lose resources and territory in a conflict. The Alliance just needs to be enacting force regarding the choice.
Firstly, both are still losses. That’s why the aggressor of the overall conflict is irrelevant. Secondly, starting a war isn’t the equivalent of offering up something anyway.
No, one cities NPCs were all EVACTUATED.
The OTHER cities NPCs are all DEAD.
Yeah, SOME were rescued from the HELLFIRE your Queen damned them to but the greater majority of them never made it out alive.
We don’t have another 10,000 years. The Kaldorei race is facing extinction.
We’re literally no better off then the Quel’dorei were after Arthas left them Decimated.
Arguably, you SHOULDN’T get anything. You started the War and everything you “lost” isn’t enough. You TOOK too much from us already. Those who start the war don’t deserve to profit from it.
You are owed NOTHING, except our Contempt and Vengeance.
I will never understand why people think population numbers will ever matter in WoW. The devs have proved time and time again that they are willing to fudge the numbers to whatever the story requires it to be.
In any case, it’s always fun to see Alliance players who think Horde players should be punished for decisions the writers made.
yeah being racist in game is wonderful isnt it, its literally the same concept as in real life. I mean, theres a reason the main plot of the story is that we all need each other and war is bad and we should work together to build a better world.
I can say the same to you.
You started it by identifying as Forsaken.
As a Player, you’ve lost nothing except for a hub.
As Forsaken, you’ve lost not a hell of a lot more…
At least you’ve gaining someone who’ll replace Sylvannas and actually HELP the Forsaken instead of using them as pawns. So you’re getting more out of it then you think.
We get a Beloved Leader turned Vengeful Fury who’s probably going to end up meeting a tragic end or as a Raid Boss.
And now they’re joining Calia willingly, who supposedly is not going Horde, so that suggests back to the Alliance.
You do see that the Blood Elves have bounced back, right? They’ve been present in basically every expansion. There’s so many of them that they gave the Alliance Blood Elves in the Void Elves.
Well, it was stated that:
“This is a complicated issue. Calia is very sympathetic towards the situation and condition of the Forsaken, but she will not join the Horde because of this. Additionally, the number of Forsaken who may welcome their presence is not fixed.”
“but she will not join the Horde because of this”
could very well mean that she will join the horde for other reasons, it’s quite unclear, but I don’t think there’s any chance that the undead Night Elves will go back to the Alliance. They could very well add them as an allied race for the horde.
Yeah I say we because it’s easier than saying ‘I, player who will now identify with the Forsaken my favourite race’.
And what are you talking about?. Calia isn’t coming to the Forsaken. Maybe in SL or some other point down the line. We don’t even want her, she’s done nothing to ingratiate herself to the Forsaken whatsoever. Also I think the Forsaken- more than any other race - should see why Kings and Queens are a bad idea now.
What I lost was two of my favorite zones I positively adored. Destroyed to raise the stakes for what turned out to be the expansion’s B plot. You did not lose anything more than that either.
I guess maybe Darkshore but - you’re getting that back so…? What else?
Evolution at its finest:
Trolls ~ Elves ~ Demigods
yeah it is when you are RPeing. not saying that i am doing now, just that is part of the game.
No is not because in real life there aren’t different races when everyone is human.
unless you are a lizard.
I don’t want to do the thing where I speak for all Forsaken players
I have not met any Forsaken main, or Horde player, who wants Calia or the Undead Nelves. If we get them it won’t be a reward to me nor anyone I’ve encountered.
I’m open to Calia. I think she has potential. But as it stands I’ve no interest in a character who’s only association with the Horde is talking to us in a field.
And finally - ya’ll are getting hysterical with hypotheticals.
‘Tyrande is going to be a raid boss!!!’
Do you have anything, anything at all, to seriously suggest that is a possibility? A PTR hint? A leak? Anything?
No. You don’t. You just assume Blizz must hate you. And that’s why I find this certain subset of Nelf fans so exhausting. We lost, at least, about the same. To suggest otherwise is just having an axe to grind against the Horde playerbase and go do that elsewhere. And I’m not developing some victim complex convinced Blizz is trying to make my day worse.
No. I think they hired novelists with little to no video game writing experience to helm their story. I also think this expansion was rushed and poorly thought out on every front. I hope they do better in the future. I hope were all here in a year talking about how awesome Shadowlands is. And if they don’t- probably wasn’t to spite me or you. Probably has more to due with video games becoming focused on limitless growth for share holders to the detriment of their core product.
Why does it need to be a dichotomy?
So then Arthas is forgiven? They can stop calling themselves Blood Elves?
Doesn’t seem like there are any more Allied Races planned.
The question to be asked is: Are the Blood Elves extinct?
No different then myself using “we” or “our”.
You know, there is an alternative,to both Calia joining the Horde and having the most central character of a Race being their Leader.
Uh you know, when they were capable of doing so, a huge swath of the Scourge rebelled against Arthas.
The Belves later allied with them. Understanding it wasn’t their fault and hey turns out there’s a common enemy here.
Like what we’re doing in SL…
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