The Forsaken are too diverse for Calia to lead

This suggests that the Forsaken are so weak in terms of identity that they will base it exclusively on where they are residing at a particular moment regardless of background.

In that case, great! They don’t have Lordaeron anymore and can start building an identity around Orgrimmar or somewhere else, and that doesn’t require Calia either.


So I take it you’re not an immigrant in real life lol

I’m not going to comment on any “real life” arguments because this is a fictional universe, and any such arguments are completely anecdotal.

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Your assumptions on national diversity and how a diverse peoples respond to claims to power based on historical narrative is shaped by what? The Heart of Azeroth whispering in your ear? C’mon man lmao

The very next sentence says:

Instead, the kingdom’s fallen were risen into undeath as Scourge minions and forced to wage an unholy war against everything… and everyone… that they once held dear.

This narrative have been drilled in our heads for a very long time.

The bulk of the Forsaken were citizens of Lordaeron that much is clear to me.

I mean would you be satisfied if she said she wants to help her people and any remaining Forsaken that falls into the minority?

I think adding that Calia wants to help/rule over the once living citizens of Lordaeron, who are the majority, along with any remaining Forsaken is minute and goes w/o saying.

I think there are a few good stories that could come out of her becoming ruler.

  1. Exactly what you’re pointing out ie the non former citizens of Lordaeron, whom are in the minority. What would be their reactions, I suppose there is room for some tension?

  2. I think her butting heads with the Stormwindians who want to take claim over her former Kingdom would be an awesome series.

  3. The Forsaken trusting her and she betrays their trust per the lawllight

  4. The Forsaken aren’t lightforged. It’ll be interesting to see how she deals with the Plight of the Forsaken and the general darkness of the Forsaken.

All in all I just want a good story and some good development.


Two points:

First, that racial intro was actually added in Cataclysm. The Vanilla through WotLK Forsaken narrative was actually pretty sparse on references to Lordaeron or any positive feelings towards its memory.

Second, it’s also outdated. It’s describing how the Forsaken initially formed, but that was a long time ago now, both IRL and in-game. At the end of WotLK the Forsaken were considered in actual danger of dying out, and they only supported their numbers by way of raising new undead via Sylvanas’ Valkyr, a substantial amount of whom weren’t from Lordaeron nor did they have the same experience in their deaths and undeaths, and almost all of whom were loyal to the Alliance to the explicit exclusion of the Forsaken.

The “citizens of Lordaeron” narrative has been increasingly outdated since Cataclysm, which is ironic since that’s also when Blizzard decided push that angle.

I’m not going to keep letting you get away with slipping a glorified “nuh uh” into your posts. The demographics of the Forsaken now are radically different from the demographics from WoW, and they themselves were demographically diverse even from the start. The “Forsaken are all Lordaeronians” angle is completely post-facto and is only treated as common knowledge because it’s never really been questioned since Cataclysm.

In fact, since you keep on feeling the urge to add “btw they’re the majority and others are the minority” suggests to me that I’ve struck a nerve.


More like she is more an alliance character with most of her friendships and ties being in the Alliance rather than the Horde or Forsakens and mostly does it out of pity.

Honestly this whole affair of putting Alliance characters into the Horde is getting tiresome and let’s face it Calia is just 2 steps from being Me’dan because despite her “fails” she still doesn’t suffer any real consequences for her actions


Alliance players don’t like their characters getting poached, Forsaken players don’t like being treated like humans with skin conditions, nobody is happy with this.


Exactly, the whole undead being relegated to a skin condition is a sign of ignoring the past world building of the setting.

Besides as you said, nobody wants to see characters from other faction being shovel in their faces. Thrall was the living example with the Alliance hating him without stop.


Calia is a continuation of the fantasy equivalent of the “mighty-whitey” trope that both the Wrynns kicked off to justify High King. Here comes the perfect (un)human to show those savages how to be a civilized culture, a nice kick to horde pride after Anduin taught the orcs about “honor.”

Oh yeah, anyone else notice a lot of the leading human characters are almost always blonde and blue eyed?


She said that in BtS in response to Anduin asking if she wanted support in reclaiming her throne.

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In other words, she´s the perfect vehicle to erase in one pass 15+ years of actual Forsaken lore so MHP can play a wicked version of “we got Lordaeron back, guys!!!” or Helfers can RP another flavor of “muh Alliance flavored race got back THEIR stuff huehuehue”?

Cause those are AWFUL arguments. If anything, ty for peoving our point about why Calia sucks.


Doesn’t matter, Blizzard has wrote themselves into a corner, it’s where the story is going, and everyone needs to stop complaining and start trying to come up with ways to make it less bad and reckless and trying to have a viral thread gaining traction in the General Discussion forum, because Lord knows they don’t read this one.

It’s like Warlock Metamorphosis. We all knew with Demon Hunters being announced we would lose Metamorphosis. Some deluded themselves into thinking we wouldn’t. Some to this day still cry and beg for it back. Let it go. It’s too late.

Come up with a lore fix to make Calia less dumb and try to push it. But Calia is happening.

I wouldn’t say you struck a nerve in the traditional sense of the meaning. Like, I’m not mad or upset, not in the lest. I honestly can’t fathom how anyone could look and not see that the majority of the Forsaken were once living citizens of Lordaeron.

Trust me, I understand the diversity of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Forsaken, I think better than most. I just think that putting an asterisk next to Calia’s “My people” isn’t needed. Don’t read me the wrong way, I don’t mind if she specifically addresses the minority, but I would prefer it done as part as developmental lore for the Forsaken in general, not for political correctness.

For instance, I think a questline that shows how the minority isn’t happy with Calia focus on “her people” would be an awesome story. I think a Forsaken civil war among Forsaken that want to remain Horde and Forsaken would be better than most Forsaken civil wars. Before all of that happens the Forsaken need to reestablish their nation in a geographical location. Anyway I didn’t mean to go into all of that, I just wanted to elaborate a little.


But calia is literally going to the horde council she is horde now

Edit: Doesn’t seem like Calia is Horde, part of a council, or a leader of the Forsaken. I’m gonna reserve my opinion on that matter until I get the book.

The only way to achieve this is to literally ignore the lore. Cause it´s impossible to not read the stupid in the stupid narrative, period.

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players invented the corner there is no solid reason that calia cant be the leader other than Light lady bad, this is like garrosh all over again

Garrosh could have grown into a good leader but players where too foaming of the mouth mad that a hot headed orc couldn’t replace thrall. Then blizzard scraped the whole thing cause of the player anger that we still suffer the lore problems from the garrosh u-turn to this day


I genuinely don’t think the Garrosh hatred really shapes Blizzard’s lore direction, otherwise the playerbase telling Blizzard not to make Sylvanas into a villain would’ve stuck, since that was much louder than the Garrosh stuff.

I’m actually happy with and excited for the prospects of Calia tbh but I also still “stan” Sylvanas and believe she’s getting the Kerrigan + Utilitarian Anti-Hero treatment.

aight have fun with that lol

sylvanas isnt as popular as you think

it really wasnt, the garrosh stuff was massively loud, there was a screw garrosh tread every single day on the general fourms

oh and btw cata was also the first xpac that lost a massive amount of subs.