The Forsaken are too diverse for Calia to lead

Gameplay and writer favoritism IS what shapes the lore. That´s why we have an overabundance of self inserts right now.

I try… just don´t ask me to switch off my brain, I´m not a dev, I´m unable to do that.


Garrosh was actually handled quite well in Cataclysm. He had a strong character arc coming from Wrath and throughout the questing zones he had a noble albeit contradictory character.

What made the playerbase ultimately polarized to him is the fact that all of this was hidden unless you were leveling/questing so the vast majority didn’t experience it. Then players whined about Thrall being a central character and wanted him to go back as Warchief. Those threads frequented the forums more than the “I hate Garrosh” ones. Especially after Dragon Soul’s release.

Cataclysm wasn’t what dropped subs though. It was all the casual WC3 players that wanted to see the LK’s end storyline and were ditching the game. On top of that the difficulty of Cata heroics and raids. lol… “Mythic raids.”

All of this is moot because Calia isn’t coming to the Forsaken as the “rightful queen of Lordaeron.” or such nonsense. She’s coming to the Forsaken as someone who understands that they are hurting and wants to help them heal.

It doesn’t matter where any of the Forsaken came from, because they’re all suffering so she wants to help all of them recover.


So, Calia is to the Forsaken what Anduin is to the Horde?
Why is this a good thing again?



Because being happier is inherently better than being angry and/or sad all the time.

Are you really trying to argue that the Forsaken improving as a people is a bad thing?


You’re assuming Calia being their leader will improve them.

But improve them how? By making them more Alliance-like?



I’m not assuming. I’ve already seen it happen.

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If you say so…


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Yeah tbh, was v active on the forums during Cata, the “No More Green Jesus” threads outnumbered the “Death To Garrosh” threads.

Cata dungeons at launch were harder than most Mythic keys difficulty prove me wrong :V

Yeah this is pretty visibly the intent.

I don’t think this is clear yet but I think it’s evident the Forsaken do need to be re-centered in some capacity post-Sylvanas.

If by more Alliance-like you mean not trying to murder everyone, then yeah.

But that’s not really Alliance-like so much as just basic civility.


I’ve noticed many horde posters keep saying the Horde are becoming more “alliance like” due to changes in their leadership especially if those leaders have friendships gasp with Alliance characters.

The world they paint for the Horde and Alliance is red and blue. If it’s not red it’s blue. It’s a very simple version of Horde and Alliance that is like the second Horde vs the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Orcs kill Humans. That’s it, we can’t change it from that.

It makes for a rather boring story because there’d be no politics involved at all between to two sides. It’d be a mindless war, fighting just because “red = bad”.

I’m not sure the current story can even be swung around to the point where we revert years of lore to go back to a time where it was just two sides killing each other without any dialogue between them.


Why is getting a therapist a bad thing?


I think he means drab, boring, and two dimensional pulp fantasy fiction. I could be wrong however.



I fully agree. I don’t think they should be Alliance-centered however.


repeating myself from the other exact same thread on this exact same issue but



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Yeah, um, when was the last time you (literally) sent a piece of yourself to a friend?


I’m not at that level of friendship with anyone yet.


All the more developed Forsaken characters visible to your average player are dudes, Lilian is the only girl. And Velonara but.