The Forsaken Are Lordaeron

No it is not. At least not all of it. We know Southshore was taken back and rebuilt.

We have also see what happened in the Eastern Plaguelands. It can be healed with enough time.

I keep telling you that when I speak of Lordaeron, I am speaking of Capital City. You donā€™t really need to talk about the entire territory everytime lordaeron is mentioned. Everyone knows what I and others mean when we say Lordaeron

Then say capital city, and NOT Lordearon. And even then Capital City can be healed. The entire point of the Forsaken questline was they managed to clear the plague. And its not like Tirisfal itself is some wasteland.

I mean, the scarlets were still farming in Tirisfal back in Classic. Heck, if that place can survive an Old God minionā€™s death/death of Tyr it can probably survive anything.


Most people refer to Capital City as Lordaeron so itā€™s just a old habit

I donā€™t. And that would be like referring to Washington DC(or any capital) anytime you say USA/pick your nation.

Happens all the time with NYC. People often forget the rest of the state :smile_cat:

People tend to take something famous and tend to refer to just that when talking about said subject is all Iā€™m saying

I usually reference it as Lordaeron City because capitol city is a dumb name and it makes sense the land would be named after the city, given it began as a city-state.


I did unironically not know there was a new york state until recently.

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Hey remember that time a bunch of living Lordaeron people tried to meet up with their undead relatives and then Sylvanas murdered them all? If the Forsaken donā€™t want to coexist with the living, thatā€™s their choice, but they pretty much give up their right to Lordaeron at that point.

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No they donā€™t, if the living want lordaeron they can come die for it


None of the living Humans who were supposed to be there were harmed.

Calia wasnā€™t supposed to be there. Sylvanas used her vaunted battlefield legalese to explain how she kept her end of the terms by not harming the Humans who were supposed to be there, and that Calia was exempt from safety.


If I had a nickel for every time a Horde leader kept the letter of the law while breaking its spirit, Iā€™d have two nickels. Which isnā€™t a lot, but itā€™s weird that it happened twice. Right?

Sure it can but my point being really what for? Even if you remove all the green gunk you still got a ruined city with what seems like little to no resources. Its not even really close to any other Alliance or Horde city.

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A forsaken murders a living being every time someone says the forsaken forfeit their to right to lordaeron


No. She actually murdered all the Forsaken present though. The living were left unharmed with the exception of one Calia Menethil who remains the most ā€œ???ā€ character perhaps in all of WoW history.

Also the Forsaken coexist with the living constantly, genius. They pulled the Sinā€™Doreiā€™s rear out of the fire and have been alongside their decidedly living Horde allies every step of the way.

Theyā€™re just not terribly interested in coexisting with humans and good on them for it. Stormwind is a menace that homogenizes everything it touches.


Which is perfect for the former living citizens of Lordaeron. Iā€™m wearing a plague themed Lordaeron Forsaken heritage set, it matches their home.


The thing about the Alliance is it takes back what belong to it. Hence why even after everything the Forsaken did they still donā€™t hold Southshore.

Anyway, without true necromancy and access to Alliance cadavers the Forsaken are a generation away from extinction.

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And it looks amazing on your character :smile_cat: :heart:


Hence why they will never take Lordaeron.

It will never happen.

If Blizzard ever deletes an entire playable race from the game, Iā€™ll necro this thread.