Where is the lie?
Can we put this age old debate to rest, or unlife? W/e you prefer.
Power to the Forsaken!!!
Where is the lie?
Can we put this age old debate to rest, or unlife? W/e you prefer.
Power to the Forsaken!!!
while there are a few members who were citizens of neighboring nations who got caught up in the whole ‘Undead Apocalypse’ thing (Sylvanas herself being a prime example), yes, the VAST majority of Forsaken were people of Lordaeron.
The real problem is more about how they and those still-living Lordaeron citizens interact, specifically how the ‘once you’re dead, your property belongs to your living heirs’ laws apply in a post-undeath world.
What lie? The Forsaken are indeed Lordaeronians.
Put it to you this way, yes there are still some living who are from Lordaeron and can claim it is their home.
But when 80%, probably closer to 90%, of the inhabitants were killed and raised into undead, I think it’s safe to say the Forsaken are Lordaeron. It belongs to them.
I like how this was a thing with the Barov bothers. I think this is the underlining empathic thought. I could see both sides.
Alas there is not world court that everyone abides too; this could actually make for a good major storyline.
We have the ‘try to pry it from their cold dead hands’ doctrine which has endured so far.
The game has been around for so long that many folks do not know the story of W3, or where the Forsaken came from.
Are Delaryn and the Night Elf Dark Rangers Lordaeron too?
To put it simply? No.
troll land
Case in point, for whatever reason the Scarlet Crusade managed to get their numbers back up.
At this point, I’m kinda seeing the place the other way around. Lordaeron is where you go if you’re undead and need a home. While the population started out as mostly from Lordaeron, that probably doesn’t need to be the defining factor anymore as its new identity keeps its own momentum going as a zombie refuge.
that demographic shift will likely take a VERY long time though. The Scourge remnants in the Plaguelands are also majority native Lordaeronians, and even plenty of their non-nurbenian Northrend counterparts are too.
It’s always been this since their inception see leper gnomes
What has been debated ad nauseum is whether or not the Forsaken has a claim to Lordaeron in their representation as the former citizens of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.
The Forsaken connection and representation to their former Kingdom has gotten stronger and stronger through out the years and at this point it has never been stronger.
They aren’t just a group of no named undead hanging out and Northrend with zero development and reference to their former Kingdom. They aren’t a group of refugees with little to no representation hanging out in Stormwind. As I’ve stated before, if anyone wants to play as a former citizens of Lordaeron and pick up the story from WC3, roll Forsaken.
Honestly now that Sylvanas and the majority of her most trigger-happy rangers are gone (the rangers who were primarily loyal to the Forsaken/Horde itself remaining like Velonara), they could have Calia open up essentially an embassy where the living Lordaeron survivors who want to could come have visitation with their Forsaken relatives without anyone having to worry about being murdered horribly for wanting to reunite with their family >_>;
Per Before the Storm there were a much larger number of Forsaken who’d wanted to attend the gathering but Sylvanas only allowed the Desolate Council (lucky for those who weren’t allowed it turns out). Calia would be much better suited as a diplomat/envoy between the two sides than a leader.
This always annoyed me with the current portrayal of Calia, she wanted to reunite her people but now she doesn’t seem like she cares at all about the living Lordaeron. But given Blizzard’s penchant for sadism, I suspect Calia’s daughter is still alive and likely with the Scarlets. Thus forcing Calia to go more hardline/be less interested in the living.
With the Scarlet propoganda about having Calia’s ‘son’? Yeah…watch it be her daughter >_>;; It would’ve been so much easier to just have had Taelia (Bolvar’s wife being from Lordaeron, Taelia being sent away as a small child for her safety, heck the similarily of the two names even) be the missing daughter but they went out of their way to never say the name of Calia’s husband and you’d think Calia even with Blizzard’s writing would’ve had some reaction since all three of them were standing together in Oribos ^^;; So we’ll see who the real daughter is if Blizzard even remembers she has a daughter still out there somewhere.
Look, I expect they will… But like all things Blizzard will be years down the line from now in the same vein people didn’t expect Calia would actually come back/come back the way she did.
Newly part of Lordaeron but not the original of lordaeron.
Damn the melodrama if Calia’s kid is a scarlet lmao