The Forsaken Are Lordaeron

Again we already retook back part of it, Southshore.

Who says they will delete the Forsaken, but if the night elves can be forced to end up in a new home, so can the Forsaken. So yeah, right now I am actually waiting for how Amirdrassil ends up. Because if its happens to the night elves, it can happen to their polar opposite in the Horde, the Forsaken.

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Zerde’s copium tanks are at an all time high.


Says the guy who said I would be the one crying when they introduced “of Lordaeron” title thinking it would be Horde exclusive only to find out both factions get it.

Face it, Blizzard will keep feeding both sides of this argument for who knows how long. Hell, our “crest of Honor” from the DF vendors is the L symbol of Lordeaeron.

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You did.


Taking back Lordearon(or at least portions of it) does not mean the Forsaken get deleted.

And as I mentioned to Dread, we also got of Lordaeron as part of our title. Hell, with Turalyon back in charge who knows, if we ever get faction specific gears again we could get a tier sets with Lordearon themes.

Lastly, the Forsaken have lost the city twice. Third time might be the charm.

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Your precious blue boys aren’t getting Capital City, you and the other extreme faction partisans need to find a new pastime already

Wouldn’t humans be better served getting lore focused on building up Stormwind instead of wasting time revolving around Lordaeron?


Of course they would. But people like Zerde aren’t interested in that. They want EVERYTHING to be alliance or alliance aligned.

With Metzen returning and him being more old school WoW. I wouldn’t be so sure. Turaylon was added for a reason, if the Alliance was ever to be villain batted it would be him, but as we have seen prior leaders that get villain batted usually at least get to destroy something from the other faction.

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Lordearon has been and continues to be a part of Alliance lore. Hell, our current leader is from Lordaeron.

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I love to break the good news to you. It was forsaken controlled even back then when Metzen ran things and it will remain forsaken controlled going into the future


And when metzen ran things he also had the forsaken lose it…twice.(he was still part of BfA at launch as I recall)

And regain it


Check and Mate

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And they will probably keep losing it. The future is not written in stone.

Your still not ever getting Capital City bud.

Blizzard literally had Alliance players dress up as zombies to help the Forsaken reclaim Lordaeron, in a questline called Return To Lordaeron (itself a prelude to the Forsaken’s official resettlement and return to power in the heart of Lordaeron), and this guy is still out here huffing the copium that this actually augurs the Forsaken losing Lordaeron. :joy_cat:


Or we do end up with it. Again no one knows the future.

And we were given the title of “of Lordaeron” so claiming the entire thing belong to the Horde is stupid.

You mentioned they will be extinct in a generation, is that not deleted or am I losing it?

Meanwhile, you could be petitioning cdev to throw the Alliance real bone. They haven’t had a decent Lordaeron quest/connection in over a decade.


Considering we are going by WoW’s time a generation would probably be at least a decade or two more of real life time. Probably at the end of Warcraft as a series.

I mean we literally got Turaylon back. Literally a good chunk of people in Stormwind have a connection to Lordearon(Shaw for example having friends there) And with Calia’s daughter still likely alive(and Blizzard’s tendency for Masochism) I suspect Turalyon/Calia’s daughter will prove to be a thorn to Calia herself.