The Forsaken Are Lordaeron

Oh, yeah the Exodar is never going to fly again. Not only are most of its ciritcal systems either destroyed or scavenged to build the Vindicaar but it is a naaru ship and its pilot got evaporated a few years back now.

As of right now there is a single Man’arai in the Exodar. He is in the least desirable corner of the ship where no one with any sense goes to begin with.

It is isn’t it?

The Forsaken’s heritage armor says otherwise.


Sorta, but i’d like that extended to horde death knights, we never see them hang around

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The Forsaken need a General Thorm death knight character complete with immortality.

Human warrior rushes him and plunges his great sword into his chest, pinning him to the wall. He seems dead for a second, thennreaches up, grabs the great sword, and pulls himself off of it while it’s still pinned to the wall.

He pulls it free and offers it back to the warrior,

“Try again.”


the Forsaken have been Lordaeron since the capitol was reclaimed from the scourge soo not sure why this is controversial at all

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Certain groups who want to larp like that its still WC2 want to claim it for the alliance, really they are the controversial ones


Blizzard caters to the Alliance, so… I am surprised the Alliance didn’t get Lordaeron back, gift wrapped with a pretty bow.

Fortunately, someone at Blizzard had some good sense, and decided to give the Forsaken Lordaeron back. Imo, it was pretty up in the air whether the Alliance would hold it after BfA.

The most cynical part of me wants to blame Afrasiabi for even letting the Alliance get their filthy hands on Lordaeron during BfA. Mostly because the 180 degree lore pivots - like giving the Forsaken Lordaeron back - seem to be in the wake of his departure.


Again, the Forsaken hold Capital City and Tirisfal. The Alliance retook Southshore and with the Worgen part of the Alliance hold a good chunk of Silverpine.

If anything, we are simply status quo from Vanilla.

Yes putting the Lordaeron symbol everywhere on Forsaken gear is dumb as hell precisely for the reasons I gave

I love the Lordaeron symbol on the forsaken gear, and the restyling it into an F for Forsaken on the firsaken great sword.

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You’re joking right? Trolling? There’s no way you believe Blizzard legitimately caters to the Alliance when BfA and Shadowlands exist.

Horde got 3 full rendered cinematics about Saurfang which were amazing. Alliance got? A piss poor in game cinematic reclaiming Darkshore at the end of the expansion.

Alliance continously get their teeth kicked in, never get retribution, and then are told they have to forgive the Horde cause surely they won’t do anything bad again. Blizzard most certainly does NOT cater to the Alliance.

Now that’s not to say I believe they cater to the Horde either. Horde players are tired of being villain batted and having their leaders die off, or like in Legion where Horde had like no prescence on Argus when they should have.

All and all Blizzard doesnt cater to either faction, they write what they THINK will be good and lots of times it just craps on both factions.


The horde had no presence in legion at all past stormheim.

They also had presence in Suramar.


Okay for two quests khadgar had one horde angel with shandris and Tyrande.

Technically like a third of two of those cinematics is Anduin being the moral center of the story. It’s definitely likely that they approached the last two expansions as a character play rather then faction stories.


Rommath was there. I remember because Veressa was trying to shoot him.
I would also point out the Horde retroactively gets a good chunk of lore considering Highmountain/Nightborne join them.

Blizzard has a tendency for good or ill of approching in an asymetrical way. For example, the symbol of Lordearon. Yes it is not part of Forsaken gear having said that when Zerith Mortis hit, Blizzard made sure to mention the L symbol was something any old school Alliance would identify with.(they didnt bother to mention the Forsaken)

Hell, our pvp symbol is still the L symbol and blizzard made sure “of Lordearon” could be used by the Alliance(to the chagrin of Dread)

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Retroactive lore is not horde gameplay.
If it wasn’t horde when we played it, it isn’t horde now.

Imagine the alliance serving horde main characters with a new race that was a descendant of orcs and only after the expansion was literally over did that race join the alliance.

It wouldn’t be alliance content.


That is literally how it works. You of all people have been claiming Lordearon’s heritage and symbol as a Horde one even though before its fall it was Alliance lore.


No, it isn’t. We worked for night elves helping the descendants of night elves with the moon guard.

That was not horde content, liar.


What dread is saying is that’s there plenty of quests where people on one faction ends up helping the other side.

The alliance helped in Suramar for example. That doesn’t make it alliance content. Horde players have had to help plenty of neutral alliance leaning characters. Doesn’t make it horde content.