The Forsaken Are Lordaeron

Just as importantly, inter-breading will eleminate the people who can say they are “Lordaerons” over time. You will end up with a small number of people who are claiming whatever because of a grandparent to two.

If the Forsaken die out. Someone will likely take the land, maybe humans, but that is just “possession”.

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People can, and do, have more than one identity. The survivors of the plague have a “human” identity just as much as the forsaken have a “undead” one. Neither prevents one from being “Lordaeron” or “Stormwind” or “Northern” or whatever.


Right. Some Forsaken still clinging to their Lordaeron identity is fine and actually it’s pretty cool because it’s both a callback to WC3 and it adds up to the variety found within the Forsaken society is. But the Forsaken nation isn’t neo-Lordaeron. It’s a brand new nation. That’s my point.


Which is not parity. Especially considering with this change the Alliance will be even more weakened in Kalimdor.

Zerde is a liar. I’ve personally had this conversation before and he is aware that only the Master Race™ night elves have been given permission to use emerald dream portals to fast travel the entire globe.

Their capital city could be in Nelvenweald™ and they could still police kalimdor.

Considering “Numbers are meaningless outside of plot demands” how are the Night Elves weakened in Kalimdor?

They will literally have whatever they need to have for the plot to work.


I’m less worried about Night Elves disappearing from Northern Kalimdor, and more concerned that even if this becomes a new Night Elven stronghold/capital, it won’t change the fact that the only two cities that matter on Azeroth are Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

It’s not like people were visiting Darnassus en masse before the War of Thorns. Just ask the Allied Races how relevant their homes are to the plot. The Orgrimmar and Stormwind portal rooms are ever-expanding, while amazing cities are lost to moments of time… as relevant then as Valdrakken is today, and soon the seat of the dragonflights will be as empty and abandoned as a horror movie carnival at night.

That’s the real problem. Having a capital city is nice, and having that city in your homeland is double nice. But if that city isn’t Stormwind or Orgrimmar, it’s going to be completely irrelevant in a year’s time.

Completely. Irrelevant.


And the plot has literally most of the Alliance holdings in the Kalimdor with only Exodar the last major holding there.

If the Horde ever gets the idea of trying another Kalimdor takeover it will mean they will have an even easier time of it.

I’m not sure on other servers, but on mine Stormwind is completely dead. With an AH in Valdrakken there’s no reason to go to Stormwind more than once a month. The portal room isn’t visiting Stormwind any more than landing at an airport to transfer onto another plane is visiting that airport’s city. Even less so given the immediacy of the portals.

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On Moonguard, the Mage District by the lamb is currently packed with people RPing. Haven’t seen the city this busy in a long time

What server you on?

I know WRA’s Stormwind is a ghosttown; has been since BFA into Shadowlands gutted the walk up community for the server.


Stormwind was pumping in bfa. Did most of my pvping there that expansion.

If undead relatives ever showed up at my door wanting their property back, forget the laws, it’s their’s!

Its a bit weird.

For starters, there is a very OBVIOUS difference between the Forsaken’s Lordaeron, and that of the living. They’re essentially two completely different nations, with different cultures as well.

I don’t think it’s right to say that the Forsaken are Lordaeron, but rather, that the Forsaken are New Lordaeron.


As a soon to be lawyer I’m shivering at how much would change if people could be born into undeath.

Then again, there would be bigger problems than the legal system at that point.

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Considering you are harboring Man’ari in that stupid ship, which are responsible for the scouring of the cosmos, I vote for a limited military intervention to extricate them and then leave you and the rest of the Alliance alone. Ideally with dragons considering your ship is probably flying.

Pretty sure the Exodar is not flying. And if we want to talk about dealing with criminals, we should deal with the Horde one who did join Sylvanas and only changed alleigances when she left. Like for example the Mag’har leader.

Fine. We will trade our criminals who caused problems on one planet and two realms of existence for your criminals who caused problems on every planet in the entire galaxy, leaving nothing but burned husks and inhabitants forcibly demonized.

That’s a fair trade to be quite honest.

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I mean sure, but almost half of the Horde was following Sylvanas. Its a question of quantity(ie more Horde are probably guilty of a crimes) vs quality(presumably the red draenei are fewer in number but commited relatively more henious crimes)

I’d like to lordaeron become a safe harbour for all undead