No, Calia wouldn’t. Her first act with the forsaken was trying to get them to leave the horde and join the alliance.
She is not in any way a horde character.
No, Calia wouldn’t. Her first act with the forsaken was trying to get them to leave the horde and join the alliance.
She is not in any way a horde character.
For now, anything dealing with Lordearon will have to be dealt with later. In fact, I am curious if Amirdrassil will actually become a player hub. It becoming a raid and it being in the Dragon Isle might mean it wont become an actual player city(why have a second player hub when it serves no true gameplay purpose?) And if that happens, then I dont expect Undercity will return either.
Like it or not, Amirdrassil’s fate/it becoming a city is tied to the Forsaken’s chance of getting Undercity back.
Anyway, any true Cata style change to the status quote seems horribly far away. Blizzard knows people want it but the next expansion doesn seem to be it.
Well if the new night elf tree really is on the Dragon Isles, don’t be surprised if you are packing soon. Parity and stuff. Northrend ahoy!
Average horde intellectual. Not my fault Blizzard wasted their resources in TFT to only develop horde stuff, instead of a proper Stormwind campaign we got a horde race campaing disguised as Alliance one instead (hello, blood elves).
Oh it is 100% a hub, they have already said as much. They are achieving parity by restoring the forsaken zone and giving us a new one, basically.
Frankly she should’ve stayed neutral like Khad’gar and Co. but Blizzard decided to toss her into the Horde.
Also, tell me you didn’t bother to actually read Before the Storm without actually saying you didn’t bother to read it since that statement is patently false. She went there with the intention of only observing the Forsaken (and we know this because we go into her POV and inside her head in the book). When he recognized her Parqual Fintallas approached HER and asked for help defecting (along with the three Felstone brothers). That’s a grand total of FOUR people.
Yes, when she saw they were trying to defect that, along with the seeds clearly planted in her mind by Saa’ra, inspired her to try to get Vellcinda to support her, but she was immediately rejected and the majority of the council were obeying the order to retreat.
That in no rational world equates to an evil, cackling Calia infiltrating the gathering with the sinister aim of getting all the Forsaken to turn against the Horde.
No, the only sinister, cackling psychopath in that scenario was Sylvanas herself, when she saw Calia was there and then went trigger-happy and murdered all the council, even the ones who were loyal to her (which was all of them except four people).
Mans got triggered cause his lordaeron fetish is dumb
Not an argument. Concession accepted.
There is no argument, to argue would imply it would ever even be a thinkable possibility
Cool. You still owe me a TFT Alliance campaign though.
you will get more anduin peace talks and its what you deserve
So will you since everything is neutral now though. I’m glad you are championing for HUMAN characters to be in the limelight at least.
Only the WoW fanbase would be so utterly brainrotten to try to play the faction parity game with a game that predates the MMO itself.
wanting high elves is also a thing
please, NO ONE deserves more Anduin. not even Anduin.
Tell me you didn’t read Before The Storm without telling me you didn’t.
Sylvanas flat out lied in her head movies, too. She shares that in common with Calia.
I see no lie here.
Funny, considering the Founding of Durotar campaign was made so the horde wouldn’t be left out of the Frozen Throne since WoW was coming out soon. Guess old Blizz devs have brain rot.
This one goes to Blizzard as well though. They constantly stuffed high elves as Alliance representation everywhere (argent colliseum, Dalaran, Isle of Thunder) for cheap WarCraft 3 nostalgia points, of course people would start asking to play them.
No, the Forsaken aren’t Lordaeron, their identity as a nation and what ties them together is Undeath and everything it entails, or rather the more inclusive notion of ‘plaguedness’ (remember how Apothecary Jerrod spoke of one of his Leper Gnome assistants : “Sure, he’s not been plagued in the same manner as we have, but he is clearly plagued nonetheless”). The basis for their society is their common experience of being forsaken by their people, arguably their common biological and psychological condition too, not Lordaron.
The Forsaken have always been filled with people hailing from many different nations with no connection to Lordaeron whatsoever : Humans from Stormwind and Kul Tiras, Thalassians (Sin’dorei Dark Rangers and Banshees), Darnassians (Kaldorei Dark Rangers), Gnomeregani (Leper Gnomes), and people with no recollection of who they even were in life ('lesser undeads" like Abominations).
This is not to say the Forsaken aren’t the rightful owners of Lordaeron city and its surroundings. They absolutely are, since the undead Lordaeronians are definitely more numerous than the living ones. And most likely, they represent the majority of the Forsaken nation (probably not by such a significant margin though : new Forsaken were raised from Cata to BFA, and those weren’t Lordaeronians). That is irrelevant though. The Forsaken nation isn’t Lordaeron 2.0, and should never be. They’re not about Lordaeron. That was never their thing.
For my part, that was never in dispute. The problem is living Lorderaenians (including the Scarlet Crusade) vs the Forsaken.