The Forsaken Are Lordaeron

Hence why I expect Blizzard will do it.

Anyway on the topic of Lordaeron, personally at this point I think Turaylon should just kick out the Scourge from Stratholme. Take the city and make it “New Lordaeron”.

If we wanted a drama free way to resolve this decade old issue this would be it.


Thank you Worgen, for realizing that Lordaeron is for the Forsaken. You may leave alive and unharmed, the rest of your kind however must die.


Now now, it’s not exactly their fault that their canine instincts kept forcing them to grab the Forsaken by their exposed bones, then dragging them away and trying to bury them.


Was the Alliance wrong to fight for Andorhal?

In classic or Cata? In Cata, the Alliance and horde were at war, so conquering enemy territory/acquiring resources/denying the enemy resources is pretty much SOP. In Classic, were the Alliance trying to claim it for themselves, or just clear out the Scourge?

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The Alliance’s humans are mostly of Lordaeron stock. Most Stormwindians are actually born of Lordaeron or of mixed families. Stormwind’s original population was quite small after the First War and King Terenas sent people with King Varian to help repopulate his nation. Most of those everyday humans are of Lordaeron ancestry hence why King Varian called, Lordaeron his second home. It was. He grew up there as did much of the survivors of Stormwind who intermarried and lived in Southshore etc.


Except for Hillsbrad and Plaguelands. That belongs to living Lordaeronians.


This is a pointless discussion. Since we are in the “new era of WarCraft”, also known as Danuser’s Cosmic Comedia (featuring ducks!) we are all friends, good neighbours and defenders of Azeroth and dozen of other forcibly wholesome things.

The moment WarCraft setting regains it’s balls (IF that ever happens), living humans will insantly become interested in reclaiming Lordaeron from the rotters again. Then it will make sense to talk about it.



Bringing the “metal” back into warcraft just means ghoul-people covered with skull motifs get to knock down knightly tin-soldiers like bowling pins with green explosions like the Forsaken Heritage Quest just demonstrated.

As for reclamation, I’m gonna do a reclamation on all the goths of Stormwind. Easiest recruitment ever, I’ll just do my best explanation of Shadowlands Lore, and they’ll instantly prefer becoming the living dead over turning their not-so-immortal souls over to that horrible nonsense.


Sure. And then the “metal” from the Alliance side is the next battle for the ruins of Lordaeron. Third time’s the charm.

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I hc that Calia’s daughter is Captain Nials of Arathi and she’s actually a Perenolde-Menethil. Old vanilla quests from the House of Nobles in Stormwind, trying to recover the Penenolde tiara are part of this.

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The fact that this has occurred twice, and returned both times to the status quo, actually helps my case, thank you.


Will alliance partisans such as yourself, finally find something else to complain about when Lordaeron inevitably stays in the forsakens hands for the third time?


Except again, the Forsaken only control parts of Silverpine and Capital City.

And apperently the Scarlet have taken back certain areas while the Alliance has Southshore again.(and other part of Silverpine is Gilnean controlled because it was never Lordearon land.

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Lordaeron simping is the only thing alliance players have to talk about


Correction, it’s the only thing faction partisans have to talk about. They fail to understand lordaeron, i.e, the capital, is never going alliance, so they just keep bringing it up hoping blizz listens, but blizz just doubles down and shows the forsaken kicking everyone who tries to invade out.

Let the alliance partisans squirm over it. It’s fun to watch


I don’t understand it honestly. Then again I’m a worgen player lol.


At least fans of the giant murder puppies, wanting gilneas, a city that changes status depending on which day of the week we’re talking about it isn’t that strange.

At least compared to wanting another factions players capital for their own


This is of course, true! Going by some ratio of game-scale to well, something approaching the reasonably realistic, Lordaeron was a gigantic nation compared to its peers.

And such a gigantic landmass shouldn’t be under the jurisdiction of a single faction, hence the proliferation of small rival faction hubs all over the world. Taking that into account, the Forsaken are meant to share the upper Eastern Kingdoms with their neighbors. Given the rebuilding of Southshore, I’m expecting Southern Hillsbrad to be ceded to the living people of Lordaeron, while the Argents lay claim to a cleansed Eastern Plaguelands, and share the Western with the Forsaken. We both know that Blizzard only created the “myth” of the ever-burning Stratholme because they have no intention of renovating the dungeon to allow the Agents to rebuild it, despite the fact that the perpetrators are long gone and dead, and the Lich King is no more.

As for Gilneas, a clear delineation already exists mostly from Pyrewood and Shadowfang Keep. It really bothers me how small Gilneas is compared to its “child” Kul’Tiras, but that may be the fault of the Great Wall, which cut off prior Gilnean land from the rest of the kingdom, if I remember correctly.

I guess I’m saying, by all means, it should be carved up and shared if we’re going to be friends going forward. As chummy as the Horde and Alliance seem in Dragonflight, I’m surprised envoys and merchants aren’t already crossing borders… like Vulpera caravans, or Dwarven craftsmen…

But that’s just me.


Correct! Shadowfang Keep and Pyrewood Village were part of Gilneas, they were apart of Darius Crowley’s land. Its why he was pissed when the wall was built, which was part of Godfrey’s plan, he was manipulting Genn to built the wall there so Crowley would get pissed and start conflict. Godfrey wanted to cease the crown for himself.

But I agree it annoys me Gilneas is smaller than Kul’Tiras, although we can also just chalk that up to BfA coming after Cata so they made Kul’Tiras bigger. Hopefully if we get a revamp of the old world they make Gilneas bigger.