"The focus moved from gameplay to monetization metrics"

All you have is mindless vitriol, you haven’t even made any points and keep trying to lie about how you’re too good to play the game lol. It’s honestly funny watching you.


Yeah, the only point I’ve seen him make is ‘game bad!’ and yeah obviously I’m gonna ignore such a substance free ‘point’

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Businesses flourish when they make money their first priority. Sure.

But they also collapse when they lose sight of the quality of their product and drag themselves down to the level of their rivals who are also focused only on money.

Dangit it was 4chan post again :laughing:

I keep falling for this, thinking it’ll be something different and legit this time but nope, 4chan once again.

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In other news , water is wet!

How many tokens and store mounts have you bought?

I’ve made my points, you ignored them all and only responded with terrible gotchas, enjoy your dead game.

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Come come now. You’re talking sacrilege!

None with money, unless you count the flying mouse I bought for my little sister for Christmas.

You too!


Uhm, I actually have no idea what point you’re trying to get across at this point.

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Are you implying that activision is not flourishing? Lol

He’s probably saying they are at the tipping point of this:

Activision is no longer the behemoth they were in PC gaming with CoD when devs created it after quitting Medal of Honor.

They are now a microtransaction focused company. They’re only flourishing because people like you and me are allowing them to by normalizing microtransactions.

They’re no different than their rivals at the moment. Their life revolves around microtransactions instead of actual sales.

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Bonus points for calling people children while hurling names left and right though.

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The “source” is 4chan.

You know, the same people that brought us QAnon

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Oh he’s mad now.

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Well maybe you shouldn’t have said you quit SL and all of this angry bicker wouldn’t have happened

Just let me live my dream for one easy payment of $19.99. :sob:

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Mark Kern is a useless piece of garbage. He lost all of my respect when I realized he’d chase any trend to try and put himself in the spotlight. I became aware of him during the Nost shutdown drama and ensuing calls for Classic servers, and I thought it was neat that someone with credentials was carrying that banner… than I, you know, watched him.

He’s worthless.

What Mark Kern says about the current situation of WoW is probably true, but that doesn’t earn him any respect. According to people how have worked with him both at Blizzard and at other studios. He is one of the worst human beings in the industry. A talentless hack and a total clown who leeched off the success of other people and didn’t contribute anything on his own except misery.

Learn to write a sentence that isn’t painful to read maybe? The fact that people are having to waste time figuring out what you are trying to say before they actually get to understanding the what you are saying part is a serious problem.