"The focus moved from gameplay to monetization metrics"

The stuff the former disgruntled dev put in their tweet was not stuff they said but stuff they responded to.

The person said it might not be legit but that the thread does show a pattern all of the big gaming companies are using and in fact did not call out Blizz in their tweet.

The actual call out was from the person that made the thread that his tweet was a response to .

If people actually read things they would know this already .

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Almost the entire gaming industry didn’t 10-20 years ago man. Gaming was viewed as a joke by investors. Games were literally made by gamers for themselves to play.

Now they’re created by giant corporations who don’t play the games, don’t give an f about them other than for how much they can milk each player. Seriously man it’s a huge swing.


Im sure its common sense by now. If you dont see this happening in almost every major release, youre blind.

you log in play wow you know is any other game better idk. the only real solution is if blizz just leaves acti if there actually kind of being forced into this which probably considering how many that just left over time now they probably are but nothings gonna change

This is been going around and around and around saw it on one YouTube channel then another then another real or fake what good do you think will actually come from this post absolutely no one reads and cares about the forums, especially the general forums

Yet they sill make a bucket load from whales on the cash shop. The only problem with focusing on whales only is that when everyone else quits, there wont be anyone left to stand around and admire the whales. Leading them to quit too.

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Rofl. You haters are a gas. Thank you for your continued support of a company and game you hate so.

Really? because I haven’t said a word in this thread. Thought about it, with some of the people trying to say people here ignore or forget that FFXIV has a cash shop even though every time FFXIV is brought up their cash shop is almost always brought up and players like me do say yes FFXIV has a cash shop, which other than the boosts is purely cosmetic, like wow’s.

Also, I am 100% fine with cosmetic shops. I have no issue with companies selling cosmetics in their game to make additional money. Character boosts and story skips also not a big deal to me. It’s when the cash shops start getting into pay 2 win that I start taking issue with it.

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Source: my eyes.

There’s no way to tell whether that “leak” is real or fake because everything it describes has been obviously true for quite some time. Anyone could’ve written it, it doesn’t take any insider information to know that Blizzard doesn’t care about balancing their game anymore and only cares about milking the remaining player base of as much money as they can grab before the game dies out.

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I haven’t even scrolled down to read comments yet but I bet I am going to see several Blizzard White Knights replying to your post.

Edit: Yep, as expected.

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Your mistake was listening to Grummz and thinking he had anything of value to say.

So 10-20 years ago the money to produce big games magically appeared on trees? The people who made the games didn’t have any bills to pay? No money needed to be made at all?

What changed is that big companies innovated better ways to milk people. 10-20 years ago, producing a quality game and properly advertising it made you the big bucks. Now people have discovered things like gacha mechanics.

Again, to think money didn’t matter back then is completely ridiculous. What has really changed is how the money is made. Financial metrics have always existed, and they have always been at the forefront of any business that wants to remain solvent.

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They were made on a budget by passionate gamers man. No insane ceo bonuses of 20-30 million dollars man. It’s amazing how much game you can make when people are excited about it and you don’t have to pay stupid wages.

It really wasn’t for a lot of games man. Including a lot of the more popular and better ones. They went into it with the plan to make a fun game that they could play. Profit was secondary.

Seriously man. Gamers were viewed as basement dwelling nerds. A hobby that people did for fun. The shift to mainstream gaming and 30 million dollar CEO’s is a fairly recent one I assure you.


Wouldn’t a game that has a huge cash shop fall in to this same category? I know a certain game that has a huge cash shop…

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Why is anyone listening to this guy? He hasn’t been at Blizzard since 2006, he left to found his own company which then kicked him out. This guy knows less about WoW and current Blizzard than the average player. He’s made one game in his time since leaving Blizzard and now only seems to make money streaming. This dude gives me big grifter energy who will say anything to generate controversy.

apparently they have the same vibe with “One Trick Pony” Yoshida

He’s a FF14 streamer so yeah.

Most people don’t mind cosmetic store options, so long as they don’t artificially suppress the quality of in-game cosmetics to make the store cosmetics more enticing. It’s the Pay-to-Win stuff that drives everyone up the wall (like the WoW Token).

A broader problem with monetization in general is that it tends to grow more predatory over time. Winning subs back is harder than leaning on the cash shop purchasing, and produces less return on investment, so to speak. Current example is the state of TBCC: Why fix Faction imbalance when you’re going to make more money off of people paying for transfers? Why incentivize free transfers to revitalize dying realms when you’re going to make more money off of people paying for transfers off of dying realms?

Bit of unrelated advice for anyone attempting to bring up any of these subjects: identify the Blizzard Defense Brigade and Anti-Blizzard Attack Brigade and promptly ignore them. They’re not here for an honest discussion and no amount of evidence will sway them a single iota.

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the problem with the WoW Token arguement is that folks blow it out out of proportion. You don’t need to buy a token for carries or AH buying of BoEs. Folks spend a ton of money because they want to exploit the World First raiders (the ones loaded with cash.) Give it a few weeks when World First races end and you’ll get access.

Thing is that faction transfers don’t really fix and folks only do it so they don’t have to roll a new character. Also, the problem with faction balance is the only TRUE option is to either boost the underdogs to being superpowered or a forced lockout of new Horde Characters. Either way, doesn’t work and angers more issues. Same with servers. I’m sure folks won’t be happy if they’re not allowed to roll a character on Illidan but forced to roll on a server where their RL friends aren’t allowed. Balancing is a pain in the butt.

it’s more that every argument that’s thrown can be countered and explained. Otherwise, yeah, the forums have an “you’re with us or against us”

Nah, I’m not referring to disagreements. Point -> Counterpoint is just a discussion. Some prefer to twist words or just try to stonewall any discussion at all.