The Flagging System

Not incorrect, I’ve seen proof.

Yes it is, and yes people who abuse the system will be punished.

I know for a fact that not everyone does.

Yeah, no you don’t. Blizzard doesn’t disclose account actions with anyone other than the account holder except in very rare circumstances (usually when said person is lying about why they got actioned).

I think it just ran up so many flags that if anything gets flagged now it shuts down.

But I think people are also intentionally shutting it down. a shame, I miss your work Drede.

What proof do you have that a moderator didn’t take care of a flagged post? Posts are flagged and if enough flags happen, the post is hidden. But for any action to be taken, a moderator has to be the one clicking the delete or ban button.

It may not be intentional. The longer the thread is, if someone flags for a legitimate CoC issue, it can quickly add up for the system to lock it.

I feel there’s a lot of blame going on for things we may not really understand or know what’s actually going on.


They put Upsetting as one of the identifiers beside trolling.

What upsets someone? That is arbitrary and the only one who can say it is upsetting is the individual. So anyone can flag trolling if it upsets them.

Well personally with the thread in question, I admit it would be tempting to flag it as ‘spam’ as that topic is a deadhorse topic that’s been beaten to death and some, that’s just my opinion. I didn’t flag it myself.

My issue with the flagging system, I’ve said some things on Sunday’s in particular that probably deserved a flag most of the time on Sunday’s I’m just making a joke, but my issue is how you get banned from reaching Trust Level 3 because of flags, I mean in the past, on the old forum, I could just say “this thread isn’t in the appropriate forum” and they would then move the thread to the games or movies forum or whereever, now the issue is I only have the option to flag the thread as spam…

When I would prefer to do, is say, can you please move this thread to a more suitable location, that’s what I would put in my notes when I would report on the old forum. It’s not the people flagging so much that are at fault, it’s more the system itself that’s slightly flawed…


It is. It falls under the spamming/trolling portion of the CoC.

  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages

Flags are for pointing out violations of the CoC, not for use as a dislike button.

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Yea thats not really something you can control… especially on the internet when opposing opinions are often looked at as upsetting or even trolling. The thread in question, while I disagree with on multiple levels, shouldn’t have been flagged. But its easy to see why it was. Its like flagging someone talking about how they dislike LFR or flying… you know its going to get hate, and called trolling, despite the person possibly making a case for their position. That can lead to a forum becoming a hive mind, which places like Reddit is very susceptible to.

Uh, yeah I do lol. I’ve watched people get harassed and nothing done.

Yeah, not something I’d get wrapped around the axle about.

Well it’s not a huge issue to me, doesn’t have a huge impact on my personal life if that’s what you are asking, but I still feel it’s tip-toeing towards this mob rule, where the majority can silence people they don’t like…and stop them from getting ahead to a position of prestige, simply because they don’t like the person.

I mean it’s like how in real life, if you even accuse someone of shady things they did when they were younger (with no evidence whatsoever), then you can ruin their careers, that’s just not fair.


Again, no, you don’t. Because again, Blizzard does not discuss account actions with anyone but the account holder. If I was harassing you, and you reported me, you have no way of knowing if Blizzard reached out to me or not, or punished me, because they’re not going to tell you and I’m not going to tell you.

Don’t pretend like you know more than you do.

I don’t care what conjecture you come up with. I know what I know. People on here can and do get away with things that others do not.

So you know nothing. Right, now that we’ve solved that issue. Why don’t you go and play with a ball or something. Good puppy.

It’s not like one or two people can hide a post, it takes several people to flag your post and hide it. If that’s the case, the community you’re posting to/at has decided it deserves to be hidden. Kinda the point of the system.

You are correct, it takes several to hide a post. One or two cannot do this. However, it’s a double-edged sword if it’s right. If me and my friends wanted to, we could flag a post that violates nothing, just disagrees with someone and it will give the illusion that it was a “bad” post. I do not do this, so don’t take that the wrong way but it’s how Reddit works too and the reason why reddit views are not credible.

It seems this thread is still having problems.