The Flagging System

It should really be in the RP forums tbh

Well that sounds like an entirely separate issue.

But I’m pretty sure I’ve seen posts get unhidden. Maybe I’m misremembering.

Now I see. High elf thread. I don’t even read them, but those are spam.

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If it didn’t belong in GD then it’d have been manually moved elsewhere.

The thread has been up long enough for mods to do all of that themselves, the only thing that needs to happen is for people to stop abusing the Flagging System.


Ah, well yah that’s how it works

Threads are auto-locked with enough flags until a mod checks it out to assess if the lock is required

The issue is then that it gets unlocked…just to be flagged down again and locked by trolls. Really not a great system


That thread is a wretched hive of toxicity, it’s no shock that it’s spam locked

Except it’s spam locked because of the OPs contents, not because of the comments lmao.

You’re missing the point entirely. A single discussion is being censored because people are unhappy with someone elses opinions. The thread isn’t spam or anything (that’s been verified already by mods) yet the system allows players to censor it.

That’s the issue here.


Actually, it’s a good system. It’s just that children around here aren’t capable of using it properly.

Don’t worry. I’m sure it’ll be taken out, just like dislikes.

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Plenty of people on both sides of the fence are spam reporting. It’s not just one side.

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Those threads are lightning rods for misbehavior. They are one of the reasons the penalty for false reporting is so severe, because people in those threads were reporting everyone they disagreed with and encouraging others to break tou and report as well.

Ya the system is good, just abused. The problem is that it’s continuously locked despite nothing changing in the OP. That’s why I think if a thread was cleared of its lock by a mod, it should be immune to flags unless edited.

It really doesn’t matter who’s doing it, it just needs to stop honestly. Idc about what’s going on in the discussion, but people who do should be allowed to have it.

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If there are portions of the community that can’t be trusted with it (there are, there always have been), then it’s a bad system

Idealistic scenarios are worthless, how it operates in the real world is what matters

Then go tell the high elves cancer posters to stop mass reporting people :man_shrugging:

Edit. I agree that spam reporting is a bad thing and that thread is a good example. I just wanted people to defend their point of view.


Read the mod edit here:

Yes, people can be banned from the forums for falsely flagging posts/threads.

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That thread has been getting locked almost instantly the moment the 24 hour timer ends. I really hope the people that are abusing the system like this are granted a nice permaban for their childish behavior.

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There’s already an entire mega thread dedicated to High Elves. Multiple threads on one topic is considered spam. Players flagging it as such isn’t spam abuse. The OP could have easily put forth his ideas/thoughts into the existing thread where it belongs

I think the “Why high Elves Don’t Work” thread may predate the megathread.

arent you glad that AI is the future

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The entire system is a joke. A persona can call you an idiot, etc, and have nothing happen yet if you respond in kind you get a ban for “harassment”. The rules aren’t evenly applied and seem to change with the wind.


It’s about who agrees with the person you are having an argument with. Even if you don’t say bad things to them and they call you an idiot, YOU get the silence because so many people who play this game are pathetic snowflakes who can’t handle conversations. So they just report the opinions they are at odds with.