Flagging abuse

There is no 'Flagging Abuse", players can flag things.

If I recall, they do something if a player is just flagging everything for no reason. But you can’t do anything. For one thing, I don’t even think you know for sure who is doing the flagging. You can’t contact Blizzard about “X” post/thread, telling them that someone is “flag abusing”; That service is not offered.

Blizzard will react to the flagging, if it is a bad thing. As in you might be suspended.

A green, in another thread, mentions this and the code of conduct (but nothing about YOU reporting it:)

That was this thread:

In my own experience, I ask myself “Could what I posted offend the most thin skinned person, then have a thin skinned person/PC person at Blizzard agree with the flag?” If the answer is, “Yes”, then I self censor. Every time I’ve received a suspension, I could see their point; Even though I usually mind my manners pretty well, I could understand.

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