The Flagging System

Flagging/downvoting has always been abused. That’s why they removed outright the downvoting mechanism. I agree that some things are flagged that shouldn’t be, just because it’s not popular with the masses. Remember that all of this is really in support of a business, and so if there are too many “obvious” comments that are deemed hurtful to said business, it’s probably going to be removed. We don’t have total free speech here.

Pretty sure one person can hide a post if they keep flagging it with alts.


I remember abusive douchebags on some servers would always be downvoted. It was like an unspoken warnong that someone was a scammer, scumbag, or troll. I miss downvotes.

Can I just have unfiltered, uncensored, forums that doesn’t have safe places and all the PC whiners can either not read it or kindly shove off?

I remember the first time I got offended by words to the point of rage and illogicalness. I think I was 7.

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I think that’s called reddit.

It is

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages

You can by making your own and following your own rules , good luck :+1:

If I knew how I would. I play games on computers, dont know much else. But it totally would be a free forum.

EQ2Flames started because the official EverQuest 2 forums were incapable of handling criticism.

It turned into the most glorious place for years. Highlights included that one dude that’d get you to let him borrow your account while you’re on break, then try to sell your characters. Ah, I miss those days, the drama was fabulous.

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