The First Ones

The first one are no gods, they are probably godlike beings again, like the Titans.

Blizzard always avoids using real gods, always, even the gods like the Wild gods are just called that, but they are not, so I strongly suspect that the first one will be godlike, but not gods.

Maybe. Or maybe they’re finally giving Elune a nameable power tier “The First Ones/The Progenitors” and also creating a new power tier “The Eternals”.

Especially given the Winter Queen is an Eternal as per datamined dialogue and I would bet that Cenarius will be “clarified” as also being an eternal and that the Winter Queen is another child of Elune/Malorne.

Honestly, I already suspected that the Winter Queen is a child of Elune :smiley: but not Malorne´s Child

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Eh. Cenarius looks half-night-elf-y and the Winter Queen also looks Nelf-y (blue skin, facial features, pointy leafy forehead that could be ears) and also has antlers like Cenarius and Malorne.

Stands to reason both look Nelfy due to Elune being partial to Nelves and thus take after her favorite race, like some sort of retroactive geneaology.

Update just noticed one of the things High Priest Amathet says when you turn in a quest/Major Assault cache quest is “Have faith in the sun”.

Which is weird as in theory they’re Titan constructs and aware of it too. What are they having faith in? What’s up with all the “Suntouched” things?

Just another kernel for everyone.

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The verified tangibility of Azeroth’s myriad supernatural agencies makes acknowledgement of their existence less mutually exclusive than it is for RL faiths.

Like how a dwarf can know of his people’s titanic origins, but still serve and revere the Light as a priest or paladin. Believing in the great power and importance of one doesn’t mean he can’t also believe in the other. Or how being a druid doesn’t cause a tauren to cease believing in the Earth Mother or a night elf to not believe in Elune.

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errr I’m implying that The Sun is an entity unto itself, worshipped so far by Tauren and Tol’vir, and sorta acknowledged by Blood Elves

I wouldn’t make any assumptions. Elune will fit into the cosmology somewhere and honestly An’she could easily be another, though he probably wouldn’t use that name, and just be more hands off. The Arrakoa were all about solar power too and for a ‘true deity’ we are yet to see any influence by Elune outside of Azeroth on any of the other worlds we have seen. Even by the limited amount we saw no influence by her on either Draenor or Argus or for any other interplanetary group even recognize her as a power.

If you played Alliance in Shadowmoon, Delas uses a piece of Draenor’s moon rock to channel Elune’s power and empower a moonwell.

There is also Elunaria, though her connection there is unclear.


There seems to be some distinction between the “First Ones” aka Progenitors who built the Shadowlands and the “Eternal Ones”, who are the controllers of afterlife realms such as the Archon and the Winter Queen.

For now I am thinking the Jailer is likely an Eternal One, who might have aspirations of elevating himself in power to that of the First Ones and thus be able to rebuild things to his liking.

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Bump and update:



pyro btfo again

This does sorta confirm the other theory the Jailer was betrayed/jailed by the Other Eternals, so Pyro is only half right, which as far as “trying too guess where Blizzard is going” is aight

Accolon is super off the mark though, Bellular too

not really, the rest of the shadowlands stood up against the jailers, evil, pyros theory is based on the jailer being a good guy

he just says words, I dont think bellular understands the wow story not even 1% of it.

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Which may remain the case! We have two years for a plot twist.

lol I’m looking forward to his speculation on Ardenweald as the xpac progresses, given the basis on Irish Myth that he says he grew up with and loves intimately

true but blizzard doesnt really do those, we’ll see I guess.

seeing how bad he is with wow lore I get the feeling he doesnt know much about any myths, even ones from his home country.

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C’mon give him a chance on this front, I appreciate his “correct pronunciations” of words WoW is using that they’re 100% gonna butcher via voice-overs hahaha

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heh, I think tailsean is the only streamer youtuber that is good with lore and theories. He defs been more spot on than the others

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would be cool to have a lore-roundtable between all of them on twitch

2 hardcore conspiracy theorists, 1 on-the-ground lore speculation, 1 with more IRL myth knowledge (giving Bellular the benefit of the doubt lol)

Yare yare daze

Y’all nerds need trust level 3.