The First Ones

Only problem there is lack of tentacles, since tentacles/squid predate the “dark void whispers” of current Lord Stormsong.

I bet its a Kraken Wild God.

Nah Elune was defo called a True Deity.

Yeah, but not “only true deity”


No, I definitely know from an interview where she was called the only true deity.

I just feel like such labels mean very little if the being in question fails to live up to their name.
I mean, it’s of little use to have the “one true deity” if their powers are evidently limited and they do nothing to help their chosen people when it really matters.
But I guess we will learn more about that in Shadowlands.

well, put it this way, if it’s true, then not interfering when you are responsible for everything…maybe sometimes it’s better :wink:

Maybe. In the end, the Night Elves reclaimed their lands.

i hope so, they deserve it after all that trash happened from bfa

Well I hope you find the source then. As an Elune tinfoil hatter, I certainly don’t remember hearing that, outside of outdated lore (possibly the RPG)

I hope An’she is a real being tbh.

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What hooded beings?

The dudes with the cloaks at the Dark Portal. In AU Draenor we discover that they weren’t made by Gul’dan at all but pre-existing statues of some forgotten something buried under the ground that Gul’dan told the Shadowmoon Clan to excavate. That means all instances of those statues in Outlands came before both Orcs and Draenei (e.g. Nagrand, other parts of Shadowmoon Valley, etc) and also throws into question the Azeroth Altar of Storms which also use those motifs.

Notably the Altar of Storms in Twilight Highlands is being intentionally corrupted/desecrated by the Twilight’s Hammer.

Also one of the Altar of Storms is the site of a Nathrezim doing a ritual during a questline.

Also the Altar of Storms was used to corrupt elf magic.

Meaning hooded figures are

  • used by Nathrezim
  • usable in some capacity by Burning Legion in general
  • hated by the Void
  • able to corrupt elf magic (i.e. Elune-rooted power)

Oh and also they resemble strongly the new design for Shadowlands “shades” that are used in the Tauren Heritage Armor questline, the Talanji royal ceremony where the shades try to stop her, and also seem implied in an older Koltira questline where he asks us to go to the Shadowlands to kill some shades where the Lich King says “I kept these creatures from attacking the Death Knights, and since they broke free from my will they also broke free from my protection” (paraphrasing).

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i hope so too, but not an first one.

Aight who, outside of Elune, would you be okay with being a First One/Progenitor, as the NPCs refer to them in the plural, not the singular?

Oh dang, that’s pretty cool.

I always thought that the hooded/cloaked mysterious way was how Medivh appeared to Gul’Dan who then based his Dark Portal design based on that. Interesting that they have lore on this!

One point though -

in the WoD cinematic, the portal is being built by the Iron Horde?

the jaylor, “The fallen first one”

You’d prefer The Jailer be in the same power tier as Elune over An’she???

I am confusion.

That makes no sense.

Please explain.

yeah they’re being built by the Iron Horde but the design isn’t OF the Iron Horde or Gul’dan or even the Burning Legion

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I am all for over-arching mysterious that make the world feel bigger so I like this concept.

I hate how modern Blizz tried to neatly connect literally everything together in their mythos.

Like it’s fine, great even, to have a coherent mythos that meshes together well, but don’t spell out every connection. Takes away the magic.

Sort of like how Legend of Korra decided to give us a blow-by-blow account of the origins of the Avatar, as well as quantifying power levels and stuff. Major downfall of the series IMO. Whereas Aang and Zuko meeting the mysterious, and never-seen-before Sun Warriors gave a depth to the world. You could make educated theories about them and their relation to firebending, but it was cool that it would remain something fun to speculate about.

I also feel like they only know to go in the Abrahamic-tinged neo-Wiccan (as you pointed out) direction, and they need to not do this.

These fantasy worlds have more depth if they take the greek pantheon route IMO.


Honestly, a fallen First One, a kind of titanic being, a “God” who was finally imprisoned by the First One in the Maw, in the Land of the Dead so that he would never enter the universe again, so that it would stay that way, they created a whole apparatus of death that would prevent the imprisoned one of their kind from ever coming back to power and that he would be trapped in it forever.

The Shadow Lands are thus solely a mechanism, a machine to keep the prison of the fallen alive. The mortal ones serve as filling to keep the prison powerful with their anima.

It would be a really cool story ala Ainur/morgoth possible, An’she has in my eyes - and also the earth mother - nothing to do with it. I think the earth mother and the Titan are appropriate, but it’s more centred on the earthly concept, whereas the night elves rather inserted Elune into the stellar concept. The night elves looked up into the stars and sought explanations, the Tauren searched the depths of the world for them. The Earth Mother is an earthly construct of faith, whereas the night elves looked for stellar things.

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Yeah no absolutely not The Jailer being of equal power level/power tier/cosmic power to Elune, i.e. The Jailer also being a “True Deity” of WoW is not doing it for me.

An’she, Elune, and other beings that we may or may not sorta know about occupying this Progenitor/First Ones/True Deity space is cool. They’re mysterious, vague, aloof, sometimes intervene dramatically, sometimes look the other way, drama.

Bald shirtless dudebro with runes who got his helmet, armor, and sword taken away? Nah. I’m good love. Enjoy.