The First Ones

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Seen in Oribos, referencing the city itself and whoever built it.

There might be a precursor to titans? I think?


Either that, or maybe the Titans made the shadowlands too.

The First Ones presumably built the Arbiter(who being silent even when doing her job seems mechanical since those she doesn’t judge goes straight to the Jailer)… Zovaal the Jailer is one himself I’d presume…

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Well, this is almost certainly what we are being led to next. I doubt it’s the Titans since it sounds more like an ancient civilization.

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trolls were first


The elementals and Old Gods were first.

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N’raqi and A’qir were first on Azeroth.


The elements were on Azeroth first, then the Old Gods gate crashed and things snow balled from there.


As far as flesh beings go, N’raqi and A’qir were first. I’m not certain elementals can be classified as living things.

I’m pretty sure they are “living” as much as any other creature. Not organic life, but still life.


A Sentient robot would not be considered a form of life, even if sentient. Elementals may have the same problem. They are more along the lines of sentient energy.

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The SL are more than just Azeroth so it can be something completely new. And hopefully; probably, is. So we don’t need to try to track and see if it follows the Chronicles description of Azeroth.


Titanforged are alive. As for elementals, the fact that Druids can use druidic arts to interact with the elemental ‘wildlife’ of the firelands suggests that they are definitely life. More over, Nobundo’s story seems to very clearly indicate that the elements are living things.


First Carm defends me in another thread and now I have to wholeheartedly agree with your post. What strange times we live in.

There are several mentions of a group called the Progenitors. One is very important to Torgast, as you see it every time you rescue a soul there:

There is also

Additionally there is a hidden cavern in the Maw called “Progenitor’s Refuge”.

I am getting the feeling the Progenitors AKA ‘First Ones’ were an ancient now likely dead civilization predating even the Titans which constructed the Shadowlands. They might of been the architects behind a great many things all over the cosmology map.

I am pondering if Elune might be one of the few surviving Progenitors, actually. It help explain how she apparently was around to create the Prime Naaru.


A Progenitor in the Maw!?! And a Spell involving the death of one!?!

“She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you’ll see.” - N’Zoth during the Uu’nat encounter.

Our first encountered Progenitor is presumably(if the entity is whom N’Zoth is talking about) going to be drowned in something… But what?.. The River of Souls presumably?..

Hopefully drowning/killing her restores her to sanity(since she wouldn’t be fighting us if she was on our side) so that she can aid us! Hopefully we get to see her Model!

Another important tidbit. There is a distinction being drawn between the Eternal Ones aka The Winter Queen, Archon, etc… and the First Ones aka Progenitors.

The million dollar question is if the Jailer is an Eternal One, or a Progenitor.


Eternal is used as a term for the Divine in WoW… The Archon and the Winter Queen are likely Gods(presumably older than the Titans) while the Wild Gods and Bastion’s Paragons are Demigods ascended by them.

Interestingly enough GW’s latest Artbook described the Continent of GW: Utopia was ruled by Old Gods(whom Evennia rants at in GW Prophecies for abandoning Tyria) and later(after disappearing) the New Gods(AKA the Human Gods).

The Artbook even describes the existence and history of Utopia’s Continent as part of GW’s Canon History along with Eye of the North and GW2 and it’s Expansions… With Icebrood Saga having Jormag mention threats it’s likely the threat the New Gods sealed away has escaped.

Back on to this topic: I suspect the Jailer and Arbiter are Eternal Ones with the Arbiter being an artificial one.

It gets weird sometimes right?

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I can well imagine that the first ones stand is something absolutely unknown now, they might even have something to do with the void. Because why else would the land of the dead be called “Shadowland”.