The First Ones

But the statement: only true Deity, excludes the rest as far as this status is concerned.


I actually can’t find the source anymore, but did he say the word “only”?

Plz link if you have it.

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Which blizzard has retconned. Like they do when the story they want to tell contradicts current lore, they just rewrite the current lore to make it fit the new storyline, and judging by the mention of the “First Ones”, Elune is clearly not unique in being warcrafts one true goddess figure.

Where in Cataclysm did he make this statement?

I checked the Lore Panel and Interview and see no reference to her being the only true deity…

I found this:


Metzen doesn’t actually say anything to the effect. Waiting for Zahirwrite to find the source to confirm the use of the word “only”.

i´ll answer tomorow, have to search the interview.

The only deity in the Warcraft universe or the only diety in the Warcraft universe we know of?


I’ve heard claims Elune was Azeroths only “true” goddess, implying others are either demi gods or so powerful as to appear godlike.

The first is the most recent Lore source and it only says she is just one of the few True Gods… There is no mention of Goddesses outside Elune other than the Earthmother…

If the Earthmother is Azeroth herself then Elune is the only Goddess among the True Gods of Azeroth(as the Winter Queen and Arbiter aren’t Azeroth’s deities) unless Xal’atath counts as one and isn’t the male Y’Shaarj himself(and since Blizzard stated she is lying about being a sister to the Old Gods…)…

For future, you can add ` before and after the link. So you don’t have to break up the link.

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The “true” part isn’t in question. I recall the Metzen interview as a thing that definitely happened. I just remember it as “one of Azeroth’s true deities” and others are remembering it as “Azeroth’s only true deity”.

And neither one of us can find the OG source it seems.

I really hate the idea that titans are more powerful than all other cosmologies.


They only are in the Great Dark (i.e. physical reality), because it’s the realm of Order, and they’re the most powerful beings born of Order. So just as the Void Lords are insanely powerful entities within the Void, the titans are similarly so in their native reality.

Conversely, if such beings leave their realities, they cease to be as powerful within realms foreign to their own. Just as the Void Lords can only manifest a fraction of their enormous power within our plane of existence, if a titan attempted to cross over the Void in similar fashion it could probably only do so as a small portion of its true self.

Hence the Void Lords’ desire for a void-corrupted titan; they seek to exert upon our reality the same sort of power they possess over their own, but they can’t because just crossing over subjects them to the fundamental laws of Order to which the Void is subject here, restricting them. So they strive to infect and control a titan - i.e. what amounts to the Great Dark Beyond’s nearest equivalent to themselves.


We really have no idea of the raw power capacity of any of these groups beyond vague tiers, particularly the First Ones. The First Ones might have set everything up in the Shadowlands, and even been very advanced, but we have nothing to suggest they are notably more powerful than a Titan or a Void God. One of the stand out’s about Azeroth is that the World Soul of Azeroth is supposed to be stupidly powerful, at least in potential, to the point that it could directly effect the entire cosmic balance if she ever awakens, for good or ill. That is why she is such a major point of conflict. She is effectively the cosmic king piece. Get her and you win.

That said, I suspect we will find that in the depths of the various cosmic realms there are beings of extraordinary power. I also think it is highly likely that the Jailor is either a First One or created by the First Ones. I certainly think it is very premature to assume that these First Ones are on another scale to the likes of the Titans or that their level of direct interference would be relevant. Case in point, if An’she was a First One, he might just be way more hands off than Elune. Elune is pretty hands off herself. I just don’t expect he is if he actually exists.

Regardless, I am kind of starting to get more of a Darkriders vibe from Shadowlands which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I love the Darkriders franchise.

On a side note, I wouldn’t put much stock in past Blizzard quotes regarding the state of lore. They happily rewrite things to serve the story they want to tell. Just look at the origins of the orcs who were originally a ‘peaceful nomadic culture build around a shamanic faith’. They will add more ‘true gods’ or tone back Elune as suits the story they want to tell. It is how Blizzard’s writing has always operated.


I have a problem, I found the interview, only the interview areas are dead and there is no summary. Because it was in a poadcast - similar format to blizzplanet at the time. I remember that because my old PC had saved all the interviews, only my hard drive crashed.

So I have no proof that I can provide, but I do know for sure that “only true deity” was said, but not whether it said “in warcraft” or "on Azeroth.

As I said it is a rather moot point. Blizzard rewrites things at the drop of a hat if they decide they want to tell a story that contradicts past statements. They do it constantly.

Yes, I know, but nevertheless I want to explain myself and also apologize why I did not comply with the obligation of proof, I know that it was the interview, I also know the environment and found it on WOWpedia as a Poadcast, but without a summary and with a dead link it is just unfortunately worth nothing.


No worries. I know the interview happened, but I remember “one of” rather than “only”.

Either way Elune is a True Deity, whatever that means, and we both know Blizzard will add in more as they see fit. I’d rather the first one they elaborate upon is the already present but extremely vague Sun God.

What occurred to me about Elune, couldn’t she be the tide mother?

Elune appears more often as a motherly, caring figure, and this is also said about the tide mother, Elune also has power over the sea, it would also fit, only that she is not represented there in the form of the moon.

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You are probably thinking of the time they called her the “true spirit of the moon” not “true deity”

The other time they called her one of the few full deities.