The feldrake will go the way of the slime cat

yea true. i’m glad that blizz is doing this!

I am looking forward to using the feldrake as one of my main mounts like I do with my Slime cat mount. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think this drop thing is pretty cool. I’ve never seen it before and I get to watch some of my favorite streamers. I can’t complain there. Especially when launch of expansions tend to be rough the first week because of everyone trying to load in the zone. I’m fine with this.

If they want to bring back TCG mount/toys as rewards for the community I think that’s fine. They’re trying to get the community to engage with each other and maybe find a new creator they may like.

They did the same thing with the TCG turtle mount by adding it to fishing, and you know what? Those fishing parties were fun. I had a lot of fun talking with people while fishing and helping them kill mobs and what not. I still use my turtle when I’m in the water.

We don’t have a right to demand of Blizz to do whatever with the TCG loot cards. TCG is their property and they can decide what to do with it. If they want to reward the community they can. And honestly we need community engagement. It’s just those with the loud voices that don’t like fun right now.

i think they should update the model and give that one out. that way ppl that want it to look cool get an even cooler one, and the ppl that like the rarity that ahve the old one get to keep that

should also be something in game to get it, not watching streamers that are just gonna make money off u through ads or subs. would rather give someone who had the patience to hold on to a collectible that revenue rather than someone just riding a streamer hype-wave lol

Yeah, it’s nice tho we get the old one. I probably won’t use it but at least it’s another mount in my book. blizz made a pretty good choice with this and hopefully they do this more in the future. i love me some free stuffs

i have less than 100 cuz i only go for the ones i actually want lol

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Exactly. They just wanna sit here and cry about exclusives when they do nothing in the game /shrug


Best part is this mount was bought. lmao

ya i just dont care to, would rather have a smaller journal tbh and only fill it with ones i like :smiley:


play the game lots, just not concerned with fillin up my journal

got my drakey boy a few expansions ago from pretty cheap, only mount i really use lol

The slime cat was bad and had no slimy wings therefore not worth it.

I wouldn’t even use a spectral tiger mount unless I had to use a ground mount if I had that to show off.

The best two mounts in WoW are Invincible and Core Hound.

Missed chance for them honestly

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/looks at classic

wow, that’s a lot of people with the “challenging to get” bronze drake!


cuz i care about collectibles. that sh isnt exclusive to wow. collectibles exist everywhere. its something i think is cool. said it in another thread but everyone knows somebody that collects rare things and u dont go into their house and tell them its elitist for them to do so lol

but they wouldnt collect those things in the first place if u could just click 1 button and get it all for free would they

sets a precedent and for people that like rarity its a bad one. for people that dont it isnt obviously. but ppl are allowed to have their opinion on rarity and exclusive items being good.

like, pokemon cards were successful as hell and they had plenty of exclusivity/rarity. we tryna say those were bad now?

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I do love that mount though lowkey

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if ur just gonna pretend people haven’t collected things in video games since the beginning of them idk what to tell you.

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This is different from pokemon. The cards that are worth something are grade 10 cards. Even then, most people don’t have grade 10 cards. And there are way more prints of charizard out there. And you know what. They keep reprinting the old art cards too in newer sets.

distinction there being “newer sets”

there are ways to distinguish them from the old ones. if there weren’t, the fans would go in a frenzy.

thats why i been saying just make the new one a little different, or even update the model to be a 2022 model. no reason to eliminate the distinction between an OG one and a new one

also there is so much sentimental value in non graded cards just like there is with mounts that wouldnt exist if they werent rare. if those charizards were the same rarity as an energy card aint no one keeping them for 20+ years

they do but almost always with distinctions

Nobody cares you have the Feldrake. Sorry.

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i have made literally 0 posts or comments about having it prior to this thread and ive owned it since mop

if i wanted people to care about it like ur narrative ur trying to push on me, id have spammed about it on end

its super weird u gotta drag people down and then act like people who own the mount are doing something wrong by enjoying rarity in collectibles

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i hope the next rare mount that comes out doesnt impact ur mental health too bad when u dont get it.