The feldrake will go the way of the slime cat

As an owner of a swift spectral tiger I will be right there watching the explosion because I am not selfish and rather see players enjoy the mounts I have been enjoying for years.


the idea that valuing rarity is selfish is stupid and not a serious opinion srry

Why all the whining about making it more widely available? Who cares about some pixels on the screen? I don’t place value on items based on it’s rarity. I base it on whether I think it’s a cool looking thing. More people having the Feldrake doesn’t diminish it’s value for me.

there’s like 1000 mounts in wow no matter how easy or hard to obtain you’re not gonna see large swaths of people riding the same mount who cares if everyone has it

u can say “who cares” about anything

collectibles are not a new concept. pretending its selfish, outrageous, whatever to value collectibles and their rarity is not a serious opinion

if u dont cool, but theres clearly always been a demand for rarity across pretty much everything in life


Blizzard, please bring back the Diablo 3 mount for players that missed it. It’s a great mount and I’m sure lots of people would enjoy using it to match their transmog.

And thinking a collectible is only valuable because of its rarity isn’t one either.


rarity/acquisition limitations are one of the biggest factors. dont play stupid mental gymnastics


I’m not. I only collect something if I think it looks cool, regardless of it’s rarity. There could be millions of a thing, but if I think it’s cool I’m going to get it.

I don’t get why people keep saying everyone will have it. It’s only going on for 2 days for the feldrake mount in particular.

Not everyone is going to even be aware of that window of opportunity because so few people actually go on the forums and not everyone plays the game/pays attention to it every single day.


this isnt about u bro

ppl been chasing these mounts for years, same as every other to-be exclusive mount

because the value was in the rarity.

And there is literally nothing wrong with that. they aint the only exclusive mounts, theres hundreds of others. no one is demanding they release those for free.

cuz the beef isnt with exclusivity and ppl dont actually care about the mounts

they jsut happy that they get to make fun of ppl that had something they didnt


I am. I think FOMO is the absolute worst thing for video games. Any and all items and quests that were removed from the game should be put back in for everyone to enjoy and obtain.

Saying they should remain “exclusive” is just being an arrogant elitist wanting to lord their fake superiority over others.


u can literally still buy it for less than gold cap lol

someone posted there was one on sarg or somethin earlier for 7 mil

nah this is a corny overuse of the word elitist

like a dogwhistle for ppl that wanna victimize themselves so they can complain for more free sht lol

someone having something ur jealous of doesnt make them elitist. feldrake wont stop that attitude of urs

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I ain’t a victim of anything. I got my Feldrake and have enjoyed it for years. I’ll be even more happy to see more people able to enjoy it too.

so now ur pretending what other people get genuinely matters to u lmao

No one is logging on and going “wow yeah its so sweet that everyone got this mount that they’re gonna put away forever cuz everyone has it!!”

thats not the feel good story ur making it out to be and ur happyness isnt gonna be impacted in any way quit lying for sympathy points

ur just in it for the forum posting

Of course it will go away. I’d bet most of the people angry, aren’t even angry because of the mount.

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Continue to wallow in your salt. I’m going to happily wave at anyone else who has it and suggest transmog options that fit with it.

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Oh yeah, you know me, I do nothing but troll the forums all day lol.

ur not gonna do any of that stop lying