The feldrake will go the way of the slime cat

I said this months ago and the forum knights all chastised me for it… There are too many mounts and Blizz keeps pumping them out for “reasons”… Its stupid.

WTB more mogs instead of mounts…


Halloween is forever a sad day now

Best to come to the forums and complain about feldrake to take your mind off what day it is :slight_smile:

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Well, that’s a bummer. Didn’t know that was on Halloween.

He chose the best day to die on though.

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There’s more mogs than mounts already.


Hey, that doesn’t fit the narrative OP’s trying to build! You’re only supposed to use the Rajani, Heavenly Onyx, or Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpents since only rarity matters.


i really dont care about it. i was bought a ruby red panther back in MOP by a wonderful guildy that no longer plays and i think thats the only mount i use. and i have quite a few…

Ha ha green zappy noodle go brrrrr

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I think it is crappy the way Blizzard treats customers, but years of news it is no surprise at this point.

It is a mount, one you probably wont use for long, and it is just pixels. Vote with your wallet, or be walked on.


I use it with my pet cat that goes with it. It needs to fly. Blizzard has patched mounts into being ablet to fly before so no reason why they cannot do the same for this one too.

Are people pretending anyone actually cared about the fel drake before this announcement?
I legit only saw like one person in-game riding it and it looked ugly as sin. It’s just a recolor of the basic drake mount.
The only reason I’m even going to get it from the twitch drop is just to increase my total mount number.


Right? Everyone has two maybe three mounts they use. The rest are fleeting.

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I will use it, if only to annoy the people who are so upset about it.


the life of a forum hero

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Jokes on you- I already have my macro created and ready!

The laughs that will be had once they give away the spectral tiger. All those players dropping $7000 on ebay to be special are going to lose their minds.


TBH nobody’s gonna use it anyway, old vanilla model drakes look like garbage. There’s a hundred other dragons with better models available.

How often do you see people riding things like the bronze or albino drake? Or even emerald or Experiment 12-B which still have a degree of rarity to them? Basically never cause they’re ugly.


whats up with u weirdos so mad that people enjoy special things lol

u not own anything ur proud of in life?

u guys cant exist like this irl do u

“I have nothing cool so i dont want anyone else to!”


I use the Feldrake all the time on my Warlock and Demon Hunter alts. It’s very thematic for those classes. More people having it won’t stop me from using it.


so? people like things for different reasons.

a 1st edition charizard is cooler than a fake even if they look the same

the idea u gotta worry about what ppl spend their money on and make fun of them for valuing rarity is wild

collectors have existed since the beginning of civilization. u mad at art museums too? people who own first prints of famous books or records? howbout antique cars?

shouldnt be something that effects u right? so why all this whining about them and ppl that value rarity.


Fel Drake was always a C Tier TCG mount.

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