What ilvl are the people who’ve completed it? I can’t nuke them it seems. I’m trying the suggested strat, and it’s not working
Same issue, when I try to burst they reset and if I try any other way rook gets stuck phases.
Im like 393 and did it
I did this on normal (by mistake) yesterday and didnt have any problem. They dropped instantly there was not even a bubble cast. I then decided to redo right after (Mythic) and got this bug. Couldnt exit the encounter no matter what. Couldt exit game except for Alt F4 and when relogged and still in fight. No way out at all except using the Admirals Compass which took me to the garrison shipyard. Luckily I carry all these tele devices on me or I would still be stuck in fight. Paladin 399 iLev
The solution to all these bugs: Add a workaround quest to jump to Garrosh like Hellfire Citadel and Blackrock Foundry.
Was able to get past this on my rogue by using vendetta/nothing personal x2 on sun and toxic blade envenoms on rook. The dots continue when they are in their stuck part and if it ticks enough it breaks the phase so the boss casts before reentering it. Oddly enough when sun and rook were casting bond all sun’s adds suddenly spawned on me.
No idea how I did this. After trying the strategy as a 382 mage, I accidentally crit Rook and killed everything and got the loot…
I kill too fast with avatar trinket bladestorm and they reset or not fast enough and rook or sun get stuck
Still waiting for that response from Blizz…
I tried to lure them here via Twitter. fx this fixes before reset. It’s literally the only boss from SoO I need T_T
I left He for last and it worked for me. Single target dps only.
when hes casting at the end, u have enough time to hearth out before he hits u.
buddy weve all done that about 69 times by now
I think I’ve done it 2x now by single target dpsing Rook, Sun, then He, but I’m not sure
I’m having the same issue, the other 2 stop at 60% and do not come back when adds are down.
the first time I ever decide to run this raid and cant kill the 2nd boss. fun
Just did this on mythic using the He single target method for his first two adds and then bursting Rook/Sun down.
I tried several times in Prot and then switched to Arms and got it on my second try with trinket/avatar/whirlwind and nothing else. I just want to add that I thought i had failed. Adds spawned and i went to kill them so i could reset the fight, Sun was still in a casting animation, and then i received the credit for the encounter. She continued casting for maybe 5 seconds afterwards before falling over and allowing loot.
I have not tried recreating this scenario and even the kill seemed bugged. I hope they have taken notice to this issue by now!
Yep, just came here to report this. Really annoying as running these weekly raids is one of the only reasons I stayed subbed until flying comes back. >.<
Please fix, Blizz. D:
Just adding to the pile. I tried the suggestions provided, as I am on my ilvl370 warrior doing mythic version of this raid, but nothing has worked so far. Rook and Sun just sit stuck untargettable. He Softfoot also kinda bugs as he doesn’t reset as expected by leaving the arena he will follow you to the raid entrance sometimes.
I completed it at 381 using Laoghaire’s method, but Ele Shaman have pretty good nukes.