The Fallen Protectors @ Siege of Orgrimmar

Yeah this doesn’t work, tried it on my rogue and it still bugged out.

Can’t say if this one actually works or not, as I don’t have the dps to burst Rook down quick enough before he pops into his add phase :/.

Hey Blizzard are you going to address this? Like the bug team is aware and currently is working on it or working as intended. It was not made to be solo’ed. Something?


So, if Blizz is reading through this, and they just happen to be giving out compensation awards like other games do for their trouble, I have been trying for the Tusks of Mannoroth for a few years now and would be very happy to receive them in the mail as bug compensation :smiley: :smiley:


The Paragons bug has been an issue for at least a couple of months now, but usually it fixes itself on the second or third try. As long as 3 paragons jump down in the beginning, and you kill one at a time, you should be good.

I tried again and I let them finish the dialogue, still no go.

I have been doing this on Mythic for a month or two, and everything worked fine until this Tuesday’s reset.

Please fix this.

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Yep unkillabe for me as well both sun and rook simply become untargetable after their first 66% ability and thus the fight cannot be completed.

Glad to see a forum post about this. I’m just trying to get the page for the Mind-Worm and couldn’t progress past them

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I tried your method and it worked for me! Thanks so much!

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Sun for me was sometimes spawning more then one add but including Despair in with them when she isnt supposed to even spawn him.

I just used this method to complete the fight. Thanks for figuring this out.

Now, Blizzard needs to either fix this or tell us it’s intentional.


Just did this method too, first try. Worked beautifully. Thank you!


Spending a half hour on each character I have just to try and kill the second boss just right doesn’t even sound good. Just fix the bug Blizzard.

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:confused: bugged for me as well

same here… theory-crafted for like 20 minutes and nothing worked

Can confirm this works. Its a pain in the rear but it works.

The bug is still going where only one add is spawned and Rook/Sun get stuck in their phase.

as mentioned only way seem to be get he down to his last phase, nuke rook and the then the chick and he pretty much all at once.

Tried that and it still just glitched for me.


Rook instantly goes into his phase without being able to nuke him for me.

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Unable to nuke him and stuck with this bug as well. Hopefully we get a blue response or see a bug fix for it soon.

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