I dont know what to tell you other then i just did it, ill go do it agian on mythic.
Having same issue on mythic [hence why I ended up here]
When i did it, i did it on heroic, got the same issue, but managed to get past it
Gotta love how a CM won’t respond to this, but they will respond to some stupid issue with Discord, a third party app lol.
Eh standard MO, trying to see if i can be done on mythic or if the bug is specific only to mythic. I managed to do it on heroic this afternoon.
So def looks like its being caused by their desperate measures abilities, they dont want to progress through the phase with only the first of the adds spawning. Weird this does not seem to happen on heroic or not sure what i did differently to get this to work.
For those still trying you can reset the fight by having he follow you off the ramp to the left.
While facing the way you came in jump onto the dark gray broken stone, run to the left side where it meets with the hill and jump off while moving toward the wall and away from the dark grey broken rock you are on, he should follow you off and reset to try again vs hearthing.
It seems that each boss is only capable of spawning one add. For He, this is fine as he spawns one add normally but the others have to spawn three adds and they’re unable to do so.
Siege of Orgrimmar has probably been the buggiest raid I’ve stepped into and it has been this way for a while now. You’d think it would be fixed by now too.
I haven’t tried it on anything but Mythic, so I can’t say for sure. But you may have just nuked them down quick enough, because apparently if you nuke them before they go into their add phase you can get past it. Of course that’s easier said then done, because not everyone has the gear or right type of AoE to manage it.
True enough, though it was at least doable prior to this most recent bug with the reset.
More info: the adds that the bosses spawn appear above the arena. When Sun and Rook enter their add phases, the adds above the arena disappear and get put down into the arena for players to kill. If the single add of Sun or Rook is then killed, the adds at the top reset to their default numbers. So, it seems that killing the adds that spawn during Sun’s and Rook’s untargetable phases starts the next targetable phase but this is not sufficient to remove the buffs from Sun and Rook that make them untargetable, as the required number of adds for the removal of these buffs has not been met.
The mogs that I run SoO for unfortunately drop on Mythic difficulty, so when I got to Fallen Protectors I also couldn’t get past them. I tried to fight them solo for about an hour, thanks to transcendence + taunt I can quickly and easily reset.
When I realized that it was bugged I wondered if it was because I couldn’t do enough by myself so I asked a couple of friends to come with me, another WW Monk and a Rogue, even with the three of us focusing one boss each and trying any number of combinations we couldn’t get through.
It’s definitely bugged but you don’t have to die in there. I just reset by jumping up the broken rocks from where I jumped down.
Confirming this as well. Raid is basically now impossible to complete on any difficulty due to this bug.
Yep, happened to me, too. Was able to skip past, trying to at least finish the raid out, but it won’t load the next scenario, and the protectors are unkillable right now…
Happened to me too tried roughly 20+ times with different methods.
Just did this on my Paladin
Got He all the way down to low hp then AOE bursted the other two couldnt loot boss but they are dead.
nice work around until they fix it
Someone here mentioned it already, I’m repeating it for people sorting by new.
Wait for the panderan NPC and the bosses to finish their dialogs before starting the fight = no bug.
I just killed them, figured it out after about 30 resets
https ://imgur.com/a/1fuQ6HA
rook and the chick disappear when their adds are supposed to spawn, so the trick is to nuke them to 0 before they go in their first transition phase (around 67% I believe)
what I did:
avoid all cleave dps, focus on He first. bring him to first transition, kill add, bring him to second transition, kill add again. now he’s ready to be killed, but dont yet.
nuke rook first, because the chick wont go in transition while she is casting so she is easier to take care of.
nuke chick.
finish off he.
pray the fight doesnt reset for whatever reason.
its tricky but possible.
Nuking seems to be the “fix” for the problem.
However, my DPS offspec (unholy) is bad at doing initial bursts of damage, so what I did was bring a destro lock friend who already has the mount and could chaos bolt Rook down quickly.
It’s important to kill them one by one within Rook’s cast window. However, If you choose to cleave, make sure your cleaving attack is strong enough to kill them at the same time (like destro’s havoc + chaos bolt). If you fail to bring either Sun or Rook down to 0 before they phase, you will need to reset the fight.
Also, I understand that having someone else come with you defeats the point of trying to solo the raid. But until we have a fix, this will likely be the only way to clear it for classes with bad burst damage.
Nope. None of these strategies worked for me. Still busted.