The Fallen Protectors @ Siege of Orgrimmar

Yeah, these fixes also aren’t 100% doable for everyone either. Not everyone has the gear or right type of burst class to pull it off. So they’re SOL until Blizzard can maybe figure out how to fix this.

But I will say having no official response on here by now is pretty ridiculous. Again, one of their last blue posts on here was about a stupid Discord problem lol.

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Same issue as everyone else - I’ve been soloing on Mythic for well over a year with no issue until literally this week on the Fallen Protectors. I will ask again - Blizz, please make some kind of a skip to at least the hub for last 5 bosses. No other raid in the game takes so long to clear due to all the running and RP. Most people have all the mogs by now and just want a chance at the mount, and this raid is just so long and tedious. /rant

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WE HAVE NOT FULFILLED OUR OATH!!!:poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:

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I been trying the suggestions here to no avail. For me once they heal up they just go into their immune phase even if brought down to 1HP . It just frustrating that transmog/solo/old content runs are kind of a popular draw in feature of playing the game. I been soloing SoO and others for a while. So bugs like this aren’t new, but as for it take days to a week to get some kind of acknowledgement that there is an issue also feels bad. Bugs happen, even for a small indie dev company, but I wish there was a more “customer service” response saying “ok it broke, we’re gonna fix it. Here’s XYZ for your troubles”. What that could be I am not sure. If the raid was totally borked like this. Would boss themed loot boxes be it? Having a chance to drop xmog/mounts, etc from each boss.


Just tried running it now. Protectors are still bugged. Looks like I have to put off getting the Dark Shaman set and the mount for another week.

I can only hope blizzard is on top of this. I don’t see how an old raid can be buged like that to begin with. some ones gonna get fired for screwing around with the buttons.

also stuck and broken, cant work towards the Riddlers Mind-Worm mount… HALP blizz.

Having the same problem. Only tried on Mythic but its literally impossible to kill the boss right now. The adds spawn in their phases and then the boss gets stuck. Doesn’t matter how fast or slow I kill them.

Just Nuked them down and they died, but had a hard time to achieve this. First killed rook almost oneshotting him, then focused on Sun same thing, and then destroyed the last one as fast as possible, done. they Die. The transition is the problem here, if you do it slowly the 3 adds from Rook won’t spawn, only one of them will, if you do it with sun first, same thing, only one of the shadows spawn. Nuke them down one by one and it’s “doable” not right, not as intended, but doable.

(proof = Imgur + a/9EplE3i)

After this: Norushen works normally


Best comment here. I wish people would stop posting workarounds. They don’t apply to everyone so it’s not really a workaround.

Also having this issue. Blizz, ETA on a fix please?


Same problem, hope blizzard fix this soon!

Having issues with Fallen Protectors. Rook always evades and becomes unattackable, and sometimes She does the same thing.

I had to burst one by one individually, kiling He as the last one

It’s still bugged but at least I figured out how to reset the boss fight. Here’s a video I uploaded just now.

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You can reset it a few way, run up the “stairs” with your back to them He will glitch and reset it. you can demon gate as a lock, vanish as a rogue, faint dead as a hunter and i’m sure there are more ways

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Managed to glitch my way out and onto the next area. Unfortunately, now Norushen is bugged. Sigh…

Not bugged, you can’t skip that boss

Hence, my disclaimer when I posted mine. I figure it’s better to at least post it in case it helps even one person. If it doesn’t work, I’m sorry. Nothing else I can do. But I’m at least trying. We already know they don’t help everyone.

Honestly, it’s better than nothing, and better than the “git gud” comments.

I saw they added some sort of patch. I’ll check and see if it can be done now.

Edit: Still bugged. I guess that small patch was for something else?

I just started having the same problem, its driving me friggin insane