The Fallen Protectors @ Siege of Orgrimmar

This is incorrect. I just got that achievement today.

The only way i was able to do it was as a light forged draenei. Used Lights judgement to 1 shot them.

Yes. Scaling is the reason this bugged. Despite scaling having been in the game for so long, but this JUST NOW messed up this last reset.
I would split your complaints, spell check the post, and then format it from the incoherent mess it is. It’s hard to take you seriously when you have a mess like this together.

What evidence supports that scaling specifically broke this encounter? I’m curious if you’ve got some information not already discussed here. It is pretty clear that the adds not spawning is the direct cause of the bug, but how is scaling related to the adds not spawning then?

They have some really strung-together wording, but I assume they mean because if scaling wasn’t like it is, we’d just be one shotting bosses in SoO by now. And if we could do that, then we could easily bypass this bug.

At least I “think” that’s why they mean. Either way, I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but … well, probably. I know I had an easier time in old raids prior to this latest item squash / scaling fix. But whatever.

Anyway, mainly posting to say I’m really disappointed we haven’t gotten a single blue response on this issue, and reset is tomorrow. This really sucks. :frowning:

Has anyone ID’d a way to go around the bug to be able to farm SOO Mythic Gary? I’d like to continue inflicting emotional damage on myself week after week not getting the Gary mount, but for obvious reasons am unable to continue my masochistic pilgrimage. No but really, is there a fix?

245 Comments and not a single bit of attention from Blizz…why do I still play their games??


For what it’s worth, here’s a +1 for still being bugged.

Hey there, also experiencing this as a mage, can’t use the dot method, and haven’t managed the casting bar message. Really annoying.

bugged for me too

It is bugged for me at well. Same way

same for me :frowning:

Bumping because its also bugged for me :confused:

Just used this method again, this time on Mythic. I’m not even close to being able to one shot them on mythic. I’d say each took 5-10 seconds to bring down and it still worked. It may not work for everyone if you’re not 120, have lower ilvl, or have a lot of ramp up time.


tried to do this, it didn’t work. At least for me, also, im kinda “glad” i’m not the only one, tho it seems this is a recent problem, since i was able to farm this raid before the last patch arrived.

Guess were not finishing SoO this week since its a holiday & Im sure nobody at Blizzard is working on fixing this today.

oh boi i saw u replying just now hehe hey

Tried that strat didnt work. Rook just immunes

Confirmed, this strat will work. Just don’t let the chick finish her cast.

Seems likely that it should be fixed tomorrow… Right?