The fall of Blizzard

Oh no. A large corporation has done things that people don’t like.

Just like every large corporation in existence.

Oh the humanity.

What’s you’re point?

I’m here… therefore the game is great and has no issues?

Logically that argument means it’s impossible to complain because if you’re there to complain it must mean you have no reason to.


So, what actions has Blizzard taken lately to pull them selves back out of the hole they dug?

But, what sacrifices have they done to make profit? It is not hard to make some extra money if you are willing to step on others to get there.

People will continue to play WoW so long as it exists, and most will just look the other way when Blizzard makes a goof and just say “everyone makes mistakes”. But Blizzard is looked at by many as a example of what happens to a company that get to carried away with profits and stops caring about were they came up from.

Blizzard can still make a good game, but they keep pushing them out before they are ready to make profit while the hype is still high.

Put perfectly.

Just cause a player does not agree with the actions of a company does not mean they are just bashing them. If some one is willing to take the time to bring up the issue then they still have hope for that company.

Quick to make assumptions. Have you even looked at the video? No cause you are too cool for that.

So that makes it okay then. So stealing is fine cause so many others do it as well then?

I can think of a certain balding Twitch streamer who would probably agree with you.

really high quality photoshopping for a bait-esque video


Classic filled the revenue gap, as did token sales.

That doesn’t mean retail has gained popularity. It may as well have lost popularity over the same period.

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QUICK! Someone get Blizzard set up with Lifealert!

the guy who couldn’t get out of gold in league and made a video whining about it?
" hurr dur I can’t play taric top anymore cuz imbad "
" riot nerfed broken and unfun champs bc they made people who played against them miserable "
" I tried something in 2018 that worked in 2010 and it didn’t work anymore, I went 0/20, got asked to never do that again and I Cried CUZ THATS SO MEAN :frowning: "

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Thank you from the TLDR version so I can skip it lol.


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So? How does any of that make what he says less true?

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baseless arguments are not true

No king rules forever.

As long as peeps buying products they’ll continue. (Looks at EA.)

That is a huge peeve of mine and many of the video game news guys do that. Blizzard or Bethesda passes gas and yong will do a 15 minute vid on it.

However, all the arguments they make in the video are all documented and well know by the community.

So, it just seems it is a issue of you not like the the Youtuber.

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" Mists bad because subs declined "
" dungeon finder bad because convenience bad "
" player agency " LMAO you can’t make this up
" blizzard bad but at least classic good "
the auction house in Diablo was removed and the game is now lots of fun to play and they’ve fixed a lot of the issues, but none of you play it anymore, just mindlessly quote that the game was bad when it launched, nevermind the fact that Reaper of Souls was delayed to make it better
Nostalrius shutting down is the decline of Blizzard how? guy says it himself, it was illegal, how many accounts were registered is meaningless, Blizzard protecting their ip is bad and shows their decline? wtf?
the only bad thing about Diablo Immortal is the announcement how they did it and how they teased and hyped the community and gave us something we didn’t want was bad, the game itself? idc, not my cup of tea, certainly not the decline of Blizzard
yes, layoffs were awful and not much I can say about it :woman_shrugging: you can certainly make a point for Blizzard becoming much more greedy than in previous years
the blitzchung ban was terrible and they’ve done something about it, reduced his penalty if I’m not mistaken, not sure about the money
warcraft 3 reforged they aknowledged was bad and that they’ll fix it, wonder how many people still check on the game, ah no, they just enjoyed the drama and bashing Blizzard during it’s launch
these talentless youtubers making a 30 minutes video on 5 subjects that could be talked in 5 minutes only to milk ad revenue and pat themselves on the back about creating a controversy between the 5 yo who can’t accept they don’t like the game anymore and instead of quitting will pat each other on the back while bashing a product they don’t enjoy yet still consume it
thanks for making me watch the video now I have cancer :+1:

PS, yeah, I certainly don’t like him, I watched 3 videos of him and in all three he was being an idiotic boomer who seems to believe that him having fun = everyone else having fun
I still cringe at the fact that this guy said with a straight face " I miss Taric top and a lot of people enjoyed that " and what do you know, most of the league community cringed at that aswell, and ignored his stupid video, but I guess he had to try out on a more gullible community

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Somebody could make a 'the fall of the fall of
“insertgamerdeveloperfranchise” ’ youtube videos.

Not agreeing with the content that the creator presents more than fine, everyone makes their own opinions based on what is shown.

However, many of the issue Blizzard has created were based on them trying to do one thing and that is make as much money with out realizing the consequences. They use to be a company that would not release a product until they themselves felt like it was done, but now it all about rushed deadlines to get something out then fixing it after player start having complaints. Making poor Public relation decisions just to save face and not to loose billions.

The period between the last and the upcoming Blizzcon will go down in history as Blizzard’s worst year in terms of public perception. In the last twelve months, the company shut down an entire esports ecosystem, laid off close to 800 people in a single sweep while bragging about their quarterly profits, saw their long-standing CEO Mike Morhaime step down, fired multiple high execs, and announced a mobile game nobody asked for with the most audacious and arrogant rhetoric question a company representative has ever said to its community.

They have gone down that slope of putting profit over the community. The company’s image is endangered, and while the community hopes that the upcoming Blizzcon will be an act of redemption for the company. Yet, the thought process in Irvine seems to be It will all pass. We will all just soon forget and forgive, like we have done with all of their previous mistakes and will flock to the stores to buy the next microwave re-heated game they ‘release’.

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That’s going to put a serious crimp in my stainless steel umbrella business.

You can’t have a monopoly on your own product lol. Now if they owned all the MMO’s and nobody else could make any then that would be a monopoly. Also remember that Wow was at one time a new player to the market yet they grew that market amongst more established people already in the game by providing a better product at a higher price, not a lesser product at a lower price.

On top of that, Blizzard continues to charge a monthly fee while most games in the genre are free to play making it one of the most expensive games. In fact there are many corporations that specialize in high quality, high price items.

Your knowledge of basic economics is quite lacking.

How could you have a monopoly without it being your own product? That’s such an absurd statement.

Patent and copyright are government enforced monopolies on single products or ideas.

Lots of people can sell an album, but only one entity has the monopoly to sell Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” album. You want to buy that you have one choice.

Unless anyone can compete with Blizzard in offering a retail WoW service they are operating as a monopoly in that space.