The fall of Blizzard

Do not own this video but found the topic interesting and the commentary by The Act Man incitement, and could tell he has passion for Blizzard’s games.

It a history of were Blizzard came from to were it faults have gone.


The sky is not falling.


Wth is going on with that wrist?


I’m gonna be shallow and not watch it simply because the commentator’s avatar looks like a sleazebag.


Its actually a decent watch and is more a history of their bad PR moves than anything else.


If by interesting you mean obvious click-bait then yeah, sure.


You can please some of the people all of the time. You can please all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.


Seen one seen them all. A “The Decline of X” is a dime a dozen. But whatever gets them clicks in youtubelands right?


Don’t think you need a video to know that the current Blizzard doesn’t have much of the heart and passion they use too.

After all much of the old guard has left. And now we know everyone else who works there is underpaid, so.


Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the assumption that they have always been underpaid.

I listened to an interview with a very nice gentleman I honestly can’t recall his name off by heart. Pretty much stating he left a comfortable pretty good paying job in NY to come work on Classic for a lot less and take a risk. Even working up to 70 hours a week as they were that passionate about the project and not getting paid accordingly for it.

The people who created the game initially never complained.

I think this is a different mentality of generations. Is it still injustice to not be paid properly? Of course. I wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference between the time. Except, inflation and cost of living. Still these guys never (a majority of them from my understanding) made a comfortable amount of money and it was expressed by several interviews by different people who made Classic.

I am supportive of the people who make us our entertainment getting paid properly but again I feel it’s a game industry issue not just Blizzard. I have known other people who worked in that field and worked long nights also and not get the adequate pay. That was a completely different studio so this very much a common and known thing…

Also not getting a lot of money shouldn’t really determine you have lack or heart and passion too. Being adequately paid would be beneficial to having less stress tho and performing better.

As the corporate entity Blizzard would definitely have no heart and soul to begin with. It’s a business.

Edit: I decided to try and be courteous and try and find this interview again. I believe his name was John Staats. I could be getting the interviews mixed up tho.


Didn’t Preach have a WoW is dying video in 2013?


I’ve seen this video. While he is right about some things he’s also wrong about a lot of other things. The video comes off as extremely melodramatic.

It’s still a video worth watching nonetheless, even though I don’t exactly think he strikes true 100% of the time.

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A sign of success is the hate you receive

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Whenever I see quotes like this my first thought is always “that’s a dumb quote”

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Its not WoW is dying video. It simply shows were Blizzard has made mistakes and how those faults have made Blizzard look.

That title, OP.

Everything, everyone falls. That’s just life. What falls usually comes back up again.

I didn’t watch your video. I have too many to watch and no desire now so maybe later.

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If Blizzard was not a great company, nobody would talk about them or try to copy their games.

I have seen it, Its a very good video by ACT man.

I agree with every point he makes regarding Blizzard’s decline.

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More garbage videos from youtube pundits who profit off of negativity,hard pass.


Blizzard isn’t declining, they are growing and expanding.

Every company makes errors, for fun google the worst fast food promotions in history and you will seriously laugh. It really doesn’t matter, they are not permanent and people tend to forget about it.

Wow is bringing in more money than every before even after all this time according to the earnings report and so far is the most profitable game ever made, above pac man and mario bros. even. It’s at roughly 13 billion so far.

While this guy may have some valid points he is missing the bigger picture and that none of it really matters other then there were some bad ideas. Oh well, move on.

The very fact that there are still enough people interested in Wow for him to consider it worth the time to make a video about shows you that it’s popularity is as strong as ever.