The fall of Blizzard

Its not a bad video and he does touch up on some of Blizzards very bad ideas.

Revenue wise, no

Quality wise, Yes.

I feel that is what ACT man’s main focus in on the video.

That’s not really true either or they wouldn’t be making more money off of their games. They still make great games.

Looks at warcraft 3 reforged


Another person jumping on the hate train. Not impressed. He can’t even get his facts straight >.<

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After how subpar BFA is and how WC3 reforged released I’d wonder if I’m being punked if anyone ever said Blizzard made good games still.


It’s not falling because corporations learned to survive and excel at selling the worst product for the highest price.

So ya, the sky’s not falling, but it’s not a clear blue sky either.


Does that mean every game they make now is bad or they put out a bad title?

They made great games in past. But quality is suffering in recent ones.

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You consider Wow to be the worst mmo on the market huh?

Not according to sales numbers it isn’t.

Did you mean to direct that at me?

Never claimed that. Was just making the point that Activision / Blizzard can survive and profit selling mediocre products. That’s the point of a monopoly/duopoly position. To not have to try.

No you said they make a profit from selling the worst products and since they sell wow you must consider wow the worst product on the market.

And please explain this monopoly you think blizzard has on the market.

I mean, in the video creators defense, at least he hasn’t made it 10min and 1 second long :rofl:

That was generalization of the corporate business model when you have monopoly position, and blizzard has a monopoly position on selling a service to access retail content.

It’s protected by copyright and has 16 years of development and content backing it up which makes it very hard to compete with. Lots of companies can build a better MMO, but they only have a couple months of content and then right back to WoW.

Corporations want the sell the cheapest and worst product they can get away with for the highest possible price. Competition dictates to what degree a corporation can get away with that.

Like seriously, I’m watching this video, and he’s getting pretty much every point wrong. The Activision-Blizzard merger? It was between Activision and Vivendi, Blizzard had no real say in it, and they were promised complete independence, unlike other companies in the Vivendi umbrella, an independence which they still have, something multiple Blizzard developers have confirmed over and over again.

The R.ID on the forums fiasco? A good idea in theory, and at the time I saw why they were going that route, although it was clear that Blizzard underestimated just how far people were willing to go to make sure the plan didn’t happen by directly harassing a Blizzard employee who shared their personal data on the forums.

Blizzard vs Valve? Understandable how Blizzard would raise issue with Valve, who were attempting to use the brand DOTA which was a custom game that owed its success to Blizzard’s own IP.

The ‘decline of WoW’ yeah, okay buddy. Keep smoking whatever it is you’re smoking. WoW has hit some rough patches with some expansions, but the game is still going strong for something that is almost 16 years old. Not many other MMOs that have an active subscription model can say the same. Even the very popular ones like Everquest and Everquest 2 went F2P.

Diablo 3 and the Auction House? Diablo 3 wasn’t actually that bad of a game. Yes it had launch issues. Those were fixed. Yes there was the RMAH, that was removed, and realistically, the game was greatly improved before Reaper of Souls launched, but it was RoS which boosted the reputation of the game in the eyes of many. It’s still one of the most popular ARPGs on the market, with the only competitor being Path of Exiles.

Nostalrius shutdown? Non-issue. It was an illegal private server. Blizzard had every right to nuke it, and they did.

Diablo Immortal? Bad delivery, but Blizzard were responding to the growing demand for mobile gaming. The majority of the hate for the game came from people who didn’t even bother testing it at Blizzcon that year. Those that did? The majority said the game was good, but also said the game wasn’t really for them, but it was something that their kids might play, which was exactly the goal, to bring Diablo to the new generation of gamers, and yes, they play a lot of mobile games.

Layoffs? This has been done to death. Firstly, $7.5 billion in sales =/= $7.5 billion in profit. There’s a clear difference between revenue and profit, which the video creator clearly doesn’t get. Secondly, this was clearly explained at the time when it happened. Acti-Blizz faced an entire year with no major releases, but they still had thousands of developers, across all their subsidiaries, making content for existing games and making new games leading to massive expenditures. Massive expenditures + no major income sources = nuked profitability and potential bankruptcy. Shareholders would not accept that, ever, so Activision-Blizzard did what it could to mitigate the losses by firing non-essential staff. This happens in businesses all over the world, regardless of the industry.

Blitzchung? He broke the rules, he got banned. Simple as that. Admittedly Blizzard Taiwan’s initial ruling was extreme, but it wasn’t because of some ‘kotowing deal with China’ and Blizzard took time to analyze the situation, realize where they made mistakes, and adjust accordingly. Now Blitzchung is back playing Hearthstone, so if the bloke who was the one who mainly got affected by it can get over it, everyone else should too.

Warcraft 3: Reforged? Bad launch, not really that great of a remaster. But Blizzard made it pretty clear well before launch what limitations they had to impose, most of which were the result of feedback from the very people who ripped it to pieces, because they’re the ones who demanded that Blizzard not change the story, they’re the ones who demanded that Blizzard keep the old UI and not implement all the fancy new cutscenes that they originally promised.

Blizzard listened, and they got wrecked for it. If anything this is a classic example of why Blizzard shouldn’t let whingers get in the way of their artistic visions, because when Blizzard gives them what they want, the end result in almost every case is what happened with WC3: Reforged.

So yeah, in short, bloke has no idea what he’s talking about. Another person jumping on the hate train.


Ashton Kutcher was supposed to jump out and say surprise. But they pruned the handle on the closet and he’s been trapped in the transmog wardrobe ever since.

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I don’t really enjoy videos like these because they don’t feel genuine. Most of these guys spend 90% of the time praying for drama and blowing things out of proportion, because it’s what gets them views and pays their bills. Has Blizzard gone through rough patches? For sure. But it’s definitely not as dramatic or crazy as some YouTubers make it out to be imho. Looking at his other videos you can also tell he thrives off this stuff, majority of it is just him bashing on developers, games, and companies. It’s what his audience wants, so he’ll create any sort of narrative to fit that category.

Hey, a unique post!

And yet,you’re still here.