The faction imbalance is going to strangle this game

its hasnt for 15 year and factions dont matter but for pvp.

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This right on the money. In terms of raw population the Alliance has more members from 1-120 but the horde has more at 120. The Horde however generally speaking has more skilled players. We can’t solve the “faction imbalance” even if that is an incorrect name by QQing about it on the forums. OP racials for the Alliance would just shift the issue to the other faction and isn’t a viable solution. The truth of the matter is. The Alliance needs to convince their existing player base to A do more endgame content and B get better at said endgame content. Rather than trying to steal players from the existing Horde population.


Holding up a single server like Emerald Dream is the exception that proves the rule. Just because ONE server is relatively balanced doesnt mean all of them are.

Clearly it can be if the faction imbalance has only gotten worse over the years. If players are switching to Horde for some reason, giving them a reason to come back to Alliance would fix the imbalance.

There is no debate on whether or not faction imbalance is a thing. It is. Objectively. The issue now is deciding whether or not to do anything about it, and what should be done at all.

People saying “Well its imbalanced because more people like playing Horde haha” are missing the forest for the trees. More people ‘like playing Horde’ because thats where most players already are, where most of the plot relevant stories happen, and where most of the high-end PvP and PvE players have already migrated. Saying “Lol just play Alliance then bro” doesnt change the fact that there is simply no reason to beyond aesthetic preference at this point.


I too wished for the announcement of cross-faction grouping for content like raids and m+. However, OP, there really isn’t a faction imbalance, the factions are actually fairly balanced for a metric that is entirely based on customer choice.

What there actually is though is a participation imbalance.

And I do believe that they really need to implement cross-faction grouping if they want this game to survive long term.


Says the human paladin.
Your imagination has no boundaries. /s

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This is completely idiotic. I know so many guilds that have been forced to go horde due to recruitment even alliance mainstays like Midwinter and Scrubbusters top world guilds had to go horde. This problem has passed the tipping point there is no fix for it except allowing cross faction. The gap will continue to accelerate as more and more players tire of having the inability to even pug competent people and either quit or go horde.


This would be true if you could pve cross faction but you can’t so it does matter.

Shouldve just named myself Andooin and rolled on a server called wrynn i guess. Would be up to your standards of “imagination”


You play a human, in a fantasy game.
A human.
in a… fantasy game…

If my standards of imagination is subpar, yours are non-existent.

or… maybe you fantasize about being a human? so you play one? LOL

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How do so many people not understand this problem in this thread? Blizzard has even talked about it and admitted to it…


Elves are overrated.


That is an opinion. and I respect opinions.

They are over-rated, i agree. And that’s why we don’t need more Elves.

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High-end content wise; it;s about 1/5 players are Horde. 80 Horde guilds in the top 100 worldwide.

Would be easier if Blizz just consolidated servers down a bunch. There’s still a ton of Alliance, just spread across a hundred ghost town servers.


just because you don’t like a solution doesn’t mean its idiotic. Crying about it on the forums won’t fix the issue. Do something about it. Take action. Blizzard isn’t going to hold your hand and make everything better grow up.

It’s not a solution and is idiotic. At absolute best at minimum horde has around 20% more players that’s what a 45% to 55% translates to. It’s likely much further apart if you look at group finder the horde literally has double or more of the amount of groups going on average. I should know just how annoying it is to pug since I do it on this alt a lot. The only solution is to allow cross faction grouping we passed the tipping point and the gap is only going to widen at this point.

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I disagree it certainly is a solution. Just one you don’t like. Quit flamebaitting it doesn’t help. Just makes you look argumentative. But, I am going to throw this part out for the sake of having a discussion.
The rest of your post holds some merit. I disagree that cross faction play is the only solution but it is viable. Will more endgame players gravitate to horde? I am fairly certain that is what will happen. Because it has a better established player base for the content.

Gross. I don’t want to carry bad hordes, that’s why they rolled horde.

That is why I am deciding to only play Horde from now on. Too many problems on the Alliance side that won’t get fixed unless Blizzard does something and they basically said they don’t care.

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Once again, we stopped at 3/8M last night without even taking a pull on Ashvane because we were pugging 4 just to get to that point and 2 left because they didn’t know the fight. This is despite my guildmaster tirelessly trying to recruit ANYONE willing to step into Mythic who is reasonably well-geared and has done Heroic Raiding on our “high” population server with a relatively even Horde/Allance ratio.

BTW: Being 3/8M on our server and still actually raiding at this point means we’re in the top 3 of active Alliance guilds on our “high pop” server. Let that one sink in.

I doubt I’ll be here for 8.3… but definately going Horde in Shadowlands if this doesn’t improve.

Meanwhile Blizzard’s answer for the issue seems to be to deny it exists and say nothing.


They said alliance doesn’t pvp not there is no alliance :joy::joy:

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