The faction imbalance is going to strangle this game

Funny enough with all the ermagerd horde bias we couldn’t even put 20 horde together on our server most nights to even raid.

It’s cross realm now, of course, but we’re not pugging people.

Seriously, if all you can do is do profile attacks as counter-arguments against this topic, then you sorely lack substantial substance to your arguments.

Here’s an example on how things have changed.
That is a world ranking of raiding guilds mid TBC. The breakdown for the top 100 is 52 Alliance and 48 Horde.

Now stroll over to WoW progress.
Top 100 consists of:
87 Horde.
13 Alliance.


That’s a you problem, not a faction problem.


It’s not your character. Your achievements are account wide, or are you just that dumb?

You can set your profile to only show achievements per character.

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Imagine :^)


And you would do that for what purpose? Forum larping? Get lost troll.

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Imagine not wanting to back up your claim of playing ‘since beta’.

That’s impossible to do as everything was wiped from beta and achievements weren’t even implemented until WotLK. It is extremely difficult to prove an account has existed since vanilla without a shadow of a doubt.

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No, it’s not. There are still websites that you can track old characters and guilds on and many have old information like that. :slight_smile:

But if you’ve server transferred and have had name changes or deleted your old characters or what not, it makes it hard.

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Tell me your oldest character name and server name that you can remember, if you can’t recall the server that’s okay, I’ll give you the list.

I know warcraftrealms used to have a character history but that appears broken now.

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What relevance does whether someone played since beta have on the conversation?


Both sites I know of are indeed not working, warcraftrealms was one of them. gg

None its a tactical way to degrade a conversation that people don’t want to have or derail a debate.


^Pretty much this. More or less a profile attack.

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No, I am stating there is no evidence to suggest queue times is correlated with population.
Queue times is purely participation, which is what Blizzard was stating.
Perhaps you should read what is stated, rather than reveal your impressive ability to swallow your leg down to the knee.

Soo…it is linked to.participation, not population.

Hint: Blizzard commented pvp and raiding both involve single digit participation numbers.

Another hint: You have no data to tell you how many players sre participating relatove to the population.

Using queue times as evidence of population imbalance is an ingorant argument at best.

Blizzard have literally stated that the queue times were a direct result of participation in pvp queues, and that merc mode was a solution to the low participation from Alliance players.