The faction imbalance is going to strangle this game

Its fairly inaccurate because you have no evidence to suggest a correlation.

Lol. You think queue times for BG’s are just random.

“Yo, horde. Even though even numbers of players want to join, you get to wait 10 times as long for no reason.”

WTF are you on.

Appeal to the stone some more, “There is no correlation because I say there is no correlation.”


Blizzard have commented in the past specifically stating past that queue times for battlegrounds in the LFG tool have a causative link to the number of players queueing, this was the entire pretext for merc mode.


Allowing cross-faction grouping for PvE instances much like how there’s merc mode for PvP would very likely save the alliance guilds that remain.

First, gotta look at how guild recruitment is done. You apply to a guild and can cross server group with them for raids so that the guild can see how you perform before you even have to pay for a server transfer. Also allows for the player to get an idea how the guild is. If it is a fit, then the recruit pays for a server transfer and joins said guild. Their alts aren’t completely cut off as they can still group cross server with their alts as well as grouping with friends on their old server. Total cost: $25.

Currently, in order for a horde player to apply for an alliance guild, they must pay $25+30 in order to just participate in a group with them. So if things don’t work out, they’re out not only the $55 to get there, but they also now must spend another $55 to go back to horde to find another guild. Therefore horde players don’t even entertain the thought of looking at alliance guilds because there’s entirely too much cost, risk, and isolation.

The solution to this problem is two parts. The first is cross-faction grouping within instanced PvE. This way world PvP remains unaffected. The second part is to roll faction transfer service into server transfer service so that it is combined and would simply cost $25 to go anywhere.

Why would this work? Suddenly, all of the drawbacks to swapping factions are significantly reduced and horde players will then consider alliance guilds as potential places to apply to to raid with. It’d be a major boost to alliance guilds in the player pool that they can recruit from.

This would stabilize the alliance community until the devs can figure out additional ways of helping the alliance.


I just find it funny that they implement merc mode for PvP but not PvE. Merc mode helps horde in reducing their queue times but doesn’t really help the alliance while merc mode for PvE would benefit the alliance and the devs don’t want to use it.


Funny, the game was thriving back when Alliance outnumbered Horde 2:1 in the first several years after launch, but it’s dying now because the Horde outnumber Alliance?

We can’t win, apparently.


That never happened.

For all I’ve said on this toopic I haven’t really dwelled on merc mode, but when you think about it Horde had an issue participating in a form of organized content in the game that was caused by their own social choices, and Blizzard created a solution that allowed them to play with Alliance players so they didn’t have to suffer the negative consequences of their choice.

I mean it doesn’t get any more straight forward than that.


Can’t look at the raw numbers.

Back in the beginning, when the Alliance outnumbered the Horde (Though not to the degree you claim), it was an even spread of the community types. Both sides had approximately the same makeup in terms of casuals, raiders, and pvpers and such.

What is different now is the raiders have gone horde for the benefit of better racials at the time and now for better recruitment and more raiding opportunities. Same with PvPers as there’s a fair amount of crossover between raiders and PvPers. This has left the Alliance with a extremely high concentration of casual players who aren’t that interested in either of those activities.

The faction makeups are completely different from one another now and is a major problem.


personally i dont think its going to do anything to the game, because it doesnt really matter what faction you are on. you don’t like it? switch. nothing in this game requires you to be one faction or the other anymore.

Actually it can matter if you have friends as well those who are under budget constraints as it’s rather costly to faction swap and faction swapping cuts you off from your friends/family unless they do the same or you split time and maintain two characters which not everyone has time for.


Have you literally read none of the posts in this thread? Mountains of evidence have been submitted about this specific argument.

Even the most vehement opposition to this solution do not debate whether the problem exists, only how to solve it.


Should also add that the Alliance players are being made to suffer the negative consequences of the social choices of those who went to Horde. So it isn’t even the fault of the Alliance players that are suffering.


You’ve been playing for like 4 years. get lost.

Well I’ve played since the beginning and the faction divide was more like 3:2 Alliance to Horde before blood elves were added.


I mean we can debate the exact numbers until the cows come home. Alliance outnumbered the horde for a very long time, and if we want to be technical the ratio was really only close because of a couple of supremely horde heavy servers. The majority of servers had alliance heavy bias, and this was before cross realm existed.

I’ve been playing this game since beta, the faction divide has never been 2:1 at any point.

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Your achievements don’t show you playing before 2015.

Oh let me guess, this is an alt account?

Also on the topic of trolling.

Literally imagine being 5/8 a month from 2020

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I am thankful that this horrible idea won’t happen any time soon.

The thread literally begins by telling you this character is 4 years old…

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