The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

I applaud the changes.

keep repeating that, one day it might actually happen and then you’ll look really smart!


In this case they went broke, so they are trying to go woke and stay afloat in the death spiral they’ve created for themselves


all i can say about the fishing dude if y"all got kids you know how they are that fishing dude did nothing to offend one irl person who worked at blizz so all i can say good job. go to court quit paying money to solve court cases and let the guilty employees be found guilty instead of getting it shoved under the rug fair punishment is more in line with what im looking for not some panda named master baiter btw that sexual predator list is waiting for your guilty employees as many sit on it lives ruined and not near as bad. if you really care about changing actually do something that matters.

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Troll beards are the ultimate creative content for trolls also let us weild glaives since we are the original users of said weapon thank you

doing something that matters? nah

its a lot easier (and cheaper) to pay interns garbage wages to spend their days censoring the work of the people who built your company in hopes that you get good publicity from gaming journalist rags that are obsessed with sex and race so you can trick investors to squeeze a little more blood from that stone before your company collapses


When they are at it, why don’t we also get some Voidwalker colors (fire red, fel green) to make this look good for once.


Morale only worsens.

Thank you to the devs for finally updating on this situation. I wish it had been sooner though.

I am very happy that incubus options are going to be added! This is how you make things fair. As a woman, I support skimpy armor and sexy stuff as long as it is fair and not super out of place. Men and women should be able to have the choice to flaunt their characters as they choose. I am happy that old armor is not being changed it seems. I hope in the future we get some new stuff like that as an option for both male and female characters. I dislike a lot of the fully covering armor that’s more common nowadays.

I still feel some of the data mined changes are unnecessary but I understand why some of it was changed. I just hope this isn’t a replacement and a distraction for improving the company workplace. I hope in the future things like this are explained better at the beginning in stead of worrying for weeks.


Infantilizing as hell. If a grown adult can’t go about their daily life without becoming upset over seeing “Master Baiter,” they shouldn’t be subject to social situations.

Nobody asked for these changes. Change your culture first. Get rid of the dedicated Bill Cosby Rape Room, then we’ll talk.


At least I can rely on good ole poo collecting quests.

My point is that people are accepting the bs that the devs give us and say “well atleast they are communicating with us” as if thats something that should be praised. It should be basic practice to have communication with your community.


I personally know people who have quit the game in recent time in light of the news of these changes. I’m just 1 person who knows a few people who play WoW. Do you think perhaps its happening with others also?


Glad for the communication.

But few people cared about most of these things. And the succubus thread was a massive troll that should have been obvious.

I’m black. I don’t care about representing myself through the pixels of your game. I’ve never known any actual PoC that cared. I care about the quality of play, of systems, of classes, of encounters. I care about the game being enjoyable enough that I continue to give you my time and money.

I care as a human that your workplace culture is free of harassment and abuse. I care that you don’t pay workers less for things like the potential to get pregnant.

I care that there are problems and bugs and inconsistencies of behavior that have existed for a few years, several years, or most of a decade that you won’t acknowledge much less fix, but that you’ll make the effort to change innocuous content and take the unusual step of communicating about it.


Dollars to donuts someone at Blizzard is feeling really good about there not being a dislike button!


oh I’m sure it is, but not on a scale that will cause the company to go broke. Gamers™ greatly overestimate how many people in the world share their love for saying slurs, threatening women, etc.


I don’t care about the changes but I’m confused about the hypocrisy. You remove a blurry painting because you think it objectifies women but it’s ok for male players to create a female belf wearing a bikini mog so they can stare at it all day. I think this is more a case of people won’t unsub over the paintings etc. but we’ll actually lose money over the mogs. Again I don’t care about the changes or mogs but please don’t act like you care either.


Are you trying to say people opposed to these changes do those things? I really hope not… You seem to be completely ignorant of the real reasons people hate these changes.


What crap. This is the typical corporate red herring garbage where you make meaningless gestures that you hope the ignorant public will interpret as you “caring” about the situation while you ignore the main problem. My sub runs out in 8 days, I will not be renewing.


The communication is appreciated, but the explanation of the editing of the content is disappointing. I do not think this bodes well for the future of the game. Every few years someone new will be in the position to give us their vision of what are appropriate morals and values. I do not want to see the “man behind the curtain” when in Azeroth. This started with Garrosh’s line being edited because someone’s child was playing the game. I have a feeling the child was likely younger than the ESRB rating for the game.