The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

What a bunch of snowflakes lol


Just to be clear the issue is not sex slaves, it is that there were no male sex slaves? Is that your values?

Also lol at these changes while all the horrible and violent parts of the quests are still there.


Thank you Blizzard/WoW Developers. While some changes I may not have agreed with, there are some I have. Regardless, I’m a firm believers that when you (the developing teams) are happy working for Blizzard then you will produce a better quality game people can enjoy. There will always be critics and people not pleased with your choices, but please remember they are the exception. Hopefully people will come back to the game and enjoy it like they used to.

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Well communication is good so we, the customer, have set expectations.

And its fair the devs want the game they work on to be a certain way/promote certain things.

But I dont agree the customers should have to have their product purged because internal developers dont like some of things. Thats not listening to the voice of the customer, and ideally the community shoulda been pinged for feedback prior to just making changes. But oh well. Perhaps its out with the old customers and in with a different batch that aligns with the current dev vision of the wow world.

All i know is no one is ever happy and someone is always offended.

Hmmmm guess its gettin to be that time to go live in the woods as a hermit.


The complete opposite, actually. Its more so they see how pathetic these changes are and don’t want to be part of the game anymore if this is the direction they are going.


Sounds like a couple changes completely unrelated to their gameplay got them all a-quiverin’.

I hope they found their safe space :cry:

How brave of you to stay here on their behalf. This must be difficult for you.


we’re customers, not collaborative work partners. we already have the right to express our satisfaction (or our dissatisfaction) with our wallets.

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Your ignorant attacks on me are well, ignorant. You’re trying to do reverse wokism and it isn’t working. Ignoring the criticism people are making about these changes shows how blind you are. Its more about the fact some people don’t want to be part of something that makes needless changes to things that are not intrinsically offensive. Where does it go from here? What will WoW be like 5 years from now? 10 years from now?


Yes which we can do now we know the direction. But this is like what they did with SL on some level: ignore customers and barrel forward and then lose customers (probably) because of it.

Sourcing customer feedback is a preventative rather than reactionary measure to keep ppl happy and paying. Its not collaborative since im not a developer but its a no brainer to keep customers.

Its their game and they can do w/e they want but like focus groups are done for a reason?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

didn’t read the rest after this comedy bit lmao

I can’t handle it


But how does any of this change internal work culture? That is the real issue. Most if not all resources should be put toward getting 9.1.5 out and work on patch 9.2. Players are and have been leaving in droves. Usually I would give a patch roughly another month in its cycle before the exodus begins. Part of the problem is patch 9.1.5 is nowhere to be seen and at this point feels overdue based on prior releases. Spending resources to do things like changing a few models around or changing women into a bowl of fruit is not creating any new subs or retaining them. Most of my friends and guild have moved onto other games entirely with a small to moderate chance on returning in 9.2 if it revitalizes the game.


Based on the way the playerbase is abandoning WoW, it looks like WoW is evolving the wrong way toward extinction.


Of course you didn’t. You know you’re wrong and make assumptions about people you don’t even know.


Would you accept the changes if they reflected the will of the community?

I think the people who hate the changes enough to leave would still hate them, they’d just blame different people.

Edit: That was a question for Spagooter, not Pyri.

In reply to the WoW Team:
Im glad to see some communication on this so it can help lay to rest assumptions and speculation. Now we know it’s the WoW Team deciding to go through the game to make these changes, that transmog won’t be changed and why the team is changing things. Everyone is going to feel their own way over this, from the wow team to various sorts of paying players.

It would help a lot to have communication happen earlier and more frequently. It would also help to run official polls for paying players, or polls run in game where we could vote on changes like this. Its the Company’s game; we’re paying costumers. Our feedback might help make well rounded choices that include all or help all feel included. At the very least it will give players an opportunity to be and feel heard.

So your values include sl*t shaming? Might as well start calling them Christian family values. I can understand the change to emotes. But the two female images that were altered is the result of some twisted puritanism and it’s just regressive. You’re essentially telling anybody with breasts that they need to cover them because cleavage is offensive. And people have enough issues with body image, they don’t need a company like Blizzard telling them that a woman in a bikini is inappropriate content. This is a bad look for you Blizzard. It makes you look like religious fanatics purging anything unholy from the game.


Pink Void Walker with a feminine voice.

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Good news! Your bikini fans can still wear their bikinis.

What they can’t do is gaze longlingly at a painting of a woman in genie-style costume that was such high quality you couldn’t even tell she was, in fact, wearing light-colored pants.

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Which begs the question what the point of all these changes were in the first place…


thrall still has his joke about sword’s having too much blade, not enough haft. when you removing that?