The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

Here’s hoping. I was genuinely worried they’d remove things like “Mageweave” for the game an anything that showed skin. To be honest I’m not too hopeful for anything like an updated version of that or anything that shows amount of skin that might be seen as “provocative.” It’s real unfortunate too because other games (Like FF14) Manage fishnets and heels without the playerbase losing their mind and sparking outrage.

Here’s hoping the takeaway from Blizzard’s recent troubles isn’t “replace all future armor with head to toe burlap/plate.”


Blizzard’s workplace has been infected by the D.I.E. religious cult. There is no going back.

If you feel strongly against this your best bet is to ubsub and never look back.

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Please … Red eye colors for the Blood elves - Dark Ranger things :heart:
Thank you


FF14 achieves that through normalization, it is so common to see characters with sexy transmog/glamour that at the end of the day it lacks importance, you get saturated and stop drawing your attention, it is the ridiculous transmog/glamour that attract the most attention (and good bards, god bless the good bards).

In the square of Limsa Lominsa on my server there are dancers in sexy glamour all the time (even I have the glamor of a striper in me male character to join the dancers), and you know what? nobody really cares, because it is normal.

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“we want to ensure that we’re offering a wide range of options for players to represent themselves. This work is ongoing alongside our development of new content and features.”

I’ll believe that when I see new skimpy mogs added, because now I’d be thinking you’d only be adding or changing things that might be offensive to a small part of the playerbase.

I didn’t understand the jokes part. Do all jokes need to be inclusive? Those are your views of the company and well, is your company and that’s alright, I just feel some things might be held back when trying to always be inclusive.

Though these are jokes and , well, as long as the story is not held back or impacted because forcing yourselves to be 100% inclusives (I do support inclusivity, it’s needed).

Oh and please, when you’re making another lovers story, also add a romantic story of a Void Elf with a Blood Elf. Especially the Magister that’s with Lorthemar with a cute or dark female Void Elf Shadow Priest or something.

Now that’d be a couple story drama I’d be willing to read. :eyes:

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Starting a new game: Any time somebody uses the new buzzword of “puritanical,” you take a drink.

Taking out references like Master Baiter is just dumb.

To put it to the extreme, soon we wont be able to pvp because hurting each other and being violent to others.

I know its a act of distraction and “look, we care!” … but this is going too far. I thought Erolyssa said it very well. The dirty jokes are so much fun to stumble upon. Even Disney does jokes that fly by kids but grownups giggle at.

And if they remove the poop quests I will be sad, they are ew, but hilarious. I always wonder if the people creating those were laughing their asses off while creating them, its a fun thought. And its funny that there always is at least one poop quest in every expansion xD

Its not for everyone, I understand that, but if you feel grossed out, then by all means, skip it. Blizzard is never going to be able to please everyone on things like these and I agree that somethings you just have to get over as an adult and let those who enjoy it enjoy. Chances are there are things you enjoy that many others highly dislike anyways.

We got to stop this culture of being offended by everything ever. Its destroying everything for everyone.

Incubus is a win imo everything else I don’t care about🥳

My fear is new policy becomes SOP. NOt boding well really.

I know some go does there need to be inneundo? Yes. Sometimes humor like this timed and delivered well has its place.

I mean I like my jokes about higgs-boson particles going to church and being refused entry. To which they reply but you can’t have mass without me.

BUt this humor is kind of esoteric admittedly. and yeah…sometimes a perfectly timed “that’s what what she said” hits that right chord for a chuckle much better really.


Its new culture that progression like to used to wield power. Its not going away anytime soon.


We’re covering women up and turning them to fruit, but oh hey look, a male sex demon for you to enjoy!


No, violence it’s accepted and used in the story often.

Dad jokes someone might find offensive though? Yeah, that’s not a line they’re willing to cross anymore.

More like “We’re still probably keeping up the questionable practices in the company, but look! A bowl of fruit and an incubus!”


It’s incredibly hypocritical, but it is what it is :rofl:


Guys if ur creepy old or like to partake in bro culture go play Second Life
Ur behavior is normalized there
Have fun fellow Bros
May we forever oink like swine amongst men

Good point.

I’ve seen people here go no need to worry see they aren’t going mess with things like skimpy mogs.

They don’t get that " don’t intend" is not the same as saying Blizz saying they won’t or they would never remove things like skimpy mogs. It means at this time they are safe but we could change our minds at any time.

If they do change it and people say you said you weren’t going to change cosmetics all they have to say is "we never said we wouldn’t, we said we don’t intend to and at the time we didn’t.


Perfection. Thanks for sharing updates :slight_smile:

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Its only good if they are willing to pay attention to feedback and suggestions . If they just make stubborn blueposts saying we are doing this and the game is going in this direction then its pointless.

ShuTFU. Get outta here with these lame notes.


I think you mean Devolution.


Surely it wont, but its not a healthy one that I enjoy…