I don’t know about that bear business lol but it does seem weird to remove a painting with clevage but let players run around nearly naked.
How do you reason that?
People seem to be well aware they “updated” things alright.
That’s the thing. I feel like they already were for quite a while now… so that’s why I have a hard time understanding with them tampering with old content. Legion was a very progressive beautiful expansion. I feel like everyone got represented equally. We had Thalyssra and Elisande. (I love Suramar still to this day.) They had some great male characters there too Oculeth and Arluin.
I really dug the whole Velen and Kil’Jaeden story. Khadgar was pretty funny the whole time.
(I realize I might get a negative look for saying these things. I like a balance.)
This was a case of pressing a great narrative and being “progressive.” In the right way. The non-abusive, non-demoralizing way. (I don’t know why it kept coming across they were trying to purposefully antagonize the customers… )
In reality the plethora of content and rewards were what made that expansion so good but still.
BFA was “progressive” too. Yet where the hatred started coming in at… I’m going to be honest, I felt like the ladies started overshadowing the guys a bit. Still we had a couple of great male characters in there. I was personally happy with the tiny bit of Azshara and Nzoth content we did receive. Jaina absolved pretty much the entirety of the Alliance story. Which I didn’t complain that much… just that I felt it was a Disney rip off. Lately I been a bit more vocal of putting that particular character on the back burner as I been seeing them a lot again in this expansion. (Over exposure can be a downer, pretty much what happened to Sylvanas…)
Where the narrative turned south is with Sylvanas and Saurfang. People were upset they were sold a patriotic Sylvanas (trailer) and she became a “mustache twirling villain.” People were upset Saurfang seemed weak and I read comments about them feeling like he was a traitor. So a lot of hostility came in at this point. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t enjoyable characters or story besides the main plot. It just happened to be the main plot upset a lot of people. Oh and I read a lot of complaints about Nathanos…
The point that I am trying to make is they already went this route before multiple lawsuits. If I was that company I would be pointing the courts to the work that has been conducted in the last five years. (In reality probably longer, take in the amount of work beforehand. However long that took…)
Again I don’t see the need to tamper with old content because of this. Also the game has been progressive for a while… I can’t say the same for what transpires inside the work environment. As I would personally have no idea… still the players shouldn’t be punished for misbehavior there.
Yes, I am going on about the narrative but the reality is the systems, hollow unrewarding grinds of borrowed player power. (I know many players that just want to play mindless content and don’t really pay attention to the narrative at all.) They are aware of this. Worldwide media outlets are aware, so they are aware.
I don’t think it helps they barely gave any rewards/incentives the past two expansions for whatever reasons?? They are already trying to rectify this with the current raid. We got some nice weapons. I hope they can move onto armors, like I have been hearing. I also heard they are wanting to lift restraints on being tied to covenants. So they are actually trying to address some of the real issues that I would assume you are speaking of.
I really feel like a lot of the content we lost for this expansion would be nice to have back. Leisure activities, a nice new big PVP map would be nice. Big group activities in general are nice. Making the hamster wheel not feel as unrewarding. (trust me it is possible) I would like player choice in selecting zones next time. (I enjoy not being tied in with the narrative and exploring the world.) I understand the reality that we will not get these fixes this expansion. Still they can start making the small changes (that can precede over into the next expansion) and let us enjoy this current expansion to its fullest capability. (As believe it or not, there is some really great things about this expansion. People are welcome to disagree, but it’s just not how I feel.)
Sidenote: I don’t care about the incubus much. I see some people complaining and poking fun already. I think it fits the class fantasy so I don’t see the harm. I can’t say the same for something else they released for paladins. Ya, I brought that back up. It’s whatever tho.
I mean my Void Elf’s Heritage armor chest piece is literally a bra.
Honestly, I don’t know why you would bother with 1 thing and exclude the other 99 things that are far worse. Maybe they are just testing the waters to see what they can get away with and down the line implement worse and worse ideas…
I mostly agree. And as a cis gendered, white, male, I’m honestly excited for the incubus as well.
Part of the fantasy genre is sexuality. That’s not to say it should be the focus but when you start covering up females in art in a way that makes it appear as your stance is “women should cover themselves up” and that their sexuality is something that’s wrong - that’s a problem. Jaina having cleavage and old paintings having cleavage isn’t demeaning to women it’s not saying they’re lesser then men. Just do the opposite. Have some art/outfits that shine light on appealing male figures etc. The incubus is a great idea to help balance out that mature feeling, I’m glad that’s what you guys came to instead of “remove succubi” which I honestly felt was on the table.
It shouldn’t feel like modern day political agendas are being pushed in a fantasy game. If that happens and that’s the way you start to make games you’re making a reality sim. If everything has to be modern day politically acceptable then all the different races, cultures, etc are going to feel the same and boring.
For example; you mean to tell me a race like the Night Elves who are all about nature and live for thousands of years find showing skin to be a taboo? I’d like to think their values and maturity for living so long gives them different opinions on that. What about tougher, warrior-like races such as orcs. You think they’re not going to demean, insult, and name call people cough cough Garrosh and Sylvanas quest people who they think are the scum of the earth? That was entirely in character for Garrosh to call her what he called her and we were told that it was “too demeaning” or “Not in character” like. Yeah, it’s demeaning. He was demeaning her. A fantasy character was demeaning/insulting another fantasy character…
The more you censor the less “fantasy” you get. I’m still waiting for things like Black Mageweave to be altered/removed in game. Sadder yet, we’ll likely never see updated armor versions of that or anything that shows any bit of skin after all this. The guys in -your- company and the higher ups allowed what happened to happen. That doesn’t mean everyone else in the world are like them or that we all need to be scolded, told we’re wrong/bad people because we’re not offended by mature themes.
Either way, I hope all this nonsense stops soon. Making people feel welcomed is a noble goal but at the end of the day people need to realize, everyone is offended now-a-days. You can’t placate them all or you’ll be left with nothing fun or thought provoking. Any mature topic will inevitably “offend” someone, that doesn’t mean avoid them.
Just don’t go overboard and sanitize the game. Removing art and turning the game into a 3+ age rating will kill the setting.
Incubus is great.
What’s not great is the multiple instances of confusion of the word consort. A consort is a royal spouse, that’s it. Korialstraz, Alexstrasza’s consort, makes sense. The Twin Consorts, makes sense. The Twin Empyreans, does not. Renaming a mob called Concubine to Zealous Consort, again, does not make sense. Zealous Concubine, would make more sense, but just calling both mobs Zealous Paramour would make even more sense.
The fact that this all came from internal polling of the WoW team… I don’t even know really what to say. Do they know they are working on a Fantasy game? Or is the thought from the team now that WoW should be a Middle-America puritanical experience where sexy = bad?
Not sure what kind of double think you guys are going through where slightly evocative pictures warrant change in a world that explicitly encourages murder and war. Maybe these developers should work on another game if their sensibilities are this paper-thin?
I guess I just don’t really identify with whatever theme/values this game company is now, and don’t see myself excited about any work that is done in the future.
I want to see real change come from actual company culture and workplace policies that respect worker’s rights and equal pay. Not the sanitization of this game as a superficial gesture of “change”.
Equal pay for all, end the toxic work culture needs to happen. Real change needs to happen in the company itself, and based on what some employees have said on Twitter…there is a very long ways still to go.
I just want to touch on one thing.
We also want players to be able to express themselves through their characters, so we don’t intend to change existing player looks or cosmetics. Instead, we want to ensure that we’re offering a wide range of options for players to represent themselves
While I’m relieved to hear that yall aren’t “intending” to change existing mog options, what is included in the “wide range of options for players to represent themselves?”. Genuinely curious. In a world where yall were so hyped about all the customization options players were given, we are legit forced to use outdated decade+ old stuff if we want to show off our tribal markings for trolls, or tattoos for Mag’har Orcs, etc… If you truly care about letting players express ourselves, we really need more options for armor. Everything doesn’t have to be covered head to toe like a nun. Let us show off some skin with newer sets so that we can show off our customization.
So that we can truly express ourselves in armor that isn’t a pixelated mess.
TLDR: We still need more skimp, doubly so if letting players express ourselves is so important.
I like this, but the part about letting us be creative with our characters sticks out.
We still only have one body type per gender. A human mage that’s a guy is still built like a hand made entirely of thumbs. Draenei men’s legs are too twiggy to support their ridiculous bulk. Forsaken can still only be human, despite all the races risen by the Scourge.
Finally letting us play other human races and control colors and things is a good first step, but Kul’tirans and Pandaren remain the only fat races, the only female body type outside of the Kul’tirans is Hourglass, and the only male body type outside the Kul’Tirans, Pandaren, and Vulpera is Brute Squad.
I’d really like to see one or two meshes down the road. I’ve been playing for 14 years, y’all. It’s time for innovation.
Yeah, things will go smoothly but not for the employees. Hey at least they got their changes in game to make them feel good.
Thank goodness I am not the only one with this problem! Most of the gear (80% or more) in this game is horrific looking!
World of Carebearcraft!
Who are these people that had a problem with what you are changing in game? I am sure Ravenholdt just gets so much traffic that someone is just beside themselves about a fuzzy old art asset. Let’s be real here. They had a problem with your employees and how you dealt with known issues. Anyone who may of had a problem with things in game you are trying to change, likely already left when the lawsuit was reveled. It is clear to people that these changes don’t in fact represent who Blizzard is and is nothing more than pandering.
Hey guys! Glad you are making more cosmetic changes in the future to let us represent our characters in a more unique way. There are some hairstyles like long hair/short hair that you could add some extra coloring to it, add a pony tails to long haired options, add accessories to it etc. There are some really cool bald options that fit some characters BUT why not add the same looking hairstyle without the bald spot for example, you could easily add braids for other styles, or add as updo/loose hair options of the same hairstyle. I think this is pretty simple and would add A LOT of more options for us to play with. Sometimes you like the haircut but the helm/head decoration you are using in your head slot or chest piece hides part of the haircut or clips it, which looks pretty bad and it forces you to change it. (this is not interesting or cool for some people but HEY everyone loves customatization) This would fix a lot of problems with transmog and will help us look more unique. Imagine having vrykul style beards/hairstyles for humans, more feral options for worgen (maybe add another posture). Addin sub races like half elves/half humans (like Aragon son of Turalyon) Half orc/ogree like rexxar? i don’t know i think the potential is there. I would love to see more class accessories added. quivers, books etc. And i think its time to consider adding animations to class/specs that use staffs, wands, daggers, swords, specially for casters! imagine using your weapon while casting your spells. Most of this items are just there doing nothing for you. It would be awesome if we could see spell animation changing depending the weapon you are using.
The more customizations you add the better! is never enough and your art team is amazing. I honestly think we can use more beards, tattoos, makeup, markings, skars, etc. but specially hairstyles. I always wanted to make a barbarian human character and you really can’t because the options are more “classy”, “civilized”? that just don’t fit the idea.
Something that i think its important to fix is the way some items look on current models. I noticed (since we got new models back in WoD) that some pieces look pretty bad things like shoulders and helms for example look bigger/shotter on my characters.
Example: The plate helm from the DK starting area: Acherus Knight’s Hood Before you could see the dk’s glowing eyes through the helmet leaving a mysterious shadow underneath. Since the new models were added, the helmet looks bigger, disproportionate and the light of the eyes does not stand out in that characteristic way that I enjoyed very much. The helmet looks like poor quality and badly proportioned now, especially on more humanoid races.
The Lawsuit appears to be very damaging and they’re trying to save face. But what they failed to realize what they’re doing is also very damaging. Political Correctness has no places in video games like WoW and going to make more players leave this game.
The original makers are gone so changing their work is like mobs tearing down statues. You change nothing but in your mind thinking you are doing good.