The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

Which is soulless speak for pandering to the lowest common denominator on Reddit and Twitter, to people that will probably never will play our game, but insist their ideals should be implemented.

Due to lack of personal accountability, we’re censoring anything over a G rating because it will surely entertain the children that are playing our game never.


After letting a day go by and clearing my mind, I have decided to leave a clearer and more positive feedback.

First I want to clarify that several changes you have made concern me. I am an anti-censorship person in many aspects but especially with regard to the body, because I consider that there is nothing wrong with the body so that it shouldn’t be censored. If you really care about the behavior of your community, be more active and moderate it instead of censoring the game.

With that out of the way.

I would like to see more customization and freedom of expression for the players, give us the options we need to express ourselves through our characters, these do not need to be only in the character creator, things like being able to unlock different hairstyles or other options customization through events or missions should be possible.

Do not be afraid of the possible bad behavior of your players when using these expression characteristics; If an orc wants to go with a dress for the life and someone bullied him, sanction the bully, let people express themselves through all kinds of clothing, revealing or not. And most importantly for this to work, be more active in moderating the community.

With that said, go wild with whatever you want to do, as long as this is not censorship, please. This is a fantasy world and many of us use it to express ourselves in ways that reality and society directly or indirectly do not allow us.

Now a small list of things that I personally would like to see in the future:

  • More customization options in the form of hairstyles, accessories and makeup. None of this has to be based on the character creator, it could perfectly be unlockable content through new and old ingame content.

  • More diversity in armor, yes, I mean more sexy armor where it makes sense, and also more “beautiful” armor instead of “rude” and that everyone uses the transmog system to dress as they like best.

  • Housing, this is something that has been asked for a long time and is an excellent form of self-expression, a source of collectibles and a way to revitalize professions and content both old and new through the search for items, whether furniture is drop directly or optein through farmeable material for professions. Also is a more private environment to perform any form of RP that the players decide without disturbing others.

To closing, I wish you all the best, I may not be playing right now and I am disappointed in the game, but I honestly hope you can get better and make it a place worth returning to.


I think it’s pretty fair that they’re giving us emotes in place of the ones being taken away that are more positive.

I’d also point out that you can /e anything you’d like if you want to macro the old emotes into the game.

Changes should be done AFTER making an announcement of when and why they’ll happen so your community is in the loop. Not the other way around.
This is what makes me absolutely livid.

At this point, with how much you’ve screwed over the community, this blue post looks more and more like a “no wait please come back” than a legit explanation. You’re not sorry. You don’t care about your employees, and the only ones who do understand are the victims themselves.

I, on the other hand, feel sorry for the poor community manager that had to make this thread, full knowing no one (except for a few sheep) were going to be pleased and accept this… “apology”. It’s too late for apologies. You know that one guy from South Park where he says “we’re sorry” multiple times but it doesn’t feel genuine? Yeah. That’s you, Blizzard.

It’s one thing to remove NPCs or other means of idolizing employees that became problematic, but the focus on fixing shouldn’t be these small bits of things no one cares about. It’s wasted development time that could be better suited for 9.1.5 clean up and 9.2 production.

Focus your attention on what REALLY matters. If the work place conditions are improved, the update quality improves. You can’t shortcut this. It’s embarrassing that your own community has to explain this while the company itself doesn’t comprehend it at all.


Eh kind of sad to see Blizzard going full woke. I mean there are so many easier and better options Blizzard could have taken instead…
1.) Increase ignore list size to infinity
2.) Add the option for account wide ignore for characters annoying players.

Other options could have included leaving in moan/groan/spit but making them emote that only the using player could see. Give you the satisfaction of flipping someone the bird without them having to know you did… (sometimes just the thought counts! and we’re all about imagination!)

I mean are we now going to remove all of the dwarf drink jokes because someone has suffered from alcoholism in the past and it traumatizes them to hear a dwarf joke? I mean I feel like some of these changes being made are already so knit picky that I wouldn’t be surprised if the joke above wasn’t done by some staff member who again just has no idea what really exceed a line for offensive…

I’m sad to see Blizzard lose its back bone to stand up to the woke culture, all I gotta say is that I’m glad I don’t pay for this game with real dollar bills because to me, I don’t think it is worth it to me in its current state…

I think the entire company is imploding with lack of direction and consistency and as many have said it is sad to see the wow killer was wow itself…


But…What about the bots?

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The bots… What about them?

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So they game will continue to be about war, killing, gore, murder and demons but the women in game will have to meet the regressive puritan standards of the 1800s Catholic Church and Islam, wonderful.

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Woke culture is cancer that becomes terminal.


exactly! easy changes that can really boost player ability to customize their characters

The evolution of Creative died with Wrath. Ever since then it has been a slow death of WoW and more so recently.

The post should be “How can we save WoW”

I’m sure some people will be glad we are regressing back towards more puritanical times. They will even convince themselves (and attempt to convince others) that this is a good, empowering thing motivated by caring about others. Regressives actually believing they are progressives. Brilliant.


Assuming anyone from Blizzard is actually reading the thread this far in, the changes made recently are obviously shallow as they don’t accomplish anything but serve as tokens of virtue after a scandal came out. Changing a painting of a woman into a bowl of fruit won’t make the game more welcoming, people aren’t quitting the game because they saw a scantily clad woman but because of toxic players and game design/systems.


so we are going to stop doing things like representing LGBTQ and at the same time banning people for representing the Hong Kong protests right?

I am afraid they will continue to ignore our feedback. Whatever they had set in motion they will focus on that. So yea their statement is hollow and I think it will get worse before it’s gets better.

Nope, they’re going continue do that and support China.


We’ll know if their serious or if they are just playing lip service when we see what is removed and just how selective the removals are. If it all is targeted again and again at specific things, while letting other things slide? Yeah. Bail. If they take a scalpel with equal impunity to all things, might be worth giving them a shot.

Maldraxxus and a couple other things I won’t mention, will be the ultimate test of how honest or unbiased this internal team is. Let’s see if they’ll drop the NPC in the name of equal enforcement of company rules, or if some things get a pass because certain proclivities / bio-features = immunity to company policy.

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Oh please, they only addressed it because they noticed how angry people were about it.

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The only thing I like about this is incubus pet for locks. It’s about time.

I mean, that’s a given?

Why would they officially address something that no one cares about?

That’s like saying I only drank water cause my body was screaming for it.

Sure but saying they did it out of respect for the players is reaching that’s all I’m saying and just my opinion. Yours may differ and that’s cool we all see things the way we see them.

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