The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

Title is misleading should say “The Devolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft”


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Indeed, I will be bereft of my creative prowess without the ability to /fart on people.

World of Warcraft is meant to evolve over time

With Social justice and PC? No one wants that in their game, they play WoW to escape realism because RL suck atm and bring it into game make this game unenjoyable.

Goofy jokes and occasional mature innuendos are part of WoW, and probably always will be. Still, we want to remain mindful of whether certain elements of that world are welcoming to all players. In short, we want our jokes to be inclusive and not punch down.

That wasn’t problem the problem with this game. Why fix something that wasn’t broken to begin with??? Why do we need to change names like “Twin Consorts” which there nothing wrong with that name? Big love rocket, ok that I can understand that.

Occasionally, when determining whether to adjust content, there can be circumstances that further complicate our decision-making. For example, some of the art that populates our world is often re-used throughout the game. To be certain that we don’t have any instances in which this art appears in a way that is not respectful, in some cases, we might opt to replace specific elements entirely. It’s important to us that we ensure Azeroth is the best place it can be for everyone, and we will continue to improve our processes when it comes to this kind of decision-making.

So let’s get rid of a painting of sexy woman because it offend women? That’s called art and no one was offended by expect SJW who are activist who should been ignored 100%.

We also want players to be able to express themselves through their characters, so we don’t intend to change existing player looks or cosmetics.

It will be a death sentence for this game to get rid bikini armor and you thought the backlash of removal flight in WoD was bad, you ain’t see nothing. Why? Because believe it or not, Women who do played this game love that armor set.

improvement is the creation of an incubus demon, which we can add to places where succubus models currently appear. We’re also planning to make the incubus a glyphable option for Warlocks when they summon that classification of demon.

So a male succubus as a glyph? ok. fine w/e So long you don’t touch female succubus or Shivarras’ appearances I be ok with it.

As WoW continues to evolve and grow, we’ll keep discussing, reviewing, and acting on this kind of feedback. As always, we’re immeasurably grateful for your input, and we hope you keep it coming

If you continue go down the woke route, things will end badly for you just to pleases the small crowd that doesn’t care about your game. I understand you do what’s right because damaging from lawsuit but what you’re doing is not making the game any better. We want to have fun content and those players who can’t raid and wanted to have some solo content to challenge and to have fun. We to see better loot system, its frustrating for all us who had raiding or dungeons trying to get some loot from some of bosses and all we get is anima which we don’t need anymore. We want see good story like you had done up to Lich King. let face it, both story for Tyrande and Sylvanas were god awful.

WoW is my 2nd home but what you’re doing is not going bring back all the players that you had lost. You should really start listening to community we are ones who playing subs for this not twitter, not reddit or no some random youtubers who wanted the clicks. Learn your mistakes but fix what wasn’t broken or you see more people leave this game.


what you mean?

Honestly I find the emote changes eyeroll worthy too, but you guys are more melodramatic than a bunch of middle-school K-Pop stans that just learned their favourite group is breaking up.

I say more revealing pieces period. :smiley:


Oh, Blizzard. You guys went full clown circus this time, haven’t you? Did ol’ uncle Bobby decide to castrate the entire company as punishment for your recent disgusting behavior?

That won’t change much. People ain’t gonna forget all the sexual abuse, specially now that we have a little reminder everywhere we look.

One should never go full clown.


And the gold medal for “rationalizing away my moral discomfort” goes to…

Actually the two are rather close together with Blizzard adding that they are sadistic torturers.

Sayaad - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

Succubi revel in causing anguish, and serve the Burning Legion by conducting nightmarish interrogations.[6] Creatures of incredible mental powers, they can lull those of weak minds into their servitude.[7] Succubi know much about love[8] and slake their lust with coupling.[9] They are described as devourers of souls, destroyers of hearts, dominators of minds, and tempters of men.[10][11]

Succubus - Wikipedia

A succubus is a demon or supernatural entity in folklore, in female form, that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity. According to religious traditions, repeated sexual activity with a succubus can cause poor physical or mental health, even death.

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So just to be clear, removing low poly paintings of women vs. adding a demon who in folklore rapes women. Would you say that is hypocritical?


Imagine waiting years for the SJWs to ‘take over’ with the woke and constantly being primed to fight back by all the grifters howling doom and gloom for a decade. And the day finally happens where the woke invades and you can finally point to it and say ‘I told you so!!!’

And it’s fart emotes.


And the point of my statement was to repeat that they were changing things because it’s what they themselves want to do, not because their revised creative vision is still imperfect after a whole two weeks.

Over the last few weeks, artists and writers across the WoW team have updated a small number of old quests, art assets, names, and dialogue that we identified as outdated and inconsistent with our values as a team.

“First, they came for the /farters, and I did not speak out—because I was not a /farter.”

“Punching Down” is one of those terms that has become increasingly ironic as its use has been broadened.


Seriously though, imagine trying to explain that to a normal person. That you’re angry at Blizzard for altering fart emotes in their 17 year old online game. That this is the invasion of wokeness.


Honestly you can’t. They’d laugh at you.

Seriously. It’s an activity men & women enjoy. It’s not sexist, it’s a little immature but not in a bad way.

There’s a difference between prudishness (which is what this removal in particular is) which has no place in any fantasy setting I want to be involved in AND removing stuff actually demeaning or offensive to women.

I’m a woman and jokes about bodily activities don’t offend me!

If you have a woman or man developer who is a prude and offended by stuff like that fishing guy’s name then maybe suggest they find a line of work on kids games? Or maybe leave the industry because lots of kids creators in gaming and older media love inserting dirty references that fly over kids heads but which adults chuckle at.

Learn the difference please and respect your employees enough to be able to say “no, that’s not an instance of sexism and won’t be removed, we’re sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable or the poop quests gross you out but you’re an adult and you design games for other adults and need to be able to handle some crude stuff, some blood, some gross things, if you can’t stand it, you’re welcome to leave development and become an accountant for a church”.

For the record neither does the presence of concubines and similar themes though I do appreciate you adding male versions and very much appreciate us finally getting an incubus.

What I would also appreciate as a woman would be more sexy armor or HD remasters of Vanilla era stuff. Oh and that such stuff looks sexy on male and female character models, you know what I’m talking about with that ridiculous differences between the Glorious/Jade sets on male and female characters.


This is the first time I’ve ever encountered the phase. Am I so far behind the times the buzzwords are lapping me?

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“But, guys, you don’t understand! They changed THE BIG LOVE ROCKET!!!”

“They did a what with a who now?”